Union Catalogue

All records for Uppsala University Library (1972 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Zur Geschichte der Asperula Neilreichii Beck / von Carl Flatt v. Alföld Flatt, Károly, 1853-1906 4509 1895 Digital version available
Lettres de Linné a David van Royen/ Publiées et annotées par Edmond Bonnet Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 2541 1895 Digital version available
Das seltenste typographische Product Linné's. Von Karl von Flatt, Güterdirigent in Alsó-Lugos, Ungarn. Flatt, Karl von 491 1896 Digital version available
Linnean type-specimens of birds, reptiles, batrachians and fishes in the Zoological Museum of the R. University in Upsala. Lönnberg, Einar, 1865-1942 3495 1896 Digital version available
The rarest typographic product of Linnaeus Jackson, B. Daydon 493 1896 Digital version available
Linnés Leben und Wirken / Von Wilhelm Meyer in Göttingen Meyer, Wilhelm 1844-1944 2832 Druck und Verlag der Aschendorffschen Buchhandlung 1896 Digital version available
Francisci a Mygind ... observationes critico-botanicae, seu epistolae ad Linnaeum scriptae. E genuinis, quae Londini apud "Societatem Linneanam" asservantur, manuscriptis descriptas exhibuit Carolus de Flatt. Mygind, Franz von, 1710-1789 2542 1897 Digital version available
Linné och Skandinaviens nivåförändringar. Lindvall, Carl August, 1863-1847 1028 1897 Digital version available
Inbjudningsskrift till afhörande af de offentliga föreläsningar, med hvilka professoren i rättshistoria, filosofie doktorn, juris utriusque kandidaten Karl Johan Vilhelm Sjögren samt professoren i kyrkohistoria, teologie och filosofie kandidaten Anders Herman Lundström tillträda sina embeten / af Th. M. Fries. Fries, Theodor Magnus, 1832-1913 2827 1898 Digital version available
Bilder ur Sveriges literära lif : Karl von Linné. 1 Lindgren, Hellen, 1857-1904 4813 Ljus 1899 Digital version available
Complete Catalogue of Linné ́s Private Collection of Fishes, now in the possession of the Linnean Society Günther, Albert C. L. G. 1830-1914. 3497 1899 Digital version available
Caroli Linnæi Hortus Uplandicus / med inledning och förklaringar af Th. M. Fries Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 236 1899 Digital version available
Bilder ur Sveriges literära lif : Karl von Linné. [2] Lindgren, Hellen, 1857-1904 4814 Ljus 1899 Digital version available
Inbjudningsskrift till afhörande af den offentliga föreläsning, med hvilken professoren i anatomi, medicine doktorn Johan August Harald Hammar tillträder sitt embete / af Th. M. Fries. Fries, Theodor Magnus, 1832-1913 237 1899 Digital version available
Catalogue of Linnean type-specimens of snakes in the Royal Museum in Stockholm. : Communicated 1898, june 8. Andersson, Lars Gabriel, 1868-1951 3496 1899 Digital version available
Une lettre de Linné à Adanson, avec fac-simile Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 2542a 1899 Digital version available
An Index to the generic and trivial names of animals described by Linnaeus in the 10th and 12th editions of the "Systema naturae" / by Charles Davies Sherborn Sherborn, Charles Davies, 1861-1942 69 Dulau & Co. ;Cornish 1899 Digital version available
An Index to the generic and trivial names of animals described by Linnaeus in the 10th and 12th editions of the "Systema naturae" / by Charles Davies Sherborn Sherborn, Charles Davies, 1861-1942 86 Dulau & Co. ;Cornish 1899 Digital version available
Carl von Linné : Carl Linnaeus ́ house and garden in Uppsala, Sweden / by Pia Michélsen. Michélsen, Pia 3920 s.n 19-- Digital version available
Linnés egenh. tillägg i Skånska resans dagbok Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 4443 s.n 19--? Digital version available