Union Catalogue

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Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Bibliotheca Britannica : or a general index to British and foreign Literature ... in two parts:- authors and subjects. Watt, Robert, 1774-1819. 3644 Printed for Archibald Constable and Company 1824 Digital version available
The Edinburgh encyclopædia / conducted by David Brewster ... with the assistance of gentlemen eminent in science and literature. Brewster, David, 1781-1868. 2655 1830 Digital version available
The Oxford encyclopaedia : or, Dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature / by ... W. Harris ... [et al.] Harris, W. Rev. 2675 Printed for Thomas Kelly 1828-1831 Digital version available
One hundred and twenty copper-plates of English moths and butterflies, representing their changes into the caterpillar, chrysalis, and fly states, and the plants, flowers and fruits whereon they feed ... With a natural history of the moths and butterflies ... to which is added an index of the insects and plants adapted to Linnaeus's system / Benjamin Wilkes Wilkes, Benjamin. 3956 Printed for Benjamin Wilkes 1773 Digital version available
Verhandeling ter beantwoordering der vrage : zijn de vorderingen in de Natuurlijke Historie der dieren thans reeds genoegzaam, om een ander Systema dan dat van Linnæus in te yoeren, hetwelk, zoo veel mogelijk, bevrijd van willekeurige stelingen, door vastheid en eenyoudig heid van kenteekenen, boven anderen uitmunt, en verdienen zoude om algemeen aangenomen te worden? Zooja, welke zijn de grondtrekken van dit systema? Zoo neen, welke der thans bestaande stelzels is voor den tegenwoordigen staat der wetenschap te verkiezen? of welken weg moer men instaan om de genoemde moeijelijkheden te voorkomen? / door Joh. Bernhard Wildbrand Wilbrand, Johann Bernhard, 1779-1846 157 Johannes Allart 1812 Digital version available
Carl Linnaei, ... Skånska resa : på höga öfverhetens befallning, förrättad år 1749 ... / utgifven af de Skånska landskapens historiska och arkeologiska förening ; [with an extract from the 1884 preface of Martin J. J. Weibull, and a miniature reproduction of the Roslin portrait of Linnaeus]. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 211a C. W. K. Gleerup 1874-1907 Digital version available
Requisition for glass and other equipment. Signed by Linnaeus and dated 26 Aprile 1749. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 3876 s.n.] 1749 Digital version available
Charles Linnaeus [Biographical sketch] Wilkes, John, 17- -1811. 2651 s.n 1814 Digital version available
Note of the death of Linnaeus on January 10, 1778, with a brief biography. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 2592 Tryckte hos Johan Edman] 1778 Digital version available
Alla af stånd och börd, vetenskapernes här varande beskyddare och vänner hälsar Elias Heurlin .. Heurlin, Elias, 1761-1825 2646a 1807 Digital version available
Muscae. Aus 'Flora Lapponica' (1737) [p. 359] German translation / Carl Linnaeus ; with notes by Felix Bryk Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 280a Im eigenen Verlage 1924 Digital version available
En Linnérelikvie : [Flora Lapponica, Amstelaedami, 1737. Linnaeus's presentation copy to Herman Boerhaave, from the Library of the latter, sold by Ulrico Holpi, of Milan, in 1907] / af N. Wille. Wille, Johan Nordal Fischer, 1858- 280 Wahlström & Widstrand 1907 Digital version available
Underrättelse om hälsans bevarande förklarad med nyttiga anmärckningar, och grundad på de berömligaste, äldre och nyare auctorers erfarenhet. F.W. Upsala tryckt i kongl. acad. tryckeriet, 1764. [E. Ziervogel.] Westerdahl, Frans, 1734-1797 3545b (akademiska tryckeriet : Ziervogel 1764 Digital version available
Letters on the elements of botany. Addressed to a lady. By the celebrated J.J. Rousseau. Translated into English, with notes, and twenty-four additional letters, fully explaining the system of Linnaeus, / by Thomas Martyn ... Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 1712-1778. 704 Printed for B. and J. White 1794 Digital version available
Thirty-eight plates, [by F.P. Nodder] with explanations; intended to illustrate Linnæus's System of Vegetables, and particularly adapted to the Letters on the Elements of Botany [by J.J. Rousseau] / [compiled by] Thomas Martyn Martyn, Thomas, 1735-1825. 594a Printed for J. White 1799 Digital version available
The Linnaeus' Garden and Museum at Uppsala : a guide / by Arvid Hjalmar Uggla ; revised by Carl-Otto von Sydow & Rudolf Zeitler. Uggla, Arvid Hjalmar, 1883-1964. 3120bxb Almqvist & Wiksell 19-- Digital version available
Linnæus at Uppsala : his garden and his home / Arvid Hj. Uggla. Uggla, Arvid Hjalmar, 1883-1964 4573 Sv. Linnésällsk. Appelberg 1963 Digital version available
Linnaeus : the 'Newton' of Natural History, &c. Uggla, Arvid Hjalmar, 1883-1964. 3120aia 1938 Digital version available
Linnaeus in England. Uggla, Arvid Hjalmar, 1883-1964. 3120aga 1936 Digital version available
[Pay Warrant for Samuel Klingenstierna, Professor of Mathematics in Upsala University / Signed by Carl Linnæus and Nils Wallenius. 3 April 1753]. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 2587 s.n 1753 Digital version available