Hortus culinaris ... /
Mod. C. von Linné, etc. |
Tengborg, Jonas Carl,
1740-1788 |
1311/126 |
publisher not identified |
1789 |
Dissertatio academica demonstrans necessitatem promovendae historiae naturalis in Rossia, etc.
pt. 1 /
Præs. C. v. Linné. |
Karamyschew, Alexander von,
1744-1791. |
2328 |
publisher not identified |
1789 |
Dissertatio medica, de effectu et cura vitiorum diæteticorum generali, etc. /
Praes. C. von Linné. |
Bergman, Johan Gabriel,
1732-1793. |
1311/144 |
publisher not identified |
1789 |
Resp. Dissertatio academica, sistens inebriantia /
Praes. C. Linnaeus. |
Alander, Olof Reinhold,
1739- |
1307/111 |
publisher not identified |
1789 |
Resp. Prolepsis plantarum. |
Ullmark, Henrik,
1740-1771 |
1307/118 |
publisher not identified |
1789 |
Insektologische Terminologie, oder Grundbegriffe der Insektenlehre durch Beispiele und Beobachtungen, nach dem System des Ritters von Linné erläutert ... Mit Kupfern. |
SCHMIEDLEIN, Gottfried Benedict. |
1229a |
1789 |
Resp. Reformatio botanices ... /
Præs. C. Linnæo, etc. |
Reftelins, Johan Martin,
1740-1799 |
2226 |
publisher not identified |
1789 |
Resp. Dissertatio academica in qua Anthropomorpha ... /
Præs. C. Linnæo ... examini submittit C. E. H., etc. |
Hoppius, Christian Emanuel,
1736- |
2127 |
publisher not identified |
1789 |
Fundamenta entomologiæ, etc. /
Praes. C. Linnaeus. |
Blad, Anders,
1748-1834 |
2370 |
publisher not identified |
1789 |
Clavis Anglica linguæ botanicæ; or, A botanical lexicon; in which the terms of botany ... are applied, derived, explained, contrasted and exemplified. |
2182 |
T. Cadell |
1789 |
Resp. Plantæ rariores Africanæ ... /
Præs ... C. Linnæo, etc. |
Printz, Jacob,
1740-1779. |
2150 |
publisher not identified |
1789 |
Dissertatio academica demonstrans necessitatem promovendae historiae naturalis in Rossia, etc.
pt. 1 /
Præs. C. v. Linné. |
Karamyschew, Alexander von,
1744-1791. |
1311/148 |
publisher not identified |
1789 |
Fundamenta entomologiæ, etc. /
Praes. C. Linnaeus. |
Blad, Anders,
1748-1834 |
1311/133 |
publisher not identified |
1789 |
Resp. Dissertatio ... sistens iter in Chinam ... /
Mod ... C. v. Linné, etc. |
Sparrman, Anders,
1748-1820 |
2396 |
publisher not identified |
1789 |
Disputatio medica de morsura serpentum, quam ... sub præsidio ... Caroli Linnæi ... publice ventilandam exhibet ... J. G. Acrell, etc. |
ACREL, Johan Gustaf. |
2172 |
1789 |
Potus theæ /
Præs. C. von Linné, etc. |
Tillaeus, Pehr Cornelius,
1747-1827 |
1311/137 |
publisher not identified |
1789 |
Dissertatio medica, de effectu et cura vitiorum diæteticorum generali, etc. /
Praes. C. von Linné. |
Bergman, Johan Gabriel,
1732-1793. |
2342 |
publisher not identified |
1789 |
Morbi artificum. |
Skragge, Niles,
1738-1787 |
1311/130 |
publisher not identified |
1789 |
A descriptive catalogue of upwards of 1100 species and varieties of herbaceous or perennial plants ... to which is added a list of hardy ferns ... and the most ornamental annuals. |
Graefer, John,
-1802. |
731c |
1789 |
Resp. Diæta ætatum. |
Öhrqvist, Daniel Johan. |
1311/129 |
publisher not identified |
1789 |