Union Catalogue

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See also: linnæna, linnea, linnäa
Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Catalogue of hot-house, green-house and hardy plants; : flowering and evergreen shrubs, fruit and forest trees, and herbaceous plants, alphabetically arranged, according to the Linnaean system, by Dicksons & Co. nurserymen, seedsmen, and florists, Edinburgh. Dickson, James, 1738-1822 3961 s.n 1794 Digital version available
Catalogue of type specimens. 4. Linnaean specimens. WALLIN, Lars. 4676 Uppsala University Zoological Museum 1992 Digital version available
Om Linnæa borealis L. : en jemnförande biologisk, morfologisk och anatomisk undersökning / af V. B. Wittrock Wittrock, Veit Brecher, 1839-1914. 289c Fr. Berlings Boktryckeri och Stilgjuteri 1878] Digital version available
Studies in Linnaean synonymy. 2, Sir James Edward Smith and the Linnaean herbarium Savage, Spencer 919ha 1937 Digital version available
Inbjudningar till doktors-promotionerna i Uppsala Universitets aula. Fredagen den 31 Maj 1957. BERG, Fredrik, 1887-1974. 4627 Almqvist & Wiksells 1957 Digital version available
Ett och annat om Linnaea borealis. Fries, Theodor Magnus, 1832-1913 293 1908 Digital version available
Linnaean lessons : inspiration for knowledge / [editorial staff: Britt-Marie Lidesten, Lena Björk, Christina Polgren ; translations: Michael Knight]. Lidesten, Britt-Marie, 1952- Björk, Lena Polgren, Christina,... 4748 Swedish Centre for School Biology and Biotechnology, Uppsala University Elander cop. 2007 Digital version available
On the identification of the grasses of Linnaeus's herbarium, now in possession of the Linnaean society of London. Munro, William 3467 1861-62 Digital version available
Concerning the proper identification of Linnaean species, especially those based on material collected by Clayton Mackenzie, Kenneth K. 499b 1928 Digital version available
Linnaeana : [a sketch of the Life of Linnaeus] Dohrn, C. A. 1806-1892. 2739 1869-1872 Digital version available
Linnaeana i framlidne professor Otto Norstedts kvarlåtenskap Gertz, Otto D., 1878-1948 3711 1925 Digital version available
Bibliographia Linnæana Hungarica / zusammengestellt von Dr. Endre Gombocz ... ; herausgegeben von Felix Bryk Gombocz, Endre 4489 1922 Digital version available
Catalogue of the exhibition of books to be held in a locality of the Royal Zoological Institution "Natura Artis Magistra". 4469 s.n 1935 Digital version available
Linnaean dissertations / George B. Van Schaack Van Schaack, George B. 4512 1968 Digital version available
The Linnaean collection / Birger Strandell Strandell, Birger, 1901-1993 4781 1976 Digital version available
An introduction to botany : containing an explanation of the theory of that science, and an interpretation of its technical terms. Extracted from the works of Dr. Linnæus, and calculated to assist such as may be desirous of studying that author's method and improvements. With twelve copper plates, and two explanatory tables. To which is added an appendix; containing upwards of two thousand English names of plants, referred to their proper titles in the Linnæan system. / By James Lee ... Lee, James, 1715-1795. 453 Printed for J. and R. Tonson 1760 Digital version available
Horti Malabarici pars prima, de varii generis arboribus et fruticibus siliquosis; Latinis, Malabaricis, Arabicis, Brachmanum characteribus nominibusque expressis, adjecta florum, fructuum, seminumque vera delineatione, colorum viriumque accurata descriptione / adornata per nobilissimum ac generosissimum D.D. Henricum van Rhede tot Draakestein, Toparcham in Mydrecht, quondam Malabarici Regni Gubernatorem supremi Confessus apud Indos Belgas Senatorem Extraordinarium, nunc vero Equestris Ordinis nomine illustribus ac poæpotentibus Provinciae Ultrajectinae Proceribus ascriptum, et Theodorum Janson ab Almeloveen, M.D. Notis auxit, & commentariis illustravit Joannes Commelinus. Nunc primum classium, generum, et specierum characterers Linnaeanas; synonyma authorum, atque observationes addidit; et indice Linnæano adauxit, Johannes Hill, M.D. Rheede tot Draakestein, Hendrik Adriaan van (1636-1691). 663* Sumptibus authoris 1774 Digital version available
Principia botanica : or, a concise and easy introduction to the sexual botany of Linnaeus. With the genera; their mode of growth, (as Tree, Shrub, or Herb;) The Number of Species to Each Genus; Where Principally Native; and The Number Indigenous to the British Isles: Arranged in Columns under Each Class and Order; and Digested Alphabetically under Several Generic Distinctions. By which Means most Plants may be thus far ascertained. Together with three indexes. I. Of the Linnæan Genera accented, with the British Names. II. Of such Trivial Names as were the Genera of Old Authors. III. Of the British Names, with the Linnaean Genera; to which are added many of the Specific Names. Also, A Table of several Vegetable Drugs not in the Indexes. Darwin, Robert Waring, 1724-1816 714 Printed by Allin and Co. and sold by G.G.J. and J. Robinson, No. 25 Pater-Noster-Row, London MDCCLXXXVII [1787] Digital version available
Dreyhundert auserlesene Amerikanische gewächse nach Linneischer ordnung. Jacquin, Nicolaus Joseph (1727-1817). 646c Raspische Buchhandlung 1785[-1788] Digital version available
A dictionary of the ornamental trees, shrubs, and plants, most commonly cultivated in the plantations, gardens, and stoves of Great Britain; arranged according to their Linnaean Generic names and containing full and accurate descriptions of the different genera and species, with the generic and specific names properly accented. Bryant, Charles ( -1799) 733a Printed & sold for the author by J. Bowen 1790 Digital version available