Faunæ Suecicæ ... pars prima ... quam recognovit ... et auxit A. J. Retzius. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
1154 |
1800 |
Elements of botany, etc. |
HULL, John,
M.D. |
772a |
1800 |
Les amours des plantes, poëme en quatre chants; suivi de notes et de dialogues sur la poésie: ouvrage traduit de l'anglais ... par J. P. F. Deleuze. [In prose.] |
Darwin, Erasmus,
1731-1802. |
731 |
1799/1800 |
The natural history of British birds; ... the descriptions from the Systema naturæ of Linnæus; with general observations, either original, or collected from the ... most esteemed English ornithologists; and illustrated, with figures, etc. |
Donovan, E.
1768-1837. |
131 |
1799-1819 |
Journal für die Botanik. |
Schrader, H. A. 1767-1836. |
3152 |
Bei Joh. Christ. Dietrich |
1799-1803 [i.e. 1804] |
The philosophy of botany, being botanical, and philosophical extracts, including, A new illustration of the sexual system of Linnaeus ... Vol. 1. [Followed by vol. 2, “The genera of exotic and indigenous plants that are to be met with in Great Britain; arranged according to the reformed system.” With plates.] |
THORNTON, Robert John. |
767c |
Printed for the Author |
1799 [1806?] |
Dissertatio gradualis sistens momenta nonnulla de genere in historia naturali /
quam ... sub præsidio ... And. J. Retzii eruditorum examini ... submittit auctor Magn. Eric. Forssander. |
Retzius, Anders Jåhan,
1742-1821 |
770 |
litteris Berlingianis |
1799 |
The British flora, or a Linnean arrangement of British plants. With their generic and specific character, select synonyms, English names, etc. |
HULL, John,
M.D. |
772* |
1799 |
[The botanic garden. A poem, in two parts ... The first American edition. [By E. Darwin, the Elder. With plates.]] |
Darwin, Erasmus,
1731-1802 |
730 |
J. Johnson |
1799 |
Les plantes, poème ... Seconde édition revue ... et augmentée; ornée de cinq figures, etc. |
CASTEL, René Richard Louis. |
760f |
1799 |
Thirty-eight plates (drawn & engraved by F. P. Nodder), with explanations; intended to illustrate Linnæus's System of vegetables, and particularly adapted to the Letters on the elements of botany [by J. J. Rousseau]. By T. Martyn. |
MARTYN, Thomas,
B.D., F.R.S. |
594 |
J. White |
1799 |
Carl Friedrich Dieterichs Pflanzenreich nach Carl von Linné's Natursysteme. Mit Zusätzen vermehrt herausgegeben von Christian Friedrich Ludwig ... Zweyte vermehrte Ausgabe. |
DIETERICH, Carl Friedrich. |
89b |
1798, 99. |
Carl Friedrich Dieterichs Pflanzenreich nach Carl von Linné's Natursysteme. Mit Zusätzen vermehrt herausgegeben von Christian Friedrich Ludwig ... Zweyte vermehrte Ausgabe. |
DIETERICH, Carl Friedrich. |
650g |
1798, 99. |
Systême sexuel des végétaux, suivant les classes, les ordres, les genres et les espèces ... Première édition française, calquée sur celles de Murray et de Persoon ... Par N. Jolyclerc. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
604 |
Ronvaux |
1798 |
Synopsis plantarum Insulis Britannicis indigenarum; complectens characteres genericos et specificos secundum systema sexuale distributos. |
SYMONS, Jelinger,
A.B., F.L.S. |
767a |
1798 |
Flora Bedfordiensis, comprehending such plants as grow wild in the County of Bedford; arranged according to the system of Linnæus, etc. [With plates.] |
ABBOT, Charles,
D.D. |
763a |
W. Smith |
1798 |
Botany displayed; being a complete and compendious elucidation of Botany, according to the system of Linnæus ... with plates ... by A. Nunes. |
Thompson, John
(Botanist) |
767b |
1798 |
Flora Anglica, etc. |
HUDSON, William,
F.R.S. |
643d |
1798 |
An epitome of the natural history of the insects of China :
comprising figures and descriptions of upwards of one hundred new, singular, and beautiful species; together with some that are of importance in medicine, domestic economy, &c. The figures are accurately drawn, engraved and coloured, from specimens of the insects; the descriptions are arranged according to the system of Linnæus; with references to the writings of Fabricius, and other systematic authors. /
By E. Donovan. |
Donovan, E.
1768-1837. |
1232a |
Printed for the author, by T. Bensley |
1798 |
Histoire des plantes d'Europe, ou élémens de botanique pratique, etc. |
GILIBERT, Jean Emmanuel. |
763aa |
1798 |