Union Catalogue

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Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Linnaeus the compleat naturalist Wilfrid Blunt; introduction by William T. Stearn Blunt, Wilfrid 1901-1987 4567 Frances Lincoln 2004 Digital version available
One hundred and twenty copper-plates of English moths and butterflies, representing their changes into the caterpillar, chrysalis, and fly states, and the plants, flowers and fruits whereon they feed ... With a natural history of the moths and butterflies, describing the method of managing, preserving, and feeding them.. to which is added, an index of the Insects and Plants, adapted to Linnaeus's system / by Benjamin Wilkes Wilkes, Benjamin. 1223a s.n 1773 Digital version available
Linnaeus : the man and his work / Tore Frängsmyr, editor ; with contributions by Sten Lindroth ... [et al.]. Frängsmyr, Tore, 1938- Lindroth, Sten. 3120cqa Science History Publications 1994 Digital version available
Prospectus of the new Illustration of the Sexual System of Linnaeus, by Robert John Thornton, M. D. Late of Trinity College, Cambridge ; Lecturer on Medical Botany at guy's Hospital etc. Thornton, Robert John, 1768?-1837. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 771a Digital version available
Horloge de flore, ou, Tableau de l'heure de l'épanouissement de certaines fleurs à Upsal, par 60 degres de latitude boreale, d'après Linnaeus. Brisseau-Mirbel, C.-F. 1776-1854 439e De L'Imprimerie de F. Dufart An X [1802] Digital version available
Linnaeus's abbreviated references / W. T. Stearn. Stearn, William Thomas, 1911-2001. 301a Digital version available
[An Analysis of the System of Linnaeus] ; History of Science Seventh Epoch : from Linné till Hedwig or from 1735 to 1782 / Willdenow, Karl Ludwig, 1765-1812. 749c Digital version available
Ur dagens krönika : tidstaflor under medverkan af flere svenska och utländska författare / utgifna af Arvid Ahnfelt, årg.5, ny serie, heft 5-6, Maj-Juni 1885, årg.7, heft 1, Jan. 1887. Ahnfelt, Arvid. 2802a 1885, 1887. Digital version available
Aap, vis, boek : Linnaeus in de Artis Bibliotheek / [redaktie: Piet Verkruijsse en Chunglin Kwa ; tekst: Midas Dekkers ... [et al.]]. Verkruijsse, P. J. Kwa, Chunglin. Dekkers, Midas, 1946- 4075 Waanders 2007 Digital version available
Carolus Linnaeus : rede, ter gelegenheid van de herdenking van de dag, op welke Linnaeus voor 250 jaar geboren werd, uitgesproken op 24 mei 1957 in de raadszaal te Harderwijk / door F. W. Drijver. Drijver, F. W. 3120bbp Flevo 1957 Digital version available
Linnaea. Poetiskt Album af Svensk-Amerikanska Publicister i Chicago : Inkomsten tillfaller Svenska Linné-Monumentförbundet / [By Jakob Bonggren, Joh.A. Enander, Ernst Lindblom, & C.F. Peterson ; With a biographical sketcḥ of Linnaeus by J.A. Enander.]. Enander, Joh. A. 2810 Hemlandet 1887 Digital version available
Natural history Linnaeans : catalogue 503 / Björck & Börjesson 4064 Björck & Börjesson 1982 Digital version available
Dissertationis academicæ de præstantia orbis Sviogothici, partem priorem, suffragante amplissimo reg. Athen. Upsal. senatu philosophico, præside ... Petro Ekerman ... ad diem VI. Junii, anni MDCCXLVII. In auditorio Carolino majori, horis antemeridianis solitis, publico bonorum examini modeste submittit Carolus Renmarck, Jac. F. Westro-Botniensis. Ekerman, Petrus, 1697-1783 3570 1747 Digital version available
Epistolae ineditae Caroli Linnaei addita parte commercii litterarii inediti, inprimis circa rem botanicam, J. Burmanni ... ; annis 1736-1793 Ex litteris autographis editit H.C. van Hall Linné, Carl von 1707-1778 2515 Apud W. van Boekeren 1830 Digital version available
Carl Linnaeus, &c. Dick, William Ernest. 3120bbi 1957 Digital version available
A manual of botany, for the northern and middle states of America, containing generic and specific descriptions of the indigenous plants and common cultivated exotics, growing north of Virginia. To which is prefixed: a grammar and vocabulary; also, the natural orders of Linneus and of Jussieu, with the medicinal properties of each order. Eaton, Amos, 1776-1842. 807d Websters and Skinners 1824 Digital version available
Linnaeana : [a sketch of the Life of Linnaeus] Dohrn, C. A. 1806-1892. 2739 1869-1872 Digital version available
Flora Britannica indigena : or plates of the indigenous plants of Great Britain: with their descriptions taken from Linnæus's Systema Naturæ .... / by John Walcott. Walcott, John, fl. 1778-1822. 3130 Printed and sold by S. Hazard ; sold also by B. White ... London, Fletcher at Oxford, Fletcher and Hodson at Cambridge, and by all other booksellers 1778 Digital version available
Come into a new world : Linnaeus & America : an exhibition to commemorate the 300th birthday of the great Swedish scientist, Carolus Linnaeus [held] February 15- July 1, 2007, American Swedish Historical Museum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. / guest curator, Karen Reeds. 4082 American Swedish Historical Museum 2007 Digital version available
Von den Wundern der Insekten, eine Streitschrift unter des Hrn. D. Carl Linnäus Vorsitze, 1752 / von Gabriel E. Avelin vertheidigt. (Amœn. Acad. Vol. 3, p. 313 sqq.) Avelin, Gabriel Emanuel 1727 in Gleditschens Buchhandlung 1757 Digital version available