Union Catalogue

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Anmärkningar öfver boskaps-sjukan uti Vivarais, af herr de Sauvages / ifrån fransöskan öfversatt [af Herr Magister Stecksenius] ; [forord af C. Linnæus]. Boissier de la Croix de Sauvages, François 3598 tryckt hos Lars Salvius 1748 Digital version available
Dagbok öfwer en ostindisk resa åren 1750. 1751. 1752. Med anmärkningar uti naturkunnigheten, främmande folkslags språk, seder, hushållning, m.m. På fleras åstundan utgifwen af Pehr Osbeck. ... Jämte 12 tabeller och afledne skepps-predikanten Toréns bref. Stockholm, tryckt hos Lor. Ludv. Grefing, på desz egen bekostnad, 1757 Osbeck, Pehr, 1723-1805 3599 (Grefing 1757 Digital version available
The botanist's repository for new and rare plants [only] : containing coloured figures of such plants, as have not hitherto appeared in any similar publication ; with all their essential characters, botanically arranged, after the sexual system of the celebrated Linnaeus : to each description is added a short history of the plant, as to its time of flowering, culture, native place of growth, when introduced and by whom : [no. 1-21] / the whole executed by Henry Andrews. Andrews, Henry Charles 750k printed by T. Bensley and published by the author 1797 Digital version available
Tableau des systêmes de botanique; généraux et particuliers; contenant 1.o le plan de chaque systême; 2,o les principes sur lesquels ils sont fondés; 3.o leurs avantages et leurs désavantages; 4.o spécialement le développment du systême sexuel de Linnaeus. / par le Cn. Mouton-Fontenille, Membre de la Société de Médecine de Lyon. Suivi de deux mémoires, dont le permier a pour objet une suite d'observations et d'expériences sur la dessication des plantes, et leurs conservation dans les herbiers. Le second renferme des observations sur les différentes especes de vgetaux propres aux montagnes calcaires et granitiques des environs de Grenoble. ; Par le C.n Mouton-Fontenille, Membre de la Société de Médecine de Lyon. Mouton-Fontenille de la Clotte, Marie Jacques Philippe (1769-1837). 765 L'auteur [et al.] an VI (1798). Digital version available
The families of plants, with their natural characters, according to the number, figure, situation, and proportion of all the parts of fructification : translated from the last edition, (as published by Dr. Reichard) of the Genera plantarum, and of the Mantissae plantarum of the elder Linneus; and from the Supplementum plantarum of the younger Linneus, with all the new families of plants, from Thunberg and l'Heritier. To which is prefix'd an accented catalogue of the names of plants, with the adjectives apply'd to them, and other botanic terms, for the purpose of teaching their right pronunciation / By a botanical society at Lichfield. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 3838 Printed by John Jackson, sold by J. Johnson, St. Paul's Church-yard, London. T. Byrne, Dublin, and J. Balfour, Edinburgh MDCCLXXXVII [1787] Digital version available
Recensio critica Aranearum Suecicarum, quas descripserunt Clerckius, Linnaeus, de Geerus : dissertatio academica / quam venia ampliss. Facult. Phil. Ups. p.p. Tamerlan Thorell, in auditorio gustav. pridie cal. jun. MDCCCLVI. Thorell, Tamerlan 172 typis descripsit C. A. Leffler 1856 Digital version available
Linnæus in his Lapland dress : from an original picture in the possession of Dr. Thornton. Linné, Carl von 3144 Thornton 1805 Digital version available
Carl von Linné 1778-1978 : utställning i Uppsala universitetsbibliotek ; exhibition catalogue with summaries in English / [Carl-Otto von Sydow]. Sydow, Carl-Otto von, 1927-2010. 4586 Uppsala universitetsbibliotek 1978 Digital version available
Entomologist Anglois, ouvrage ou l'on a rassemblé tous les insectes coleopteres qui se trouvent en Angleterre et qui forment plus de 500 espèces differentes d'insectes, dont les figures n'ont jamais èté données au public; le tout exactement dessiné et peint d'après nature arrangé selon le système de Linnæus et suivant les memes denominations / par Thomas Martyn. Martyn, Thomas 1230c s'adresser a son école de peinture pour l'histoire naturelle No. 10 Great Marlborough Street London 1792 Digital version available
Linnaeus, natural history and the circulation of knowledge / edited by Hanna Hodacs, Kenneth Nyberg and Stéphane van Damme. Hodacs, Hanna, 1971- Nyberg, Kenneth, 1971-... 4117 Voltaire Foundation 2018 Digital version available
Carl Linnaeus, James Edward Smith, and the Linnean Society of London. CHARMANTIER, Isabelle. 4910 The Collector Ltd. 2019 Digital version available
Linnaeus at home. BURTON, Joe. 4902 The Linnean Society of London 2019 Digital version available
Carl Linnaeus, 1707-2007 : Linnaeus and plant descriptions. SIMPSON, Niki. 4864 Niki Simpson 2017 Digital version available
Linnaeus: organising nature. Miles, Liz. 4865 Collins 2017 Digital version available
Magnol's Botanicum Monspeliense and Linnaeus's Flora Monspeliensis. MAGNOL, Pierre, 1638-1715. 4915 s.n 1973 Digital version available
Paradoxum insectum" : Linnaeus on Diopsis (Insecta : Diptera) / James F. Shillito. LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778. 4577 The Linnean Society of London 1974 Digital version available
The Upsala celebrations : The Swedish celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of Linnaeus May 23, 1707. POULTON, Edward Bagnall, Sir, 1856-1943. 4581 Oxford Magazine 1907 Digital version available
Linnaeus Theodor Magnus Fries ; ed. and transl. by Benjamin Daydon Jackson Fries, Theodor Magnus 4961 Cambridge Univ Pr 2011 Digital version available
'Geraniaceae' for the Linnaeus typification project prep. by R. Clifton Clifton, Richard Timothy Fred 1943- 4960 Geraniaceae Group 1999 Digital version available
Linnaeus's Plantae Surinamenses revisited Pedro Luís Rodrigues de Moraes Moraes, Pedro Luís Rodrigues de 4959 Magnolia Press 2012 Digital version available