Linné et le mouvement linnéen à Lyon
la Société Linnéenne de Lyon et son patrimoine scientifique |
4208 |
2009 |
Systema naturae 250
the Linnaean ark
ed. by Andrew Polaszek |
Polaszek, Andrew |
4207 |
Taylor & Francis |
2010 |
Växternas krafter
akademisk avhandling under Linnés presidium Uppsala 1747
översatt från latinet av Telemak Fredbärj och Albert Boerman |
Linné, Carl von
1707-1778 |
4187 |
1970 |
Codex botanicus Linnaeanus
Alphabetical index to the Linnaean botanical codex of all its genera, species and synonyms
by Hermann E. Richter. Ed. by John Edmundson; by Wilhelm Ludwig Petermann |
Petermann, Wilhelm Ludwig 1806-1855 |
4126 |
2003 |
Linnés avhandling Potus Theae 1765
översatt och kommenterad av Gustaf Drake |
Drake, Gustaf 1634-1684 Linné, Carl von 1707-1778 |
4089 |
Svenska Linnésällskapet |
2002 |
Caroli Linnaei Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis
Vegetabilia |
4072 |
1964 |
Caroli Linnaei ... Species Plantarum
2 |
4071 |
1934 |
Caroli Linnaei philosophia botanica in qua explicantur fundamenta botanica
cum definitionibus partium, exemplis terminorum, observationibus rariorum, adjectis figuris Aeneis |
Linné, Carl von
1707-1778 |
4070 |
Cramer [u.a.] |
1966 |
Caroli Linnaei musa cliffortiana florens Hartecampi 1736 prope Harlemum |
Linné, Carl von
1707-1778 |
4069 |
Cramer |
1967 |
Caroli Linnaei genera plantarum eorumque characteres naturales secundum numerum, figuram, situm, et proportionem omnium fructificationis partium |
Linné, Carl von
1707-1778 |
4068 |
Shokonutsu Bunken Kankōkwa |
1939 |
An index to the vascular plants of Willdenow's species plantarum, volumes 1 - 5(1), 1797 - 1810
Neil A. Harriman |
Harriman, Neil A. |
4067 |
Univ. of Wisconsin |
1979 |
Linnaeus in Gotland
from the diary at the Linnean Society, London, to present-day Gotland
by Marita Jonsson. Photography Marita and Helga Jonsson |
Jonsson, Marita
1943- |
4063 |
GotlandsBoken |
2007 |
Synopsis methodica stirpium Britannicarum
John Ray |
Ray, John |
4061 |
Ray Soc |
1973 |
Mantissa plantarum
two parts in one volume
Carl Linnaeus. With an introd. by William T. Stearn |
Linné, Carl von
1707-1778 |
4060 |
Cramer [u.a.] |
1971 |
Auctores botanici in dissertatione propositi
sub praesidio Caroli Linnaei ... defert Augustinus Loo |
Linné, Carl von
1707-1778 |
4059 |
Bokförl. Rediviva |
1970 |
The Dalarna journey
together with journeys to the mines and works
Carl Linnaeus. Transl. and ed. by Andrew Casson |
Linné, Carl von
1707-1778 |
4053 |
Gullers Förl. [u.a.] |
2007 |
Linnaeus and his garden
Gunnar Broberg, Allan Ellenius, Bengt Jonsell |
Broberg, Gunnar
1942-2022 |
4047 |
Swedish Linnaeus Soc |
1983 |
Carl von Linné
den fulländade forskaren
Torbjörn Lindell |
Lindell, Torbjörn |
4045 |
Historiska Media |
2007 |
Linnaeus and the Linnaeans
the spreading of their ideas in systematic botany, 1735-1789
Frans A. Stafleu |
Stafleu, Frans A.
1921-1997 |
4044 |
Oosthoek [u.a.] |
1971 |
Förspel till Växternas Bröllop
= Prelude to the betrothal of plants = Praeludia sponsaliorum plantarum |
Linné, Carl von
1707-1778 |
4041 |
Uppsala Universitetsbibliotek |
2010 |