N. G. Geve's Conchylien-Cabinet herausgegeben und systematisch nach der 13ten Gmelinschen Ausgabe des Linneischen Systems beschrieben von F. Pachmann. |
GEVE, Nicolaus Georg. |
141a |
1830 |
An introduction to the elements of the Linnæan system of botany. |
838 |
1830 |
Opisanie roślin w Litwie, na Wołyniu, Podolu i Ukrainie dziko rosnących, jako i oswojonych, etc. |
JUNDZIŁŁ, Joźef. |
618 |
1830 |
Flore du Dauphiné, ou description succincte des plantes croissant naturellement en Dauphiné, ou cultivées pour l'usage de l'homme et des animaux, précédée d'un précis de botanique, de l'analyse des genres, et de leur tableau d'après le système de Linnée. |
MUTEL, Auguste. |
839 |
1830 |
An encyclopædia of plants; comprising ... every ... particular respecting all the plants indigenous, cultivated in, or introduced to Britain. ... Edited by J. C. Loudon ... the drawings by J. D. C. Sowerby ... the engravings by R. Branston. (First additional supplement ... comprising ... all the plants originated in, or introduced into, Britain, between ... 1829, and ... 1840 ... prepared by W. H. Baxter ... and revised by G. Don.). |
Loudon, J. C.
1783-1843. |
837a |
1829 [-40] |
The young botanist; or, a sketch of the life of Linnæus, etc. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
2674 |
1829 |
A synoptical compend of British botany ... arranged after the Linnean system, etc. |
A.L.S. |
785j |
1829 |
An introduction to medical botany, etc. |
Castle, Thomas,
-1837. |
836b |
E. Cox |
1829 |
Flora Devoniensis: or a descriptive catalogue of plants growing wild in the County of Devon ... With an account of their geographical distribution, etc. |
JONES, John Pike,
and KINGSTON (J. F.) |
837* |
1829 |
Tentamen supplementi ad Systematis vegetabilium Linnæani editionem decimam sextam. |
SPRENGEL, Anton. |
617 |
1828 |
Monandrian plants of the order Scitamineæ, chiefly drawn from living specimens in Botanic Garden at Liverpool. Arranged according to the system of Linnæus. With descriptions and ebservations by W. Roscoe. [Coloured plates.] |
Roscoe, William,
1753-1831. |
835b |
1828 |
A sketch of the life of Linnæus. In a series of letters designed for young persons. |
Waring, S.,
Miss. |
2673 |
Harvey and Darton |
1827 |
The first lines of botany, or Primer to the Linnæan system; being a simplified introduction to a knowledge of the vegetable kingdom, etc. |
Forsyth, J. S. |
832 |
J. Bulcock |
1827 |
An introduction to physiological and systematical botany. |
Smith, James Edward,
1759-1828. |
786f |
1827 |
Practical botany; an improved arrangement of the generic characters of British plants: with a familiar introduction to the Linnean system. |
Johns, William,
M.R.C.S. |
830b |
1826 |
Linné's eigenhändige Anzeichnungen über sich selbst, mit Anmerkungen ... von Afzelius. Aus dem Schwedischen übersetzt von K. Lappe. Mit einer Vorrede von K. A. Rudolphi. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
2661 |
1826 |
Äreminne öfver arkiatern Carl von Linné. |
Agardh, C. A.
1785-1859. |
2668 |
1826 |
Botanical terminology; or dictionary explaining the terms most generally employed in systematic botany. |
LLOYD, G. N. |
831 |
1826 |
Goldsmith's natural history, abridged ... by Mrs. Pilkington. The eleventh edition, revised and corrected by a teacher, of Philadelphia, etc. |
Goldsmith, Oliver,
1730?-1774. |
166a |
Thomas Desilver |
1826 |
Dizionario Botanico Italiano, che comprende i nomi volgari italiani, specialmente toscani, e vernacoli delle piante, raccolti da diversi autori e dalla gente di campagna, col corrispondente Latino Linneano. |
Targioni Tozzetti, Ottaviano,
1755-1829. |
34j |
1825 |