Linné et le mouvement linnéen à Lyon
la Société Linnéenne de Lyon et son patrimoine scientifique |
4208 |
2009 |
Förspel till Växternas Bröllop
= Prelude to the betrothal of plants = Praeludia sponsaliorum plantarum |
Linné, Carl von
1707-1778 |
4041 |
Uppsala Universitetsbibliotek |
2010 |
The Linnaeus apostles
Introduction, The 18th century, The seekers of truth, Practical aspects
ed.-in-chief Lars Hansen . |
4006 |
2010 |
Systema naturae 250
the Linnaean ark
ed. by Andrew Polaszek |
Polaszek, Andrew |
4207 |
Taylor & Francis |
2010 |
Caroli Linnaei ... Species Plantarum
with an supplement by C.E. Jarvis to the appendix by J.I. Heller and W.T. Stearn |
Jarvis, Charles Edward 1954- Heller , J. I. Stearn, William T.... |
4572 |
2014 |
The Lord Treasurer of botany
Sir James Edward Smith and the Linnaean Collections
Tom Kennett |
Kennett, Tom |
4912 |
Linnean Society of London |
2016 |
Nomenclator Botanicvs
Omnes Plantas Ab Illvstr. Carolo A Linné Descriptas Aliisqve Botanicis Temporis Recentioris Detectas Envmerans |
Linné, Carl von
1707-1778 |
506 |
Apvd Iohann Gottlob Feind |
Caroli Linnæi M.D. Botanici Et Mineralogi Pvblici Fundamenta Botanica
In Qvibvs Theoria Botanices Aphoristice Traditvr. Accedvnt Iohannis Gesneri Med. Doct. Phys. Et Math. Prof. Ord. Dissertationes Physicae in Qvibvs Celeb. Linnæi Elementa Botanica Dilvcide Explicantvr |
Linné, Carl von
1707-1778 |
262 |
Apvd Io. Gottl. Bierwirth |
In memoriam bisecularem C. a Linnaei
[scientia naturalis usque ad finem seculi XVIII.]
[W. Junk] |
Junk, Wilhelm
1866-1942 |
3686 |
Junk |
ca. 1907 |
Carl von Linné
Carl Linnaeus' house and garden in Uppsala, Sweden
by Pia Michélsen |
Michélsen, Pia |
3920 |
The Linnaeus Museum |
ca. 2003 |