Union Catalogue

All records for Stockholm University Library (Stockholms universitetsbibliotek) (2103 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
The calendar of flora, Swedish and English. Made in the year 1755 Stillingfleet, Benjamin, 1702-1771 4458 1761 Digital version available
Linneana in the collection of the National Agricultural Library / compiled by Mortimer L. Naftalin Naftalin, Mortimer L. 4459 National Agricultural Library 1968 Digital version available
Carl von Linnés brefvexling / E. Ährling. Ährling, Ewald, 1837-1888 4460 Inter documentation company (IDC cop. 1967 Digital version available
A catalogue of the works of Linnaeus : issued in commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the birthday of Carolus Linnaeus, 1707-1778 4461 1957 Digital version available
Herbationes upsalienses : Protokoll över Linnés exkursioner i Uppsalatrakten. 1 Herbationerna 1747 / Red. och med noter försedda av Åke Berg. Med en inledning av Arvid Hj. Uggla. Berg, Åke 4462 Almqvist & Wiksell 1952 Digital version available
A checklist of Linneana 1735-1835 in the University of Kansas libraries 1964. Williams, Terrence 4463 1964 Digital version available
Carolus Linnaeus Johannesu Antoniusu Scopoliju 1761-1773 : posnetki rokopisov pisem s slovenskim in angleskim prevodom = Carolus Linnaeus to Johannes Antonius Scopoli 1761-1763 : photocopies of the manuscripts, Slovene and English translations / Carl von Linné ; prevedla Darinka Soban. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 4464 Prirodoslovno drustvo slovenije 1995 Digital version available
Discursus de introducenda in scholas et gymnasia praecipue vero in gymnasium Arosiense historiæ naturalis lectione, ad generosissimum Dalekarliae gubernatorem, lib. bar. de Reuterholm, et reverendissimum Arosiensem episcopum doct. Andr. Kalsenium, auct. Johanne Browallio. Browallius, Johan, 1707-1755 4465 1737 Digital version available
Laurentii Robergii ... Orationes, 1. De requisitis futuri medici, ex Hippocrate. 2. De ceremoniis, in rectoratus mutatione, solitis. 3. De medicinæ encomio. 4. De thesibus physiologicis quibusdam, similitudinibus explicatis; nec non : 5. Cogitationes, de empiricis & empiria. Roberg, Lars, 1664-1742 4466 1748 Digital version available
Förteckning öfver manuskript innehållande anteckningar efter Carl von Linnés Föreläsningar i zoologi. / Upprättad af Greta Ekelöf. Conwentz, Greta Margareta 4467 1913 Digital version available
Ett linnéanskt rarissimum : den ursprungliga upplagan av Linnæi Wästgötaresa Bryk, Felix, 1882-1957 4468 1947 Digital version available
Catalogue of the exhibition of books to be held in a locality of the Royal Zoological Institution "Natura Artis Magistra" : comprising: I. Botanical incunabula (collection Dr. F. W. T. Hunger). II. Linnaeana, exhibited on occasion of the bicentenary of Linnés "Systema naturae", ed. I (mainly from the collections of Dr. D. Mac Gillavry and of 'Natura Artis Magistra' Amsterdam). III. Books quoted in Dr. Sirks historical introduction to his "Botany in the Netherlands 4469 1935 Digital version available
Ichthyologia / Peter Artedi ; with an introduction by A. C. Wheeler Artedi, Petrus, 1705-1735 4470 Cramer 1962 Digital version available
Catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of the Linnean Society of London P. 3 Synopsis of the annotations by Linnaeus and contemporaries in his library of printed books Savage, Spencer 4471 Linnean Society of London 1940 Digital version available
Bibliotheca Linnaeana - works by or relating to Carolus Linnaeus, his predecessors, contemporaries and pupils with sequels - from the library of Emil Lindell. Lindell, Emil 4472 Smålandsposten 1932-1933 Digital version available
Linnaeana / comp. by G.A. Rudolph and Evan Williams. Rudolph, G. A. 4473 1970 Digital version available
Sweden : Catalogue of a collection of rare and valuable engravings drawings, paintings, etc., and some rare works of Linnaeus. [Illustr.] 4474 s.a Digital version available
Förteckning öfver arbeten af Carl von Linné i offentliga bibliotek i Chicago / sammanställd af Aksel G. Josephson. Josephson, Aksel G., 1860-1944 4475 Svensk-amerikanska historiska sällsk. 1907 Digital version available
Carl Friedrich Dieterichs Pflanzenreich nach dem neuesten Natursystemdes königl. Schwedischen Ritters und Leibarztes Carl von Linné Dieterich, Carl Friedrich, 1734-1778 4477 1775 Digital version available
Bibliotheca botanica recensens libros plus mille de plantis huc usque editos, secundum systema auctorum naturale in classes, ordines, genera & species dispositos, additis editionis loco, tempore, forma, lingua etc. cum explicatione Fundamentorum botanicorum pars Ima Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 4478 Fritsch 1968 Digital version available