Catalogus disputationum in academiis et gymnasiis Sveciæ, atque etiam, a Svecis, extra patriam habitarum, quotquot huc usque reperiri potuerunt; collectore Joh. Henr. Lidén. |
Lidén, Johan Henrik,
1741-1793 |
1272a |
typis Edmannianis |
1778-1780 |
Carl von Linné :
Inledning av Carl Fehrman. |
Levertin, Oscar,
1862-1906. |
4378 |
Pan/Norstedt |
1968 |
Carl von Linné. Några kapitel ur ett oafslutadt arbete. |
Levertin, Oscar,
1862-1906. |
2862 |
1907 |
Carl von Linné. Några kapitel ur ett oafslutadt arbete. |
Levertin, Oscar,
1862-1906. |
2861 |
1906 |
Resp. Meloë vesicatorius. |
Lenaeus, Knut August,
1738-1799. |
2220 |
publisher not identified |
1763 |
Novæ insectorum species, quas, dissertationis academicæ loco /
præside, Johanne Leche naturæ curiosis examinandas proponit Isaacus Uddman. |
Leche, Johan,
1704-1764 |
1153* |
impressit Jacob Merckell |
1753 |
Resp. Opobalsamum declaratum. |
Le Moine, Wilhelm,
approximately 1735-1790 |
2280 |
publisher not identified |
1789 |
Resp. Opobalsamum declaratum. |
Le Moine, Wilhelm,
approximately 1735-1790 |
2279 |
publisher not identified |
1769 |
Resp. Opobalsamum declaratum. |
Le Moine, Wilhelm,
approximately 1735-1790 |
1311/128 |
publisher not identified |
1789 |
Botanique. Organographie et taxonomie, histoire naturelle des familles végétales et des principales espèces suivant la classification de M. A. de Jussieu, etc. |
Le Maout, Emm.
1799-1877. |
4278 |
1854 |
Resp. Dissertatio medica de menthæ usu ... /
Mod ... C. von Linné, etc. |
Laurin, Carl Gustaf,
1737-1773 |
2364 |
publisher not identified |
1769 |
Linné :
en småländsk resa /
sammanställd av Smålands Akademi ; Lars-Olof Larsson, (red.). |
Larsson, Lars Olof, 1934- |
3976 |
Prisma |
2006 |
Reason and experience :
the representation of natural order in the work of Carl von Linné /
by James L. Larson. |
Larson, James L. |
3910 |
University of California Press |
1971 |
Doctor Carl Linnaeus, physician /
by Nils-Erik Landell ; translated by Silvester Mazzarella ; edited by Lars Hansen. |
Landell, Nils-Erik,
1935- |
4319 |
I.K. Foundation |
2008 |
An epitome of Lamarck's arrangement of Testacea: being a free translation of that part of his work, De l'histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertèbres. With illustrative observations, and comparative and synoptic tables of the systems of Linnæus and Lamarck. By C. Dubois. |
Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet de,
1744-1829. |
165 |
1824 |
On the silk worm. |
LYMAN, Joannes. |
1935 |
1781] |
On the silk worm. |
LYMAN, Joannes. |
1323/11 |
1781] |
Två Sörmlandsfloror. Flora åkeröensis. Akademisk avhandling under Linnés præsidium ... [C. J. Luut respondent.] Pandora et Flora rybyensis. Akademisk avhandling under Linnés præsidium ... [D. H. Söderberg, respondent.] Översättning av Arvid Hj. Uggla. Efterskrift av Telemak Fredbärj. |
LUUT, Carolus Joannes. |
4140 |
1950 |
S. L. ... Flora Posoniensis, exhibens plantas circa Posonium sponte crescentes, etc. |
LUMNITZER, Stephanus. |
746ba |
1791 |
Observationes in methodum plantarum sexualem ... Linnæi praemittit et collegium disputatorium indicit C. G. L. |
LUDWIG, Christian Gottlieb,
M.D. |
627 |
1739 |