Union Catalogue

All records for Natural History Museum (2121 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
One hundred and twenty copper-plates of English moths and butterflies, representing their changes into the caterpillar, chrysalis, and fly states, and the plants, flowers and fruits whereon they feed ... With a natural history of the moths and butterflies ... to which is added an index of the insects and plants adapted to Linnaeus's system / Benjamin Wilkes Wilkes, Benjamin. 3956 Printed for Benjamin Wilkes 1773 Digital version available
One hundred and twenty copper-plates of English moths and butterflies, representing their changes into the caterpillar, chrysalis, and fly states, and the plants, flowers and fruits whereon they feed ... With a natural history of the moths and butterflies, describing the method of managing, preserving, and feeding them.. to which is added, an index of the Insects and Plants, adapted to Linnaeus's system / by Benjamin Wilkes Wilkes, Benjamin. 1223a s.n 1773 Digital version available
Onomatologia Botanica completa, oder vollständiges botanisches Wörterbuch worinn nicht nur alle Kunstwörter übersezt und erklärt, die bekannte Pflanzen nach der Lehrart des Ritters von Linne beschrieben, ihre verschiedene Namen nach den berühmtes̄ten Schriftstellern angeführt, und eine kleine Lebensgeschichte der vornehmsten Kräuterkundigen beygefügt, sondern auch die Heilskräfte und der Nutzen, den die Arzney-Wissenschaft, Landwirthschaft, Färberey, Vieharzney- und Scheidekunst aus denselben ziehen, aus den besten Schriften dieser Art und aus eigener Erfahrung erläutert werden von einer Gesellschaft erfahrner Pflanzenkundiger. / [Johann Friedrich Gmelin] Gmelin, Johann Friedrich, 1748-1804. 657 s.n 1772-1778 Digital version available
Opera et dies Pulteney, Richard, 1730-1801. 3630 Printed for J. Mawman 1805 Digital version available
Opera varia in quibus continentur Fundamenta botanica, Sponsalia plantarum, et Systema naturæ, in quo proponuntur naturae regna tria secundum classes, ordines, genera & species / Caroli Linnaei Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 9 Ex typographia Juntiniana 1758 Digital version available
Opisanie Roślin w Litwie, na Wołlyniu, Podolu i Ukrainie dziko Rosnacych, Iako i Oswoionych. Podłlug wydania szesnastego ukłladu roślin Linneusza Jundzill, Jósef. 618 Józef Zawadzki Własnym Nakładem 1830 Digital version available
Opium, quod ... Praeside ... D:no Doct. Carolo à Linné ... / publice ventilandam sistit Georgius Eberhardus Georgii ... Die XV. Nov. MDCCLXXV Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 2444 Typis Edmannianis 1775 Digital version available
Opobalsamum declaratum in dissertatione medica, ... sub Praesidio ... D:n Doct. Caroli von Linné ... / publico examini modeste submittit ... Wilhelmus Le Moine ... Die XXII. Decemb. Anni MDCCLXIV Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 2277 s.n 1764 Digital version available
Orange grosse d'une autre orange / C. Linné Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 415 Chez Panckoucke 1772 Digital version available
Orbis eruditi judicium de Caroli Linnaei, M.D. Scriptis. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 2577 s.n 1741 Digital version available
Ordines naturales plantarum commentatio botanica / auctore Joanne Philippo Rüling. Rueling, Johann Philipp, 1741- 663a Sumtibus Vid. Abrah. Vandenhoeck 1774 Digital version available
Otto Friedrich Müllers Naturgeschichte einiger Wurm-Arten, des süssen und salzigen Wassers. Müller, Otto Frederik, 1730-1784. 1222e bey Johann Heinrich Schubothe 1800 Digital version available
Overraskelser fra "Abeteoriens" og Udviklingslaerens omrande Breitung, Amand 1256b 1917 Digital version available
Pa Kongl. Maj:ts nadigste befallning, Archiaterns och Riddarens af Kongl. Nordstjerne-Orden Carl Linnaei Berattelse om de inhemska waxter, som, i brist af sad, kunna anwandas till brod-och matredning. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 548a Tryckt hos Lorents Ludvig Grefing 1761 Digital version available
Palais cornu / C. Linné. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 1159d Chez Panckoucke 1772 Digital version available
Pan Svecicus sistens animalia, phylum per regnum vegetabile florae Svecicae inhospitata Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 1584a s.n 1749] Digital version available
Pan svecicus, quem ... Praeside ... Dn. Doct. Carolo Linnaeo ... / publico examini modeste submittit Nicolaus L. Hesselgren ... ad Diem IX.Decemb. Anni MDCCXLIX Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 1565 s.n 1749 Digital version available
Pandora et flora Rybyensis, quam dissertatione academica, ... Praeside ... D. D. Carolo à Linné ... / publicae ventilationi offert Daniel Henr. So̊derberg ... die XXVI. Junii, MDCCLXXI Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 2403 Apud Joh. Edman 1771 Digital version available
Pandora insectorum, quam ... sub Praesidio ... Dn. Doct. Caroli Linnaei ... / publico erudit. exam. subjicit Ericus Ol. Rydbeck ... Die XV. Julii, Anni MDCCLVIII Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 2008 s.n 1758 Digital version available
Parte práctica de botánica del caballero Carlos Linneo, que comprehende las clases, órdenes, géneros, especies y variedades de las plantas con sus caracteres genéricos y especificos, sinónimos mas selectos, nombres triviales, lugares donde nacen, y propiedades : Traducida del Latin en Castellano é ilustrada por Antonio Paláu y Verdéra. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 16 En la Imprenta Real 1784-1788 Digital version available