Union Catalogue

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Flora Jadrensis, complectens plantas phaenogamas hucusque in agro Jadertino detectas et secundum systema Linnaeano-Sprengelianum redactas, a And. Alschinger. Alschinger, Andreas, 1791-1864. 842be Typographia Battara 1832 Digital version available
Flora Devoniensis : or a descriptive catalogue of plants growing wild in the county of Devon, arranged both according to the Linnaean and natural systems, with an account of their geographical distribution, &c. / by the Rev. J. P. Jones and J. F. Kingston. Jones, John Pike, 1790-1857 837* Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green 1829 Digital version available
Jussieu's und De Candolle's natürlich Pflanzen-Systeme : nach ihren Grundsätzen entwickelt und mit den Pflanzen-Familien von Agardh, Batsch und Linné, so wie mit dem Linné'schen Sexual-System verglichen. Für Vorlesungen und zum Selbstunterricht / von Carl Fuhlrott. Mit einer Vorrede von Dr. C.G. Nees von Esenbeck. Fuhlrott, Johann Carl (1804-1877). 837 Eduard Weber 1829 Digital version available
Carl yon Linné's Minnesfest i Upsala den 12 October 1829. Hedner, Andreas 2676 Palmblad & C. 1829 Digital version available
Flora hibernica : comprising the flowering plants ferns Characeae Musci Hepaticae Lichenes and algae of Ireland arranged according to the natural system with a synopsis of the genera according to the Linnaean system / by James Townsend Mackay. Mackay, James Townsend, 1774-1862 844e William Curry Jun and Company MDCCCXXXVI [1836] Digital version available
Flora Svecica enumerans plantas Sveciæ indigenas cum synopsi classium ordinumque, characterieus generum, differentiis specierum, synonymis citationieusque selectis, locis regionibusque natalibus, descriptionibus habitualibus nomina incolarum et qualitates plantarum illustrantibus ... Pars posterior Pars posterior / a Georgio Wahlenberg. Wahlenberg, Göran, 1780-1851 829d Palmblad 1833 Digital version available
Ph. Fr. Von Siebold's Erwiederung auf W. H. de Vriese's Abhandlung: "Het gezag van Kaempfer, Thunberg, Linnaeus En Anderen, Omtrent Den Botanischen Oorsprong Van Den Ster-Anijs Des Handels, Gehandhaafd Tegen Dr. Ph. Fr. Von Siebold En Prof. J. G. Zuccarini" mit Bezug Auf Die Von J. Hoffmann Mitgetheilten Angaben chinesischer Und japanischer Naturgeschichten Siebold, Philipp Franz von 1796-1866 845b Verfasser Voss 1837 Digital version available
Synopsis florae Germanicae et Helveticae exhibens stirpes phanerogamas rite cognitas, quae in Germania, Helvetia, Borussia et Istria sponte crescunt atque in hominum usum copiosius coluntur : secundum systema Candolleanum digestas, praemissa generum dispositione, secundum classes et ordines systematis Linnaeani conscripta auctore D. Guil. Dan. Jos. Koch, ... [Hauptbd.] Koch, Wilhelm Daniel Joseph 1771-1849 VerfasserIn 844b Wilmans 1837 Digital version available
The London flora : containing a concise description of the phænogamous British plants, which grow spontaneously in the vicinity of the metropolis, with their localities; arranged in conformity to the natural system: also a Linnæan arrangement of all the indigenous British species. To which is prefixed a comprehensive introduction to the natural method, an account of classification, and a sketch of botanical geography / by Alexander Irvine. Irvine, Alexander (1793-1873) 846a Smith, Elder and Co. 1838 Digital version available
The flora of Jamaica : a description of the plants of that island, arranged according to the natural orders, with and appendix, containing an enumeration of the genera according to the Linnaean system, and an essay on the geographical distribution of the species / by James Macfadyen. Macfadyen, James (1800-1850) 845i Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, & Longmans 1837 Digital version available
Loudon's Hortus Britannicus : A catalogue of all the plants indigenous, cultivated in, or introduced to Britain. Part I: The Linnean arrangement, in which nearly 30,000 species are enumerated: with the systematic name and authority, accentuation, derivation of generic names, literal English of specific names, synonymes systematic and English of both genera and species, habit, habitation in the garden, indigenous habitation, popular character, height, time of flowering, colour of the flower, mode of propagation, soil, native country, year of introduction, and reference to figures: preceded by an introduction to the Linnean system. Part II. the Jussieuean arrangement, of nearly 4,000 genera, with an introduction to the natural system, and a general description and history of each order / Edited by J.C. Loudon, F.L., H., G., & Z.S. Loudon, John Claudius (1783-1843). 838c Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans (1839) Digital version available
Nomenclator botanicus seu : synonymia plantarum universalis, enumerans ordine alphabetico nomina atque synonyma, tum generica tum specifica, et a Linnaeo et a recentioribus de re botanica scriptoribus plantis phanerogramis imposita / autore Ernesto Theoph. Steudel, Med. Dr. Physico Esslingensi. Steudel, Ernst Gottlieb von, 1783-1856 36 Typis et Sumptibus J.G. Cottae 1840-1841 Digital version available
Synopsis Florae Germanicae Et Helveticae, Exhibens Stirpes Phanerogamas Et Vasculares Cryptogamas Rite Cognitas, Quae In Germania, Helvetia, Borussia Et Istria Sponte Crescunt Atque In Hominum Usum Copiosius Coluntur Secundum Systema Candolleanum Digestas, Praemissa Generum Dispositione Secundum Classes Et Ordines Systematis Linnaeani Conscripta Auctore D. Guil. Dan. Jos. Koch, ... Pars Tertia Koch, Wilhelm Daniel Joseph 1771-1849 844c Gebhardt et Reisland 1845 Digital version available
Selections from the scientific correspondence of Cadwallader Colden with Gronovius, Linnæus, Collinson, and other naturalists / Arranged by Asa Gray, M.D. Colden, Cadwallader (1688-1776). 2526 Printed by B. L. Hamlen 1843 Digital version available
An Attempt to ascertain the true Hypericum quadrangulum of Linnaeus. Babington, Charles Cardale (1808-1895) 3452 1844] Digital version available
Linnaeus and Jussieu: or, The rise and progress of systematic botany : A popular biography, with an historical introduction and sequel. Carr, Daniel C. 2708 John W. Parker 1844 Digital version available
Carl Linnaei, archiat. reg. et med. prof. upsal. Skånska resa på höga öfverhetens befallning förrättad År 1749. : med rön och anmärkningar uti oeconomien, naturalier, antiquiteter, seder, lefnads-sätt : med tilhörige figurer Linné, Carl von 1707-1778 VerfasserIn 211 C.W.K. Gleerups Förlag Fr. Berlings Boktryckeri och Stilgjuteri 1874 Digital version available
Spicilegia Linnaeana, &c. : [in continuation of Linnaeana, 1869-1872] Dohrn, C. A. 1806-1892. 2740 1880-1881 Digital version available
Index abecedarius : an alphabetical index to the first edition [1753] of the 'Species plantarum" of Linnaeus / compiled by William Philip Hiern. Hiern, William Philip, 1839-1925 484a West, Newman & Co. 1906 Digital version available
The place of Linnaeus in the history of botany : [Rubr.] Olsson-Seffer, Pehr 2851 1904 Digital version available