Union Catalogue

All records for Stockholm University Library (Stockholms universitetsbibliotek) (2104 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Caroli Linnaei Systema naturae : a photographic facsimile of the first volume of the tenth edition (1758) : Regnum animale Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 3950 British Museum (Natural History) 1939 Digital version available
Linnaeus and the species concept Ramsbottom, John, 1885-1974 4389 Linnaean Society of London 1938 Digital version available
The "Critica botanica" of Linnæus / translated by the late Sir Arthur Hort ; revised by Miss M.L. Green ; with an introduction by Sir Arthur W. Hill ... Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 3919 The Ray society 1938 Digital version available
Linnaeus, Valltravers, and Demidoff / by Frank R. Lewis Lewis, Frank R. 4507 1938 Digital version available
Exhibition of a selection from the Linnaean collections and the society's archives : 150th anniversary celebrations May 1938 / The Linnean Society of London. 4590 The Linnean society of London 1938 Digital version available
Linnaeus, the first modern botanist / Harold St John. St John, Harold 4617 1938 Digital version available
Linnéforskaren Ewald Ährling : ett hundraårsminne / [Arvid Hj. Uggla] Uggla, Arvid Hjalmar, 1883-1964 4497 Svenska Linné-sällskapet 1937 Digital version available
Linnéminnena i Upsala och på Hammarby : vägvisare Sernander, Rutger, 1866-1944 4393 Almqvist & Wiksell 1937 Digital version available
Studies in Linnaean synonymy. 2, Sir James Edward Smith and the Linnaean herbarium Savage, Spencer 919ha 1937 Digital version available
Catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of the Linnean Society of London P. 2 Caroli Linnæi determinationes in hortum siccum Joachimi Burseri / ed. by Spencer Savage. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 Savage, Spencer 620b Linnéan Society of London 1937 Digital version available
Linnés Hammarby : vägvisare Sernander, Rutger, 1866-1944 4392 Almqvist & Wiksell 1936 Digital version available
Hartekamp på Linnés tid och dess senare öden : efter en uppsats / av Leonard F. Springer Springer, Leonard F. 4828 Svenska Linné-sällskapet 1936 Digital version available
Carl von Linné und das Problem der Entstehung der Arten / Max Westenhöfer Westenhöfer, Max 4585 1936 Digital version available
An index to the authors (other than Linnæus) mentioned in the Catalogue of the works of Linnæus preserved in the Libraries of the British Museum / British Museum. 3677* British Museum 1936 Digital version available
Des Bauern in Ziegenhain Adam Dietrich Beziehungen zu Linné / Günther Schmid Schmid, Günther 4511 Neuenhahn 1936 Digital version available
Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit : (Geb. zu Danzig 24. mai 1686; gest. im Haag 16. Sept. 1736) : (mit 13 Abbildungen) / von Ernst Cohen und W. A. T. Cohen-De Meester Cohen, Ernst, 1869-1944 4503 N.V. Noord-Hollandsche Utigevers-Maatschappij 1936 Digital version available
Linnæus in England / by Arvid H. J. Uggla Uggla, Arvid Hjalmar, 1883-1964 4820 Swedish chamber of commerce 1936 Digital version available
Catalogue of the exhibition of books to be held in a locality of the Royal Zoological Institution "Natura Artis Magistra" : comprising: I. Botanical incunabula (collection Dr. F. W. T. Hunger). II. Linnaeana, exhibited on occasion of the bicentenary of Linnés "Systema naturae", ed. I (mainly from the collections of Dr. D. Mac Gillavry and of 'Natura Artis Magistra' Amsterdam). III. Books quoted in Dr. Sirks historical introduction to his "Botany in the Netherlands 4469 1935 Digital version available
Råshult och Stenbrohult : där Linné föddes och växte upp : kort historik och vägledning / utg. av Hembygdsföreningen Linné i Stenbrohult. Virdestam, Gotthard, 1893-1937 4652 Smålandsposten 1935 Digital version available
Exhibit illustrating Linnæus's development as a botanist / The Linnean society of London. 4593 The Linnean society of London 1935 Digital version available