Caroli Linnaei Systema naturae :
a photographic facsimile of the first volume of the tenth edition (1758) : Regnum animale |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
3950 |
British Museum (Natural History) |
1939 |
Linnaeus and the species concept |
Ramsbottom, John,
1885-1974 |
4389 |
Linnaean Society of London |
1938 |
The "Critica botanica" of Linnæus /
translated by the late Sir Arthur Hort ; revised by Miss M.L. Green ; with an introduction by Sir Arthur W. Hill ... |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
3919 |
The Ray society |
1938 |
Linnaeus, Valltravers, and Demidoff /
by Frank R. Lewis |
Lewis, Frank R. |
4507 |
1938 |
Exhibition of a selection from the Linnaean collections and the society's archives :
150th anniversary celebrations May 1938 /
The Linnean Society of London. |
4590 |
The Linnean society of London |
1938 |
Linnaeus, the first modern botanist /
Harold St John. |
St John, Harold |
4617 |
1938 |
Linnéforskaren Ewald Ährling :
ett hundraårsminne /
[Arvid Hj. Uggla] |
Uggla, Arvid Hjalmar,
1883-1964 |
4497 |
Svenska Linné-sällskapet |
1937 |
Linnéminnena i Upsala och på Hammarby :
vägvisare |
Sernander, Rutger,
1866-1944 |
4393 |
Almqvist & Wiksell |
1937 |
Studies in Linnaean synonymy.
Sir James Edward Smith and the Linnaean herbarium |
Savage, Spencer |
919ha |
1937 |
Catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of the Linnean Society of London
P. 2
Caroli Linnæi determinationes in hortum siccum Joachimi Burseri /
ed. by Spencer Savage. |
Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 Savage, Spencer |
620b |
Linnéan Society of London |
1937 |
Linnés Hammarby :
vägvisare |
Sernander, Rutger,
1866-1944 |
4392 |
Almqvist & Wiksell |
1936 |
Hartekamp på Linnés tid och dess senare öden :
efter en uppsats /
av Leonard F. Springer |
Springer, Leonard F. |
4828 |
Svenska Linné-sällskapet |
1936 |
Carl von Linné und das Problem der Entstehung der Arten /
Max Westenhöfer |
Westenhöfer, Max |
4585 |
1936 |
An index to the authors (other than Linnæus) mentioned in the Catalogue of the works of Linnæus preserved in the Libraries of the British Museum /
British Museum. |
3677* |
British Museum |
1936 |
Des Bauern in Ziegenhain Adam Dietrich Beziehungen zu Linné /
Günther Schmid |
Schmid, Günther |
4511 |
Neuenhahn |
1936 |
Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit :
(Geb. zu Danzig 24. mai 1686; gest. im Haag 16. Sept. 1736) : (mit 13 Abbildungen) /
von Ernst Cohen und W. A. T. Cohen-De Meester |
Cohen, Ernst,
1869-1944 |
4503 |
N.V. Noord-Hollandsche Utigevers-Maatschappij |
1936 |
Linnæus in England /
by Arvid H. J. Uggla |
Uggla, Arvid Hjalmar,
1883-1964 |
4820 |
Swedish chamber of commerce |
1936 |
Catalogue of the exhibition of books to be held in a locality of the Royal Zoological Institution "Natura Artis Magistra" :
comprising: I. Botanical incunabula (collection Dr. F. W. T. Hunger). II. Linnaeana, exhibited on occasion of the bicentenary of Linnés "Systema naturae", ed. I (mainly from the collections of Dr. D. Mac Gillavry and of 'Natura Artis Magistra' Amsterdam). III. Books quoted in Dr. Sirks historical introduction to his "Botany in the Netherlands |
4469 |
1935 |
Råshult och Stenbrohult :
där Linné föddes och växte upp : kort historik och vägledning /
utg. av Hembygdsföreningen Linné i Stenbrohult. |
Virdestam, Gotthard, 1893-1937 |
4652 |
Smålandsposten |
1935 |
Exhibit illustrating Linnæus's development as a botanist /
The Linnean society of London. |
4593 |
The Linnean society of London |
1935 |