Union Catalogue

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Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Carl Linnaeus and enlightened science in Spain / project managers: Enrique Martínez Ruiz, Magdalena de Pazzis Pi Corrales. MARTINEZ RUIZ, Enrique. 4583 Direcci�n General de Investigaci�n Consejer�a de Educaci�n y Cultura, Communidad de Madrid 1998 Digital version available
Linnæus and the seven-headed hydra / [edited by Michael Östlund and Lars Forsberg, with additional assistance from Elisabeth Lindhé and Roger Jonsson ; the Swedish manuscript's low German was translated into Swedish by Ragnar Nydén ; with Ragnar Cederblad in charge of fact-checking ; all translations from Swedish to English are by Sina Najafi]. Östlund, Michael Forsberg, Lars Lindhé, Elisabeth Jonsson, Roger... 4746 Hera Sandvikens tr. 2004 Digital version available
Linnaeus commemorated : 1707-May 23rd-1957 ; addresses delivered at the academic session on the 23rd of May, 1957, in the Ridderzaal of the Town Hall, Haarlem 4682 National Museum for the History of Science 1957 Digital version available
Kaer Linnai = Carl Linnaeus Gongna Buluoboge zhu / Gunnar Broberg ; fanyi : Wang Kaimei. BROBERG, Gunnar, 1942-. 4689 Ruidian duiwai wenhua jiaoliu weiyuanhui (Swedish Institute) 2006 Digital version available
Carl Linnaeus : perpetual calendar / Kerstin Landström, Lasse Modin. Landström, Kerstin, 1959- 4751 Tuva förlag Kristianstads boktr. 2006 Digital version available
A knowledge journey in the spirit of Linnaeus : food, raw materials and energy / editor: Monika Starendal ; [translation into English: Richard Nord]. Starendal, Monika, 1949- Nord, Richard Emanuelsson, Urban... 4733 Formas 2007 Digital version available
Science for the nation : Linnaeus' economic thought / Lisbet Rausing. Rausing, Lisbet, 1960- 4729 Uppsala universitet 2007 Digital version available
Då Archiatern Herr Doct. Carl Linnaeus blef dubbad til Riddare af Konglige Nordstjärne-Orden den 27 April 1753. Yttrade deröfver sin fägnad några Natural Wettenskapens idkare. A., R.H.L.S. 2586 Tryckt hos L.M. Höjer 1753 Digital version available
Linnaeus and homo religiosus biological roots of religious awareness and human identity ; proceedings from a conference at the Faculty of Theology, Uppsala University, 30th of May - 2nd of June 2007, in connection with the celebrations of the birth of Carl von Linnaeus ed. by Carl Reinhold Braakenhielm Bråkenhielm, Carl Reinhold 1945- Linné, Carl von 1707-1778... 4680 Uppsala Univ. 2009 Digital version available
Images of Linnæus : medals, coins and banknotes / Eva Wiséhn. Wiséhn, Eva, 1950- 4410 The Royal Coin Cabinet 2011 Digital version available
Early investigations of North American flora, with special reference to Linnaeus and Kalm. Juel, Hans Oscar, 1863-1931 900 1920 Digital version available
Linnés system Kindberg, Nils Conrad, 1832-1910 864 1871 Digital version available
[Linnaeus and Lamarck] Address to the Linnean society, 1884 Duncan, Martin 2800 1886 Digital version available
Linnaeus : prince of botanists. ANGUS, George A. 3096b Philosophical Society of England 1929 Digital version available
Carl Linnaeus Bolton, Sarah Knowles 2817 1889 Digital version available
Linnaeus als Geneesheer : voordracht gehouden op 12 juli 1903 te Zwolle voor de Ned. Vereeniging voor de Geschiedenis der Geneeskundige Wetenschappen. Ketel, B. A. van 999 1903 Digital version available
The place of Linnaeus in the unfolding of science; his views on the class mammalia Gregory, William 1254 1907 Digital version available
Linnæus, Nuttall and Gray : dedication of marble busts erected in the Missouri Botanical Garden ... June 1883 / by Henry Shaw. Shaw, Henry. 2798 1883 Digital version available
Carolus Linnaeus. Ein Lebensbild. Von Johannes Fr. X. Gistel, genannt G.-Tilesius. Gistel, Johannes Franz Xaver, 1809- 2749 J.D. Sauerländer 1873 Digital version available
[The career of Linnaeus] Presidental address, 1904 Vines, Sydney Howard, 1849-1934 2852 1904 Digital version available