An introduction to the elements of the Linnaean system of botany, for young persons /
by Lucy Hardcastle. |
Hardcastle, Lucy. |
838 |
Thomas Richardson ;Hurst, Chance, and Co. |
1830 |
Botanical illustrations of the twenty-four classes in the Linnæan system of vegetables, by select specimens of English plants. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
582 |
Darton, Harvey & Darton |
1813 |
Nicolai Josephi JacquinSelectarum stirpium Americanarum historia in qua ad Linnaeanum systema determinatae descriptaeque sistuntur plantae illae, quas in insulis Martinica, Jamaica, Domingo, aliisque, et in vicinae continentis parte, observavit rariores; adjectis iconibus ad autoris archetypa pictis. |
Jacquin, Nicolaus Joseph
(1727-1817). |
646b |
s.n |
1780-1781 |
Friderici Wilhelmi a Leyser flora Halensis :
exhibens plantas circa Halam Salicam crescentes secundum systema sexuale Linnaeanum distributas |
Leysser, Friedrich Wilhelm von,
1731-1815. |
642a |
sumtibus auctoris |
1761 |
Index regni vegetabilis, qui continet plantas omnes quæ habentur in Linnæani Systematis editione novissima duodecima. [By N. J. Jacquin.] |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
585 |
1770 |
The Aurelian's Vade Mecum, containing an English alphabetical, and Linnæan systematical catalogue of Plants, affording nourishment to butterflies, hawk-moths, and moths, in the state of caterpillar :
With the Linnæan, and some of the best approved English names of the Insects. Collected from various authorities /
by Matthew Martin |
Martin, Matthew,
1748-1838. |
1227 |
printed by R. Trewman for the author |
1785 |
Monachologia :
or, Handbook of the natural history of monks, arranged according to the Linnean system /
by a Naturalist [Baron Ignaz von Born ; translated by Count Walerjan S. Krasinski]. |
Born, Ignaz,
Edler von,
1742-1791 |
3737 |
1852 |
Nomenclator botanicus, continens plantarum in terris danicis sponte nascentium nomina vernacula in linguis gallica, anglica, germanica, suecica, danica, cum nomenclatore synonymico-Linnæano & pharmaceutico-Linnæano. |
Oeder, Georg Christian,
1728-1791 |
650dd |
sumptibus Heineck & Faber
typis Cl. Philibert |
1769 |
Loudon's Hortus Britannicus :
A catalogue of all the plants indigenous, cultivated in, or introduced to Britain. Part I: The natural arrangement of nearly 4,000 genera, with an introduction to the natural system, and a general description and history of each order. Part II. The Linnean arrangement, in which nearly 30,000 species are enumerated: with the systematic name and authority, accentuation, derevation of generic names, literal English of specific names, synonymes systematic and English of both genera and species, habit, habitation in the garden, indigenous habitation, popular character, height, time of flowering, colour of the flower, mode of propagation, soil, native country, year of introduction, and reference to figures; preceded by an introduction to the Linnean system /
by the late J.C. Loudon. |
Loudon, John Claudius
(1783-1843). |
838d |
Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans |
1850 |
A Companion to the Botanical Magazine or, a familiar introduction to the study of Botany, :
being the substance of a course of lectures, chiefly explanatory of the Linnaean system, read at the Botanic Garden, Lambeth-Marsh ; now first published in the Form of a Dialogue betwixt a Pupil and his Preceptor, and illustrated by Figures entirely new /
by William Curtis |
Curtis, William,
1746-1799. |
724 |
Printed for the author |
1788 |
Botanical sketches of the twenty-four classes in the Linnaean system :
with fifty specimens of English plants, taken from nature, also, an account of their place of growth, time of flowering, and medicinal properties /
[Carl von Linné & William Withering] |
Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 Withering, William, 1741-1799 |
830a |
J. Hatchard and Son |
1825 |
Flora Tonbrigensis :
or, a catalogue of plants growing wild in the neighbourhood of Tonbridge Wells arranged according to the Linnæan system from Sir J. E. Smith's Flora Britannica with three plates of rare plants /
by T. F. Forster. |
Forster, Thomas Furley,
1761-1825. |
804a |
Printed by Richard and Arthur Taylor |
1816 |
C. A. à Bergen, ... Utri Systematum An Tournefortiano An Linnaeano Potiores Partes Deferendae Sint ? |
Bergen, Carl August von
1704-1759 |
629 |
Schwartz |
1742 |
The first lines of botany, or Primer to the Linnæan system; being a simplified introduction to a knowledge of the vegetable kingdom, etc. |
Forsyth, J. S. |
832 |
J. Bulcock |
1827 |
The Linnaean artificial system of botany, illustrated and explained :
in three parts.
Part I,Part II,Part III,
Explanation of systematic terms.Description of the classes and orders, with references to plants.Rules for ascertaining the class and orders of plants /
by Thomas Castle. |
Castle, Thomas
(c1804-c1840) |
845 |
Printed for E. Cox |
1836 |
De Animalibus quibusdam e classe Vermium Linnæana in circumnavigatione Terrae :
auspicante Comite N. Romanzoff Duce Ottone de Kotzebue annis 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818, peracta observatis Adalberto do Chamisso [de Boncourt]. Fasciculus primus. De Salpa. |
Chamisso, Adelbert von,
1781-1838 |
1237a |
Apud Ferd. Dümmlerum |
1819 |
Commentatio philologica de Simiarum quotquot veteribus innotuerunt formis earumque nominibus pro specimine methodi, qua Historia Naturalis veterum ad Systema Naturae Linnaeanum exigenda atque adornanda |
Lichtenstein, Anton August Heinrich,
1753-1816. |
150 |
Apud Benjamin Gottlob Hoffmann in commississ |
1791 |
Essai sur l'histoire naturelle de quelques espèces de moines, décrits à la manière de Linné
ouvrage traduit du Latin et orné de figures /
par M. Jean d'Antimoine, naturaliste du Grand Lama [i.e. Pierre Marie Auguste Broussonet] |
Born, Ignaz,
Edler von,
1742-1791 |
3733 |
s.n |
1784 |
Dissertatio inauguralis zoologico- medica, sistens totius regni animalis genera, in classes et ordines Linnæana methodo digesta, praefixa cuilibet classi terminorum explicatione, quam annuente inclyta Facultate Medica in antiquissima ac celeberrima Universitate Vindobonensi publicae disquisitioni submittit Paulus de Czenpinski ... die [ ] mensis Aprilis anno 1778. |
Czenpinski, Paulus. |
101a |
Typis Joan. Thom. nob. de Trattnern |
1778 |
The English botanist's pocket companion :
containing the essential generic characters of every British plant, arranged agreeably to the Linnæan system. Together with a short and easy introduction to the study of botany, and an explanation of the principles upon which the classification of the sexual system is founded /
by James Dede. |
Dede, James. |
791 |
J. Hatchard |
1809 |