Union Catalogue

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Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Select dissertations from the Amœnitates Academicæ : [a supplement to Mr. Stillingfleet's tracts relating to natural history] / Carl Linnaeus ; transl. by F.J. Brand Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 4339 Arno 1977 Digital version available
Anmärkningar öfwer Amaryllis den Sköna / af Carl Linnæus Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 376 hos Lorentz Ludewig Grefing, p°a des egen bekosrnad 1742 Digital version available
Linnaeus : the man and his work / Tore Frängsmyr, editor ; with contributions by Sten Lindroth .. Lindroth, Sten, 1914-1980 Frängsmyr, Tore, 1938-2017... 4774 Science History Publ./USA cop. 1994 Digital version available
Carl v. Linné och hans fader, skildrade af hans bror. Linnaeus, Samuel, 1718-1797 2772a 1878 Digital version available
Bicentenary of Linnaeus. : Address by the President of the American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society. Kunz, George Frederick, 1856-1932 2950a 1908 Digital version available
Linnaeus (afterwards Carl von Linné) the story of his life, adapted from the Swedish of Theodor Magnus Fries, and brought down to the present time in the light of recent research, by Benjamin Daydon Jackson. Fries, Theodor Magnus, 1832-1913. 3799 Witherby 1923 Digital version available
Studenten Carolus Linnæus' bibliotek / J. M. Hulth. Hulth, Johan Markus, 1865-1928 3072 Almqvist & Wiksell 1925 Digital version available
Inbjudningar till doktors-promotionerna i Uppsala Universitets aula. Fredagen den 31 Maj 1957. BERG, Fredrik, 1887-1974. 4627 Almqvist & Wiksells 1957 Digital version available
Linnaeus's conception of nature / by Nils von Hofsten Hofsten, Nils von, 1881-1967 4587 förf 1958 Digital version available
Iter Palaestinum : eller Resa til Heliga Landet : förrättad ifrån år 1749 till 1752 / Fredrik Hasselquist ; utgiven av Carl Linnaeus 1757. Hasselquist, Fredrik, 1722-1752 4565 Rediviva 1969 Digital version available
Linnaeus / K.W. Gullers, Birger Strandell ; photo: K.W. Gullers .. Gullers, K. W., 1916-1998 4669 [Gullersproduktion] ;Gullers international cop. 1977 Digital version available
Archiater Caroli Linnaei föreläsningar uti botaniquen Gertz, Otto D., 1878-1948 3554 1914 Digital version available
Linnaeus as an evolutionist, by Edward L. Greene. Greene, Edward Lee, 1843-1915. 2963 1909 Digital version available
Ett och annat om Linnaea borealis. Fries, Theodor Magnus, 1832-1913 293 1908 Digital version available
Eulogium on Linnaeus. Fries, Theodor Magnus, 1832-1913 2815 1890 Digital version available
Om Carl Linnæi afgångsbetyg från Wexjö gymnasium / H. S. Cederschiöld. Cederschiöld, Henrik Samuel, 1824-1900 2797 Otto Sporsén 1882 Digital version available
Homo sapiens L : studier i Carl von Linnés naturuppfattning och människolära = [Homo sapiens L.] : [studies in Linnaeus' concept of nature and his physical anthropology] / Gunnar Broberg. Broberg, Gunnar, 1942-2022 3891 Almqvist & Wiksell [distr.] Borgström 1975 Digital version available
Brown-eyed, nimble, hasty, did everything promptly" : Carl Linnaeus 1707-1778 / Gunnar Broberg ; illustrated by Ylva Källström-Eklund ; [translated by Neil Tomkinson]. Broberg, Gunnar, 1942-2022 4789 Univ.Studentbokh. [distributör] Modin-tr 1990 Digital version available
Carl Linnaeus / by Gunnar Broberg ; [translation by Roger Tanner]. Broberg, Gunnar, 1942-2022 4675 Swedish Institute (Svenska institutet) (SI Skog 1992 Digital version available
Clavis anglica linguae botanicae : or, Botanical Lexicon ; in which the terms of botany, particularly those occurring in the works of Linnaeus, and other modern writers, are applied, derived, explained, contrasted, and exemplified. Berkenhout, John, 1726-1791 30 Printed for the Author 1764 Digital version available