Union Catalogue

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See also: linnaean
Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Discorso sull'Origine e Progresso della Storia Naturale, e piu particolarmente della Botanica / [Translated by Felice Fontana from Introductory Discourse on the rise and progress of Natural History, by Sir James Edward Smith, F.R.S., Trans. Linn. Soc., Vol. 1, pp. 1-55, London, 1791.] Tom.1. pp. 193-219. Marzo 1792. Tom.2. pp. 3-62. Aprile 1792. Smith, James Edward, Sir, 1759-1828 2624a s.n 1792 Digital version available
Dizionario botanico Italiano che comprende i nomi volgari Italiani, specialmente Toscani, e vernacoli delle Piante raccolti da diversi autori, e dalla gente di campagna, col corrispondente Latino Linneano / compilator dal dottor Ottaviano Targioni Tozzetti. Targioni Tozzetti, Ottaviano, 1755-1829 34i Presso Guglielmo Piatti 1809 Digital version available
Dizionario botanico Italiano che comprende i nomi volgari Italiani, specialmente Toscani, e vernacoli delle piante raccolti da diversi autori, e dalla gente di campagna, col corrispondente latino botanico / compilato dal dottore Ottaviano Targioni Tozzetti. Targioni Tozzetti, Ottaviano, 1755-1829 34j Presso Guglielmo Piatti 1825 Digital version available
British Fauna, containing a compendium of the Zoology of the British Islands : arranged according to the Linnean System. Vol. I including the classes Mammalia, Birds, Amphibia, Fishes, and Worms Turton, William, 1762-1835. 1234a Printed by J. Evans 1807 Digital version available
Catalogue of an extensive and valuable collection of the best works on natural history, arranged in classes according to the Linnean system now selling ... by W. Wood. WOOD, William, F.R.S. 163 Richard Taylor 1824 Digital version available
Catalogue of an extensive and valuable collection of the best works on natural history : arranged in classes according to the Linnean system : with an enumeration of the pages and plates each volume contains : now selling, at the prices affixed to each / by William Wood, 39 Tavistock Street, Covent Garden, (from 428 Strand) Wood, W. 1774-1857. 164 Printed by Richard Taylor 1832 Digital version available
General conchology : or, a description of shells, arranged according to the Linnean system, and illustrated with plates, drawn and coloured from nature. Vol. 1 / by W. Wood Wood, W. 1774-1857. 1235 John Booth 1815 Digital version available
Ichthyologia, cum Amphibiis regni Borussici : methodo Linneana disposita / a Johan. Christoph. Wulff ... Wulff, Johann Christoph, -1767. 1222a Apud Iohan. Jacob. Kanter 1765 Digital version available
Monachologia : or, Handbook of the natural history of monks, arranged according to the Linnean system / by a Naturalist [Baron Ignaz von Born ; translated by Count Walerjan S. Krasinski]. Born, Ignaz, Edler von, 1742-1791 3737 1852 Digital version available
Animadversiones in classem mammalium Linneanam ... / sub præsidio ... Andr. J. Retzii ... pro gradu ... offert Jacob Sönnerberg. Retzius, Anders Jåhan, 1742-1821 152 litteris Berlingianis 1796 Digital version available
Linnaeus progress and prospects in Linnaean research : [based on lectures held at the London-Uppsala-Stockholm Symposium 1978 Research on Linnaeus, progress and prospects] ed. by Gunnar Broberg Broberg, Gunnar 1942-2022 4250 Almqvist & Wiksell 1980 Digital version available
Order out of chaos Linnaean plant names and their types Charlie Jarvis Jarvis, Charles Edward 1954- 4002 published by The Linnean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, London 2007 Digital version available
Linné på Gotland : från dagboken i Linnean Society i London till våra dagars Gotland / av Marita Jonsson ; foto: Marita och Helga Jonsson. Jonsson, Marita, 1943- 4040 Gotlandsboken Alfaprint 2006 Digital version available
Linneanska blomster : porträtt av växter och personer kring Linné / Bertil Nordenstam. Nordenstam, Bertil, 1936- 4005 Carlsson Kristianstads boktryckeri 2007 Digital version available
Linnaeus in Gotland from the diary at the Linnean Society, London, to present-day Gotland by Marita Jonsson. Photography Marita and Helga Jonsson Jonsson, Marita 1943- 4063 GotlandsBoken 2007 Digital version available
Anteckningar rörande en i Paris befintlig Linneansk växtsamling. / Af Th. M. Fries Fries, Theodor Magnus, 1832-1913 3466 1861? Digital version available
Linnéanska föreläsningskollegier i botanik Gertz, Otto D., 1878-1948 3559 1919 Digital version available
Letter from Linnaeus to Albrecht von Haller, Upsaliae, May 12, 1747. Exhibited to the Linnean Society of London by Robert Morton Middleton, April 21, 1904. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 2545 1904 Digital version available
Linnean species in our days. By Ernst Almquist, professor emeritus, Stockholm. Almquist, Ernst, 1852-1946 905 1922 Digital version available
On the identification of the acanthaceae of the Linnean herbarium, in the possession of the Linnean Society of London. Anderson, T. 3468 1863 Digital version available