Linnéanska herbarieväxter i domprosten Celsii herbarium /
av Otto Gertz. |
Gertz, Otto D.,
1878-1948 |
3517 |
1922 |
Ett litet bidrag till frågan om Linnésamlingarnas öde. |
Floderus, Matts Oskar Mattias |
3514 |
1916 |
Linnéanska växter i Lund |
Nordstedt, Otto,
1838-1924 |
3505 |
1907 |
A Linnæan herbarium in the Natural history museum in Stockholm.
Vol. 1,
Monandria-Tetrandria |
Lindman, Carl Axel Magnus,
1856-1928 |
3503 |
1907 |
Studier öfver Salices i Linnés herbarium /
af S. J. Enander. |
Enander, Sven Johan,
1847-1928 |
3502 |
Almqvist & Wiksell |
1907 |
Sopra l'erbario di Linneo :
manoscritto onedito di Filippo Parlatore /
pubblicato dal E. Baroni |
Baroni, Eugenio,
1865-1935 |
3501 |
1905 |
Catalogue of Linnean type-specimens of Linnaeus's reptilia in the Royal Museum in Stockholm |
Andersson, Lars Gabriel,
1868-1951 |
3498 |
1900 |
Complete Catalogue of Linné ́s Private Collection of Fishes, now in the possession of the Linnean Society |
Günther, Albert C. L. G.
1830-1914. |
3497 |
1899 |
Catalogue of Linnean type-specimens of snakes in the Royal Museum in Stockholm. :
Communicated 1898, june 8. |
Andersson, Lars Gabriel,
1868-1951 |
3496 |
1899 |
Linnean type-specimens of birds, reptiles, batrachians and fishes in the Zoological Museum of the R. University in Upsala. |
Lönnberg, Einar,
1865-1942 |
3495 |
1896 |
On certain authentic cyperaceae of Linnaeus. By C. B. Clarke, m.a., f.l.s. |
Clarke, C. B. |
3493 |
1894 |
Om ett Linneanskt herbarium. |
Fries, Theodor Magnus,
1832-1913 |
3487 |
1887 |
L'herbier de Linné et les graminées Françaises d'après les travaux de mm. Ph. Parlatore, C. Hartman et W. Munro /
par m. J. Duval- Jouve. |
Duval-Jouve, Joseph,
1810-1883. |
3474 |
1866 |
On the identification of the acanthaceae of the Linnean herbarium, in the possession of the Linnean Society of London. |
Anderson, T. |
3468 |
1863 |
On the identification of the grasses of Linnaeus's herbarium, now in possession of the Linnaean society of London. |
Munro, William |
3467 |
1861-62 |
Anteckningar rörande en i Paris befintlig Linneansk växtsamling. /
Af Th. M. Fries |
Fries, Theodor Magnus,
1832-1913 |
3466 |
1861? |
Linnés Museum in Hammarbü |
Unger, Franz,
1800-1870 |
3465 |
1852 |
Annotationes de plantis Scandinavicis Herbarii Linnaeani, in Musaeo Societ. Linnaeanae Londin. asservati,/
auctore Carolo Hartman |
Hartman, Carl,
1824-1884 |
3463 |
Norstedt & Söner |
1852 |
Anteckningar vid de skandinaviska växterna i Linnés herbarium |
Hartman, Carl-Johan,
1790-1849 |
3462 |
1852 |
Linnés samlingar |
Hartman, Carl,
1824-1884 |
3458 |
1850 |