The Linnaean legacy :
three centuries after his birth /
edited by Mary J. Morris and Leonie Berwick. |
Dr. Morris, Mary Berwick, Leonie. |
4532 |
Linnean Society of London |
c2008 |
Personregister. Utarbetat av Hans Krook. |
FRIES, Theodor Magnus. |
4535 |
1956 |
Nemesis divina /
Carl von Linné ; edited and translated with an introduction and explanatory notes by M.J. Petry. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
4540 |
Kluwer Academic |
c2001 |
The Linnaeus tradition and our time :
(Presidential address at the annual meeting of the Swedish Academy.). |
4549 |
1957 |
Amoenitates academicae :
seu dissertationes variæ physicæ, medicæ, botanicæ, antehac seorsim editæ, nunc collectæ et auctæ cum tabulis æneis. Accedit hypothesis nova de febrium intermittentium causa /
[edited by Petrus Camper] |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
1279/1 |
Apud Cornelium Haak |
1749 |
Resp. Hortus Upsaliensis ... /
Præs. C. Linnæo, etc. |
Nauclér, Samuel,
1724-1770 |
1279/2 |
Resp. Sponsalia plantarum. |
Wahlbom, Johan Gustaf,
1724-1808.(isni)0000000052595940 |
1279/3 |
Nova plantarum genera, etc. /
Praes. Carolus Linnaeus. |
Dassow, Carl Magnus,
1719-1751 |
1279/4 |
Resp. Dissertatio botanica, in qua Acrostichum ... /
Præs ... C. Linnæo ... curiosorum oculis ... subjicit J. B. H., etc. |
Heiligtag, Johan Benjamin,
1716-1771 |
1279/5 |
Resp. Dissertatio botanica de Anandria ... /
Præs ... C. Linnæo, etc. |
Tursén, Erland Zacharias,
1720-1778.(isni)0000000367449788 |
1279/6 |
Resp. Corallia baltica. |
Fougt, Henrik,
1720-1782. |
1279/7 |
publisher not identified |
1749 |
Resp. Ficus. |
Hegardt, Cornelius,
1715-1772. |
1279/8 |
Resp. Dissertatio botanica de Passiflora ... /
Præs. C. Linnæo, etc. |
Hallman, Joannes Gustavus,
the Younger. |
1279/9 |
Resp. Betula nana. |
Klase, Lars Magnus,
1722-1766. |
1284/1 |
publisher not identified |
1787 |
Resp. Ficus. |
Hegardt, Cornelius,
1715-1772. |
1284/2 |
publisher not identified |
1787 |
Resp. Dissertatio ... de Peloria ... /
Præs. C. Linnæo, etc. |
Rudberg, Daniel,
1727-1797. |
1284/3 |
publisher not identified |
1787 |
Resp. Corallia baltica. |
Fougt, Henrik,
1720-1782. |
1284/4 |
publisher not identified |
1787 |
Resp. Amphibia Gyllenborgiana, etc. /
Præs. C. Linnæo. |
Hast, Bartholomæus Rudolphus. |
1284/5 |
publisher not identified |
1787 |
Resp. Plantæ Martino-Burserianæ. |
Martin, Roland. |
1284/6 |
publisher not identified |
1787 |
Resp. Hortus Upsaliensis ... /
Præs. C. Linnæo, etc. |
Nauclér, Samuel,
1724-1770 |
1284/7 |
publisher not identified |
1787 |