Reason and experience :
the representation of natural order in the work of Carl von Linné /
by James L. Larson. |
Larson, James L. |
3910 |
University of California Press |
1971 |
Travels /
Carl Linnaeus ; edited by David Black ; illustrated by Stephen Lee ; [translated from the Swedish]. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
3907 |
Elek |
1979 |
Linnaeus's Öland and Gotland journey, 1741 /
trans. from the Swedish ed. 1745, by Marie Åsberg and William T. Stearn. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
3906 |
Linnean Society of London |
1973 |
Angår oss Linné?. |
Krook, Hans,
1920- |
3903 |
Rabén & Sjögren |
1971 |
A Linnaean keepsake, issued to commemorate the opening of the Strandell collection. |
3902 |
Hunt Inst Botanical Doc |
1973 |
I Skåne med Linné. En resa tvåhundra år senare av A. Henrikson och B. Lundquist. [Written by A. Henrikson and illustrated by B. Lundquist.] |
Henrikson, Alf,
1905-1995. |
3899 |
1949 |
Studies in Linnaean method and nomenclature /
John Lewis Heller. |
Heller, John Lewis,
1906-1988. |
3898 |
Lang |
1983 |
Linnés språk och stil :
studier i Linnés svenska författarskap av Margit Abenius, Sixten Belfrage, Sigurd Fries och Jöran Sahlgren. Samlade och utgivna av Sigurd Fries. |
Fries, Sigurd. |
3896 |
Bokförlaget Prisma |
1971 |
Caroli Linne Systema naturae. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
3895 |
Natural History Museum in association with the Linnean Society of London. |
1991 |
Contemporary perspectives on Linnaeus /
edited by John Weinstock. |
Weinstock, John M. |
3894 |
University Press of America |
c1985 |
Carl von Linné :
Beiträge über Zeitgeist, Werk und Wirkungsgeschichte : gehalten auf dem Linnaeus-Symposion in Hamburg am 21. und 22. Oktober 1978 /
von H. Goerke ... [et al.]. |
Goerke, H. |
3892 |
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht |
1980 |
Homo sapiens L :
studier i Carl von Linnés naturuppfattning och människolära... /
[av] Gunnar Broberg. |
Broberg, Gunnar,
1942-2022. |
3891 |
Almquist & Wiksell i distribution |
1975 |
Linné om Skaparen. |
ALMER, Tage Wolfgang Harry. |
3890 |
Gleerup |
1968 |
Handels-systemet i en rikhushållning; af Adam Smith. (Från engelskan) |
Smellie, William,
1740-1795. |
3889 |
paa Hofboghandler S. Poulsens Forlag |
1796 |
D. Vandellii Fasciculus plantarum, cum novis generibus, et speciebus. |
Vandelli, Domenico,
1735-1816. |
3888 |
1771 |
Petri Arduini ... Animadversionum botanicarum specimen (Specimen alterum). [With plates.] |
ARDUINO, Pietro. |
3887 |
1759 |
Petri Arduini ... Animadversionum botanicarum specimen (Specimen alterum). [With plates.] |
ARDUINO, Pietro. |
3886 |
1759 |
N. J. J. Enumeratio systematica plantarum, quas in insulis Caribæis vicinaque Americes continente detexit novas, aut jam cognitas emendavit. |
Jacquin, Nikolaus Joseph,
Freiherr von,
1727-1817. |
3885 |
1760 |
J. T. Kleinii ... Historiæ avium prodromus, cum præfatione de ordine animalium in genere. Accessit historia muris Alpini, et vetus vocabularium animalium msc. |
KLEIN, Jacob Theodor. |
3882 |
1750 |
A sketch of a tour on the Continent, in the years 1786 and 1787. |
Smith, James Edward,
1759-1828. |
3880 |
1807 |