Union Catalogue

About Us

The Linnaeus Link Union Catalogue (LLUC)


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The Linnaeus Link Project is an international collaboration between libraries with significant holdings of Linnaean material. It is funded, maintained and co-ordinated by the Linnean Society of London.  Its main aim is to be a comprehensive, online Union Catalogue of Linnaean publications, facilitating research for scholars worldwide by enabling them to identify locations of titles with a single internet search.

It also acts as the official bibliography of works by and relating to Linnaeus and his legacy by using and continuing the bibliographic work of Basil Soulsby.

Linnaeus Link partners meet once a year, usually before or after the European Botanical and Horticultural Libraries annual meeting.


The new LLUC

The Linnean Society funded the software development of the initial LLUC. This commitment is ongoing. In 2011-2012, the system was completely redesigned to reflect changing technologies and user expectations. The new system built by the IT company 67 Bricks has much improved navigation, search- and display functions.

An outstanding feature is the new system's ability to cope with a wide range of international cataloguing systems and special characters, in line with the project's international foundations. It is also a powerful tool for bibliographic research: Instead of amalgamating all individual partners' records for one title into one artificial, "ideal", record, the system uses a unique Tab display to unveil the full bibliographic information present in each individual record. This is especially relevant for copy-specific information and provenance research.


Linnaeus Link in the News:

Elaine Charwat and Katrin Böhme, 'Carl von Linné – Natursystem und Vermächtnis Das internationale Partner­Projekt „Linnaeus Link“, Bibliotheksmagazin. Mitteilungen aus den Staatsbibliotheken in Berlin und München 1 (2016), pp. 64-67.

Elaine Charwat, Régine Fabri and Nicole Hanquart, '« Dieu a créé, Linné a organisé » et le Linnaeus Link Catalogue met à disposition ou un catalogue commun au service de l’oeuvre de Linné', Les cahiers de la documentation 4 (2016). 


Read more about:

Joining as a new Partner & list of Partners

Soulsby's bibliography and Soulsby numbers

Collections of Linnaean materials world-wide

The project and its history

Carl Linnaeus and the Linnaean legacy

