Union Catalogue

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See also: linnaean
Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
The English flora : or, a catalogue of trees, shrubs, plants and fruits, natives as well as exotics, cultivated, for use or ornament, in the English nurseries, greenhouses and stoves, arranged according to the Linnean system ; with the Latin trivial and common English names and an English index referring to the Latin names. Also, A general catalogue of seeds for the kitchen-garden, flower-garden, grass-lands, etc. usually raised for sale, and those annually imported from America / by Richard Weston Weston, Richard 675* Printed for the author 1775 Digital version available
Epitome Entomologiæ Fabricianæ, sive Nomenclator Entomologicus emendatus, sistens Fabriciani Systematis cum Linneano cum parationem, adiectis characteribus ordinum et generu,. speciebus novis aliorum entomologorum, insectorum habitationibus nominibus Germanorum Francogallorum Anglorum / J. C. Fabricius Fabricius, Johann Christian, 1745-1808. 152b Io Gottlob Feind 1797 Digital version available
Epitome Entomologiæ Fabricianæ, sive Nomenclator Entomologicus emendatus, sistens Fabriciani Systematis cum Linneano cum parationem, adiectis characteribus ordinum et generu,. speciebus novis aliorum entomologorum, insectorum habitationibus nominibus Germanorum Francogallorum Anglorum / J. C. Fabricius Fabricius, Johann Christian, 1745-1808. 152c L. C. Hinrichs 1810 Digital version available
Iacobi Christiani Schaeffer ... Botanica expeditior : genera plantarum in tabulis sexualibus et universalibus aeri incisis exhibens. Schaeffer, Jacob Christian 640 Typis Emanuelis Adami Weissii 1762 Digital version available
Index Testaceologicus : or a catalogue of shells, British and foreign, arranged according to the Linnean system : with the Latin and English names, references to figures and places where found / by W. Wood Wood, W. 1774-1857. 1237 W. Wood 1818 Digital version available
General conchology; : or, a description of shells, arranged according to the Linnean system, and illustrated with sixty plates, containing 260 figures of univalves and bivalves / by W. Wood Wood, W. 1774-1857. 1236 John Booth 1835 Digital version available
Index specierum plantarum officinalium Linneana methodo distributarum Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778. 599a excudebat Iacobus Marsiglj 1805 Digital version available
Linköpings bibliotheks handlingar. Ny serie 1-4 Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 Wallin, Jöran, 1686-1760... 2561 1920-1924 Digital version available
Bokauktion den 22-25 maj 1929 : Linnéana; Bibliografi; Jakt; Svensk topografi ... som tillhört framlidne Överbibliotekarien J. M. Hulth, o. a., &c. 1928-29. Nr. 34. 3717 1929 Digital version available
Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778) : a bicentenary guide to the career and achievements of Linnaeus and the collections of the Linnean Society / by William T. Stearn & Gavin Bridson. Stearn, William Thomas, 1911-2001. 3120bxa The Society 1978 Digital version available
The Linnean species of Ornithogalum (Liliaceae) / William T. Stearn. Stearn, William Thomas, 1911-2001. 919cda Digital version available
Uppsala universitetsbiblioteks förvärv av Linneanska originalmanuskript / av J. M. Hulth. Hulth, J. M. 1865-1928. 3a s.n 1921 Digital version available
Termini Botanico-Cryptogamici ad normam recentiorum definiti nec non exemplis e classe vigesimaquarta systematis Linneani desumptis iconibusque ducentis et duodevicenis illustrati / auctore Dominico Nocca. Nocca, Domenico. 802k Ex Tipografia J. Joannis Capelli 1814 Digital version available
London Kaleidoskop, &c. : [with an illustrated account of the Collections of the Linnean Society of London.]. Mortensen, Johan Martin. 3533 Albert Bonnier 1930 Digital version available
Loudon's Hortus Britannicus : A catalogue of all the plants indigenous, cultivated in, or introduced to Britain. Part I: The Linnean arrangement, in which nearly 30,000 species are enumerated: with the systematic name and authority, accentuation, derivation of generic names, literal English of specific names, synonymes systematic and English of both genera and species, habit, habitation in the garden, indigenous habitation, popular character, height, time of flowering, colour of the flower, mode of propagation, soil, native country, year of introduction, and reference to figures: preceded by an introduction to the Linnean system. Part II. the Jussieuean arrangement, of nearly 4,000 genera, with an introduction to the natural system, and a general description and history of each order / Edited by J.C. Loudon, F.L., H., G., & Z.S. Loudon, John Claudius (1783-1843). 838b Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman 1832 Digital version available
A general system of nature, through the three grand kingdoms of animals, vegetables, and minerals, systematically divided into their several classes, orders, genera, species, and varieties, with their habitations, manners, economy, structure and peculiarities. / by Sir Charles Linné: translated from Gmelin, Fabricius, Willdenow, &c., together with various modern arrangements and corrections, derived from the Transactions of the Linnean and other Societies, as well as from the classical works of Shaw, Thornton, Abbot, Donovan, Sowerby, Latham, Dillwyn, Lewin, Martyn, Andrews, Lambert, &c., &c. With a life of Linné, appropriate copper-plates, and a dictionary explanatory of the terms which occur in the several departments of natural history, by William Turton Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 138 Printed for Lackington, Allen & Co. 1806 Digital version available
Catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of the Linnean Society of London. Part 3, Synopsis of the annotations by Linnaeus & contemporaries in his library of printed books Savage, Spencer. 3536a 1940 Digital version available
Linnaeus : progress and prospects in Linnean research / edited by Gunnar Broberg. Broberg, Gunnar, 1942- 3120bxo Almquist & Wiksell ;Hunt Institute 1978 Digital version available
Observationes Botanicae. circa Systema Vegetabilium divi a Linne, Gottingae 1784 Editum. quibus accedit justae in manes Linneanos pietatis, specimen. / Auctore Andrea Dahl Dahl, Anders, 1751-1789. 591 Ziegler und Söhne 1788 Digital version available
An introductory view of the Linnean system of plants / by Miss Kent Kent, Elizabeth, Miss. 835 printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green 1828-30 Digital version available