A poetical introduction to the study of botany. |
Rowden, Frances Arabella. |
774 |
1801 |
C. Linnæi ... Philosophia botanica, in qua explicantur fundamenta botanica cum definitionibus partium, etc. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
449 |
1790 |
An introduction to physiological and systematical botany. |
Smith, James Edward,
1759-1828. |
786d |
1809 |
[Auctores botanici.] Botaniska författare ... Akademisk avhandling under Linnés presidium ... Översatt ... av Telemak Fredbärj och Albert Boerman. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
4193 |
1973 |
Système naturel du regne animal, etc. [by F. A. Aubert de la Chenaye des Bois]. |
Aubert de La Chesnaye-Desbois, François-Alexandre, 1699-1784. |
64a |
1754 |
Les plantes, poème, etc. |
CASTEL, René Richard Louis. |
3151 |
1839 |
Grundriss einer Geschichte und Literatur der Botanik nebst einer Geschichte der botanischen Gärten von J. A. Schultes. Vollständiges Register von J. Schultes. Mit einem Vorworte von L. Radlkofer. |
3643 |
1871 |
The natural history of British birds; ... the descriptions from the Systema naturæ of Linnæus; with general observations, either original, or collected from the ... most esteemed English ornithologists; and illustrated, with figures, etc. |
Donovan, E.
1768-1837. |
131 |
1799-1819 |
The generic characters in the English botany, collated with those of Linné. |
Salisbury, R. A.
1761-1829. |
786 |
1806 |
A manual of botany for the northern and middle States. Second edition, enlarged. |
EATON, Amos. |
807b |
1818 |
Obstacula medicinæ, etc. |
BEYERSTEN, Johannes Georgius. |
1640 |
1756 |
Somnus plantarum, etc. Praes. C. Linnæus. MS. notes. |
BREMER, Petr Petersson. |
1869 |
Flora Anglica, etc. Editio altera ... aucta. MS. notes. |
HUDSON, William,
F.R.S. |
643c |
1778 |
Essai sur l'histoire naturelle de quelques especes de moines, decrits à la maniere de Linné. Ouvrage traduit du latin [from Joannis Physiophili Specimen monachologiae methodo Linnæana”, by Ignaz von Born] et orné de figures. Par M. Jean d'Antimoine [i.e. P. M. A. Broussonet]. [With additional text by the translator.] |
pseud. [i.e. Pierre Marie Auguste Broussonet.] ANTIMOINE, Jean d' Baron. BORN, Ignaz von... |
3733 |
1784 |
A catalogue of indigenous and exotic plants growing in Ceylon, distinguishing the several esculent vegetables ... with ... the divisions ... of species in use amongst the Singhalese. Also an outline of the Linnæan sexual system of botany in the English and Singhalese languages. |
MOON, Alexander,
Superintendent of the Royal Botanical Gardens in Ceylon. |
830 |
1824 |
Carl von Linné :
Geniets kamp för klarhet. [With plates, including portraits.] |
Malmeström, Elis,
1895- |
4383 |
1964 |
The philosophy of natural history. |
SMELLIE, William,
Member of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. |
151c |
1834 |
Verhandeling over de voortteeling der dieren en planten, dienende tot verklaaring van het kruidkundig samenstel van den Ridder Linnæus; en uitbreiding der korte inleiding tot de kruidkunde, van Philip Miller, etc. |
BASTER, Job. |
465 |
1768 |
Tableau des systêmes de botanique, généraux et particuliers: ... suivi de deux mémoires, dont le premier a pour objet une suite d'observations ... sur la dessication des plantes; ... le second renferme des observations sur les ... espèces de végétaux propres aux montagnes calcaires et granitiques des environs de Grenoble. |
766 |
1801 |
Caroli Linnæi ... Genera plantarum eorumque characteres naturales secundum numerum, figuram, situm & proportionem omnium fructificationis partium. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
327 |
1830, 1831. |