Resp. Dissertatio botanica de Passiflora ... /
Præs. C. Linnæo, etc. |
Hallman, Joannes Gustavus,
the Younger. |
1431 |
[Resp. Dissertatio botanico-medica, in qua Fungus Melitensis ... Præs. C. Linnæo, ... ventilationi proponitur a J. P., etc. [With a plate.] Few MS. notes.] |
PFEIFFER, Joannes,
Holmensis. |
1326/8 |
1766 |
Cimelia Physica. Figures of rare and curious quadrupeds, birds, &c., together with several of the most elegant plants, engraved and coloured by J. F. Miller: with descriptions by G. Shaw. |
Shaw, George,
1751-1813. |
1224b |
1796 |
Caroli Linnæi ... Genera plantarum eorumque characteres naturales secundum numerum, figuram, situm & proportionem omnium fructificationis partium. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
284 |
1737 |
Fyra skrifter. Utvalda och kommenterade av Arvid Hj. Uggla. Illustrerade av Harald Sallberg. [Comprising “Tal om märkvärdigheter uti insecterna,” “Naturaliesamlingars ändamål och nytta,” “Tal vid Deras Kongl. Majesteters Höga Närvaro” and “Deliciae naturae.”] |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
4298 |
1964 |
Carl von Linnés Anteckningar öfver Nemesis divina. Inbjudningsskrift, etc. |
Fries, Elias Magnus,
1794-1878. |
1060 |
1848 |
[Fructus esculenti.] Ätliga frukter-Fructus esculenti. Akademisk avhandling under Linnés presidium ... Översatt ... av Ejnar Haglund och Telemak Fredbärj. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
4179 |
1965 |
Icones plantarum medicinalium 5 cent. Abbildungen von Arzneygewächsen. Lat. and Germ. |
ZORN, Johann. |
3132 |
1779-84 |
Gemeinnützige systematische Naturgeschichte der Amphibien ... Zweite Ausgabe. [Edited by C. J. Neydeck.] Mit 67 Abbildungen, etc. |
GMELIN, Carl Christian. |
141*/3 |
1839 |
Nomenclator botanicus, enumerans plantas omnes in Systematis naturæ edit. XII. Specier. plantarum edit. II. et mantissis binis a ... C. von L ... descriptas. [By A. J. Retzius.] |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
504 |
1772 |
Selectarum observationum anatomico-physiologicarum atque botanicarum specimen agonisticum, quod ... submittit J. C. Ramspeck. ... Resp. ... C. Schindlero, etc. (Specimen secundum submittit J. C. R.). |
RAMSPECK, Jacobus Christophorus. |
1398* |
1751-[52] |
Resp. Pandora insectorum ... Præs. C. Linnæo, etc. |
RYDBECK, Ericus. |
1328/5 |
1769 |
Die Desmodiinen in der botanischen Literatur nach Linné. |
914 |
1928 |
[Démonstrations élémentaires de botanique, à l'usage de l'École royale vétérinaire. [By M. A. L. Claret de La Tourette and F. Rozier.]] |
CLARET DE LA TOURETTE, Marc Antoine Louis,
and ROZIER (François) |
716 |
1787 |
Caroli Linnæi ... Genera plantarum eorumque characteres naturales secundum numerum, figuram, situm & proportionem omnium fructificationis partium. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
320 |
1778 |
Linnés Pluto Svecicus och Beskrifning öfwer stenriket. Utgifna af Carl Benedicks. [With plates.] |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
1012 |
1907 |
The calendar of Flora, etc. |
BERGER, Alexander Mal. |
1902 |
Catalogus systematicus secundum Linnæi Systema vegetabilium adornat: Arborum ... et plantarum ... horti Eystettensis. Editi [sic] Dr. Widnmann. |
of Eichstätt. |
785g |
1805 |
Medical botany, containing ... descriptions, with plates, of all the medicinal plants, ... comprehended in the catalogues of the materia medica, as published by the Royal Colleges of Physicians of London and Edinburgh, etc. |
WOODVILLE, William. |
743 |
1790-1793 |
[Démonstrations élémentaires de botanique, à l'usage de l'École royale vétérinaire. [By M. A. L. Claret de La Tourette and F. Rozier.]] |
CLARET DE LA TOURETTE, Marc Antoine Louis,
and ROZIER (François) |
717 |
1796 |