Union Catalogue

All records for Uppsala University Library (1972 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Démonstrations élémentaires de botanique, contenant les principes généraux de cette science, l'explications des termes, les fondemens des méthodes, & les élémens de la physique des végétaux. La description des plantes les plus communes, les plus curieuses, les plus utiles, rangées suivant la méthode de m. de Tournefort & celle du chevalier Linné. ... Troisieme édition, corrigée & considérablement augmentée. Tome premier. Rozier, Jean Baptiste François, 1734-1793 716 1787 Digital version available
Principia botanica: or, a concise and easy introduction to the sexual botany of Linnæus. With the genera; their mode of growth, ... Together with three indexes. ... Darwin, Robert Waring, 1724-1816. 714 1787 Digital version available
Letters on the elements of botany, addresses to a lady, / by the celebrated J. J. Rousseau. Translated into English, with notes, and twenty-four additional letters, fully explaining the system of Linnaeus, by Thomas Martyn ... . The seventh edition, with corrections and improvements. Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 1712-1778 707 1807 Digital version available
Letters on the elements of botany. Addressed to a lady. By the celebrated J. J. Rousseau. Translated into English, with notes ... by Thomas Martyn ... The fourth edition, with corrections and improvements. Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 1712-1778 704 1794 Digital version available
Letters on the elements of botany addressed to a lady / by the celebrated J. J. Rousseau. Translated into English, with notes, and twenty-four additional letters, fully explaining the system of Linnaeus, by Thomas Martyn ... The third edition, with corrections and improvements. Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 1712-1778 703 1791 Digital version available
Nikol. Joseph Edlen von Jacquin's Anleitung zur Pflanzenkenntnis nach Linné's Methode. Zum Gebrauche der Vorlesungen an der Universität. Zweyte, vermehrte Auflage Jacquin, Nicolaus Joseph von, 1727-1817 698 bey Christian Friedrich Wappler und Beck 1800 Digital version available
Nikolaus Joseph Edlen von Jacquin's ... Anleitung zur Pflanzenkenntnisz nach Linné's Methode. Zum Gebrauche seiner theoretischen Vorlesungen. Jacquin, Nicolaus Joseph von, 1727-1817 696 1785 Digital version available
Theoria generationis et fructificationis plantarvm cryptogamicarvm Linnaei : retractata et aucta ; c. tab. XLII coloratis / avctore Ioanne Hedwig Hedwig, Johann, 1730-1799 693 Breitkopfio-Haerteliana 1798 Digital version available
Verzeichnisz derjenigen Pflanzen, welche nach der Anzahl und Beschaffenheit ihrer Geschlechtstheile nicht in der gehörigen Klassen und Ordnungen des Linneischen Systems stehen, nebst einer Einleitung in dieses System. Von Albrecht Wilhelm Roth ... Roth, Albrecht Wilhelm, 1757-1834 684 1781 Digital version available
A review of the modern state of botany, with a particular reference to the natural systems of Linnaeus and Jussieu / by Sir James Edward Smith Smith, James Edward, 1759-1828 681b 1817? Digital version available
Tyd-wyzer der rupsen, vervattende, van maand tot maand, den tyd der verschyning van de, door Rösel en Kleemann, bechreeven en afgebeelde rupsen, benevens haar voedzel. Ten nutte en dienst der Lief hebbers opgesteld, / door den Heer Johann Mader, Raad en Opper - Amptman van den Vryheer van Kniestad. En in't licht gegeeven door C.F.C. Kleemann, Lid van het Koninglyke Gezelshbap der Natuuronderzoeking te Berlin. Uit het Hoogduitsch. Vermeerderd met eene naamlyst der planten, volgens het samenstel van Linnaeus. Mader, Johann 681cb by C.H. Bohn, Boekverkooper MDCCLXXIX 1779 Digital version available
Linnaeus's system of botany, so far as relates to his classes and orders of plants; Illustrated by figures entirely new, with copious explanatory descriptions. / drawn up for the use of his pupils by William Curtis ... Curtis, William, 1746-1799 677 1777 Digital version available
Illustratio systematis sexualis Linnaei. Denuo edita, revisa ac translatione Germanica locupletata per Mauritium Balthasarem Borckhausen adiectis tabulis CVIII ad originale Millerianum aeri incisis et coloratis Miller, John Sebastian, 1715-1790 673 1804 Digital version available
Ioannis Milleri tabulae iconum centum quatuor plantarum ad illustrationem systematis sexualis Linnaeani auctoris manum artificiosam summa industria imitando sculptura expressae a Carolo Goepferto Slettstadiensi revisae addendo atque corrigendo passim litteras ac signa reliqua ut textui accurate respondeant atque nomina plantarum in tabulis indicando usui magis accomodatae a D. Friderico Guilielmo Weiss ... Volumen II. Miller, John Sebastian, 1715-1790 671 1789 Digital version available
An illustration of the sexual system of Linnæus, by Iohn Miller. Miller, John Sebastian, 1715-1790 670 1794 Digital version available
An illustration of the sexual system of Linnæus, by Iohn Miller. Miller, John Sebastian, 1715-1790 669 1779 Digital version available
Illustratio systematis sexualis Linnæi per Iohannem Miller. Miller, John Sebastian, 1715-1790 667 1777 Digital version available
Compendivm botanices systematis Linnæani conspectvm ejvsdemqve applicationem ad selectiora plantarvm Germaniæ indigenarvm vsv medico et oeconomico insignivm genera eorvmqve species continens. / adornavit D. Christianvs Frid. Revss ... Editio secvnda avcta. Reuss, Christian Friedrich von, 1745-1813 663 1785 Digital version available
Compendivm botanices systematis Linnaeani conspectvm ejvsdemqve applicationem ad selectiora plantarvm Germaniae indigenarvm vsv medico et oeconomico insignivm genera eorvmqve species continens. / Adornavit Christianvs Fridericvs Revss ... Reuss, Christian Friedrich von, 1745-1813 662 1774 Digital version available
Principia botanices illvstrata, sev Partes frvctificationis, characteribvs, terminis technicis, figvris illvstratae, ad systema botanices Linneanvm intelligendvm, tractandvm adaptatae in vsvm praelectionvm ab Engelbert Jörlin ... Editio : altera, emendata, avcta. Lvndae 1786. Litteris Berlingianis, et impensis Joh. Lvndblad. Jörlin, Engelbert, 1733-1810 659 (Berling 1786 Digital version available