Union Catalogue

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Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Voyage De Mons. Olof Torée Aumonier de la Compagnie Suedoise des Indes Orientales, fait à Surate, á la Chine &c. depuis le prémier Avril 1750. jusqu'au 26. Juin 1752 publié par M. Linnaeus, & traduit du Suedois par M. Dominique de Blackford Torén, Olof 1718-1753 VerfasserIn 3602 Reycends 1771 Digital version available
Linnaeus Arvid Hj. Uggla ; [transl. from the Swedish by Alan Blair] Uggla, Arvid Hjalmar 1883-1964 4402 Swedish institute 1957 Digital version available
Promotionsprogram. [Issued by C. Linnæus as promotor of the Faculty of Medicine at Upsala University.] O̊versatta och kommenterade av Ingrid Odelstierna. ODELSTIERNA, Ingrid. 4169 1961 Digital version available
Rektorsprogram. [Programmes issued by Carl Linnaeus as Rector of the University of Upsala.] Översatta och kommenterade av Ingrid Odelstierna. ODELSTIERNA, Ingrid. 4172 1963 Digital version available
Openingsplechtigheid van de Tentoonstelling 10 Januari 1 uur 's namiddags, in de Bibliotheek van het Koninklijk Zoologisch Genootschap Natura Artis Magistra. 2767 Scheltema & Holkema 1878 Digital version available
The figures, description, and history of exotic animals, comprised under the classes Amphibia and Pisces of Linnæus / by John Walcott Walcott, John, fl. 1778-1822. 1228 Printed by W. Justins for the author 1788 Digital version available
Catalogue of an extensive and valuable collection of the best works on natural history, arranged in classes according to the Linnean system now selling ... by W. Wood. WOOD, William, F.R.S. 163 Richard Taylor 1824 Digital version available
Consectaria electrico-medica, venia amplissimæ facultatis medicæ Upsal. sub præsidio ... Caroli Linnæi, ... pro gradu doctoris medici obtinendo publico examini subjicit alumnus regius Petrus Zetzell, Sudercopia O-Gothus. In auditorio Carol. maj. d. XII. Oct. anni MDCCLIV. H. a. & p. m. s Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 1819 1754 Digital version available
Dissertationem medicam, De varietate ciborum, cons. nobiliss. et experient. Fac. Med. in Regia Academ. Ups. moderante viro nobilissimo atque generosissimo Carolo à Linné, ... publicæ censuræ submittit, Adolph. Fried. Wedenberg Holmensis, in audit. Carol. maj. die XIX. Decemb. MDCCLXVII. Horis ante merid. solitis Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 2376 1767 Digital version available
Amoenitates academicae : seu dissertationes variae physicae, medicae, botanicae antehac seorsim editae nunc collectae et auctae cum tabulis aeneis / Caroli a Linné. Linnaeus, Carl von (1707-1778) 2379 sumtu Jo. Jacobi Palm 1785-1790 Digital version available
Lachesis and Nemesis four chapters on the human condition in the writings of Carl Linnaeus by K. Rob. V. Wikman Wikman, K. Rob. V. 1886-1975 3916 Almqvist & Wiksell 1970 Digital version available
Index Testaceologicus : or a catalogue of shells, British and foreign, arranged according to the Linnean system : with the Latin and English names, references to figures and places where found / by W. Wood Wood, W. 1774-1857. 1237 W. Wood 1818 Digital version available
Medical botany : containing systematic and general descriptions, with plates, of all the medicinal plants, indigenous and exotic, comprehended in the catalogues of the Materia Medica, as published by the Royal Colleges of Physicians of London and Edinburgh: accompanied with a circumstantial detail of their medicinal effects, and of the diseases in which they have been most successfully employed / By William Woodville, M.D. of the Royal College of Physicians, London. In three volumes. Woodville, William (1752-1805). 743 printed and sold for the author, by James Phillips, George Yard, Lombard Street 1790 [-1793]. Digital version available
Catalogue of an extensive and valuable collection of the best works on natural history : arranged in classes according to the Linnean system : with an enumeration of the pages and plates each volume contains : now selling, at the prices affixed to each / by William Wood, 39 Tavistock Street, Covent Garden, (from 428 Strand) Wood, W. 1774-1857. 164 Printed by Richard Taylor 1832 Digital version available
Guide to an exhibition of old natural history books, illustrating the origin and progress of the study of natural history up to the time of Linnæus. WOODWARD, Bernard Barham. 3674 1905 Digital version available
A sketch of the life of Linnaeus in a series of letters. Designed for young persons. Waring, S. 2673 Printed for Harvey and Darton 1827 Digital version available
Research on Linnaeus today - progress and prospects : a conference at the 200th anniversary of the death of Linnaeus = Linnéforskning av idag - resultat och utblick :symposium till 200 årsminnet av Linnes död / Swedish Linnaean Society, Uppsala University, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Svenska Linnésällskapet 3914 Almqvist & Wiksell 1978 Digital version available
Blomster-almanack / Carl von Linné ; [red. av Gunhild Adelswärd ; namnförklaringar av Torsten Hasselrot] ; ill. av Kaj Beckman. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 4057 Topelius Vadstena affärstr. 1977 Digital version available
The compleat naturalist : a life of Linnaeus / Wilfrid Blunt with the assistance of William T. Stearn. Blunt, Wilfrid Jasper Walter (1901-1987). 4028 Collins 1971 Digital version available
Linnaeus the compleat naturalist Wilfrid Blunt ; with an introd. by William T. Stearn Blunt, Wilfrid 4229 Princeton University Press 2001 © 2001 Digital version available