Union Catalogue

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See also: linnea, linnee, linnei
Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Linné und der Zweifler : ein Vortrag gehalten am Linnéus-Feste den 24. Mai 1838 / von Karl. Fr. Ph. v. Martius Martius, Karl Friedrich Philipp von, 1794-1868 2694a 1839 Digital version available
Carl Linneus : utforskaren : [berättelsen om en svensk världskändis] / Christina Israelsson. Israelsson Willman, Christina, 1948- 4728 BK Sesam Höörs tryckeri 2007 Digital version available
Á memoria de Carlos Linneu 1707-1907 Henriques, Júlio Augusto, 1838-1928 2878 1907 Digital version available
Reizen van den heer Karel Linnéus ... door eenige landschappen van Zweeden, op bevel der loffelyke stenden des koningryks verricht. Eerste deel. Bevattende Oeland en Gothland. Met kopere platen en kaarten. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 208 1770 Digital version available
The Language of Botany : being a Dictionary of the Terms made use of in that science, principally by Linneus: with familiar explanations, and an attempt to establish significant English terms ; the whole interspersed with critical remarks / by Thomas Martyn Martyn, Thomas, 1735-1825. 751 B. and J. White 1793 Digital version available
The Language of Botany : being a Dictionary of the Terms made use of in that science, principally by Linneus: with familiar explanations, and an attempt to establish significant English terms ; the whole interspersed with critical remarks / by Thomas Martyn Martyn, Thomas, 1735-1825. 34a B. and J. White 1793 Digital version available
The language of botany : being a dictionary of the terms made use of in that science, principally by Linneus : with familiar explanations, and an attempt to establish significant English terms. The whole interspersed with critical remarks / by Thomas Martyn. Martyn, Thomas (1735-1825) 2200 Printed by J. Davis for B. and J. White 1796 Digital version available
The language of botany : being a dictionary of the terms made use of in that science, principally by Linneus: with familiar explanations, and an attempt to establish significant English terms, the whole interspersed with critical remarks / by Thomas Martyn. Martyn, Thomas, 1735-1825. 752 Printed by J. Davis for B. and J. White 1796 Digital version available
Dykcyonarz roslinny, w którym podlug ukladu Linneusza sa opisane roslinny nietylko kraiowe dzikie, pozyteczne, albo szkodliwe : na roli, W ogrodach, oranzeryach, utrzymywane : ale oraz i cudzoziemskie, ktoreby w kraiu pozyteczne byc mogly: albo z ktorych mamy lekarstwa, korzenie, farby, it.d alboktore jakowa nadzwyczaynosc z sobie maia: ich zdatnosci lekarskie, ekonomiczne, dla ludzi, koni, bydea, owiec, pszcol, it.d. utrzymywanie, it.d. Z poprzedzaiacym wykladem slow botanicznych i kilkokrotnym na koncu Reiestrem = [Botanical dictionary, in which are described not only indigenous plants but also those of foreign countries, their medical and economical uses] / przez X. Krzysztofa Kluka. Kluk, Krzysztof (1739-1796) 713 Xiezy Pijarów 1805-1846 Digital version available
Observations on the different methods proposed for the classification of the species of the genus Rosa, Linneus / by A. Deseglise. Déséglise, Alfred 3470 J.E. Wheatley and Co. 1865 Digital version available
Manual of botany for the northern and middle states of America. Containing generic and specific descriptions of the indigenous plants and common cultivated exotics, growing north of Virginia. To which are prefixed, the natural and artificial classes and orders of Linneus; and the natural orders of Jussieu, with the medicinal properties of each order ... Eaton, Amos, 1776-1842. 807c Websters and Skinners 1822 Digital version available
On the sleep of plants ; and of that faculty which Linneus calls Vigiliæ Florum ; with an enumeration of several plants which are subject to that law / by Mr. Richard Pulteney of Leicester Pulteney, Richard, 1730-1801. 279c Printed ... for C. and R. Baldwin 1809 Digital version available
Poglady Karola Linneusza na jednostki systematyczne = [The opinions of Linnaeus on systematic units] / Adam Paszewski. Paszewski, Adam. 3120byd S.n 1978 Digital version available
Sur les ouvrages généraux en histoire naturelle : et particulièrement sur l'édition du Systema naturæ de Linneus, que M. J. F. Gmelin vient de publier / par J.B. Lamarck Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet de, 1744-1829 125 de l'Imprimerie de la Société 1792 Digital version available
A manual of botany, for the northern and middle states of America, containing generic and specific descriptions of the indigenous plants and common cultivated exotics, growing north of Virginia. To which is prefixed: a grammar and vocabulary; also, the natural orders of Linneus and of Jussieu, with the medicinal properties of each order. Eaton, Amos, 1776-1842. 807d Websters and Skinners 1824 Digital version available
A system of vegetables, according to their classes, orders, genera, species, with their characters and differences ... / translated [by Erasmus Darwin and others] from the thirteenth ed. (as published by Dr. Murray) of the Systema vegetabilium of the late Professor Linneus; and from the Supplementum plantarum of the present Professor Linneus ... ; by a Botanical Society, at Lichfield. Linné, Carl von 2197 Printed by John Jackson, for Leigh and Sotheby 1783 Digital version available