Union Catalogue

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Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
A family herbal : or familiar account of the medical properties of British and foreign plants, also their uses in dying, and the various arts, arranged according to the Linnaean system, and illustrated by two hundred and fifty-eight engravings from plants drawn from nature by Henderson, and engraved by Bewick of Newcastle. Thornton, Robert John (1768?-1837). 793 R. and R. Crosby and Co. 1814 Digital version available
Helvetiens Flora worinn alle im Hallerischen Werke enthaltenen und seither neuentdeckten schweizer Pflanzen nach Linné's Methode aufgestellt sind = Flora helvetica exhibens plantas Helvetiae indigenas Hallerianas, et omnes quae nuper detectae sunt ordine Linnaeano / Johann Rudolf Suter. Suter, Johann Rudolf (1766-1827). 778a bey Orell, Fuessli und Comp. 1802 Digital version available
Gramina pascua, or, A collection of specimens of the common pasture grasses, arranged in the order of their flowering, and accompanied with their Linnæan and English names, as likewise with familiar decriptions and remarks Swayne, George, 1745 or 1746-1827 742a Printed for the author by S. Bonner and sold by W. Richardson, 1790 Digital version available
Bibliographia Linnaeana : matériaux pour servir à une bibliographie Linnéenne. 1 Hulth, Johan Markus, 1865-1928 3680 A & W 1907 Digital version available
Pinacographia : Illustrations of more than 1000 species of North-West-European Ichneumonidae sensu Linnaeano = Afbeeldingen van meer dan 1000 soorten van Noord-West-Europeesche sluipwespen (Ichneumones sensu Linnaeano) / door Hr. S. C. Snellen van Vollenhoven. Snellen van Vollenhoven, Samuel Constant 1248a Martinus Nijhoff 1880 Digital version available
Summa plantarum quae hactenus innotuerunt methodo linnaeana per genera et species digesta illustrata descripta a Fulgentio Vitman ... Vitman, Fulgenzio 1728-1806 732a Typis imper. monast. s. Ambrosii Majoris 1789-1792 Digital version available
The botanist's and gardener's new dictionary : containing the names, classes, orders, generic characters, and specific distinctions of the several plants cultivated in England, according to the system of Linnaeus; directing the culture of each plant, describing its singular virtues and uses, and explaining the terms peculiar to botany and gardening. In which is also comprised, a gardener's calendar, divided alphabetically, according to the names of the twelve months of the year, directing the whole practice of gardening in the flower-garden, the seminary, the fruit-garden, the kitchen garden, the green-house, and the stove. And to which is prefixed, an introduction to the Linnaean system of botany, explaining the theory of that system, and the names and characters of all its classes and orders / By James Wheeler, gardener and nursery-man in Glocester. Wheeler, James (fl.1763). 647 Printed for W. Strahan [et al.] 1763 Digital version available
Index Testaceologicus : or a catalogue of shells, British and foreign, arranged according to the Linnean system : with the Latin and English names, references to figures and places where found / by W. Wood Wood, W. 1774-1857. 1237 W. Wood 1818 Digital version available
Illustrations of the Linnæan genera of Insects / by W. Wood Wood, W. 1774-1857. 1238 W. Wood 1821 Digital version available
The botanist's calendar and pocket flora : arranged according to the Linnean system. To which are added, references to the best figures of British plants. In two volumes. Croucher, George. 760dd B. and J. White 1797 Digital version available
Studies in Linnaean method and nomenclature John Lewis Heller Heller, John Lewis 1906-1988 VerfasserIn 3898 Verlag Peter Lang 1983 Digital version available
Research on Linnaeus today - progress and prospects : a conference at the 200th anniversary of the death of Linnaeus = Linnéforskning av idag - resultat och utblick :symposium till 200 årsminnet av Linnes död / Swedish Linnaean Society, Uppsala University, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Svenska Linnésällskapet 3914 Almqvist & Wiksell 1978 Digital version available
Codex botanicus Linnaeanus / by Hermann E. Richter. ... Edited by John Edmondson. Linné, Carl von (1707-1778). 4126 A.R.G. Ganter Verlag 2003 Digital version available
The Linnaean system of conchology, describing the orders, genera, and species of shells, arranged into divisions and families : with a view to facilitate the student's attainment of the science / by John Mawe. Mawe, John, 1764-1829. 1239 Printed for and sold by the author, and Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown 1823 Digital version available
Nomenclator extemporaneus rerum naturalium : plantarum, insectorum, conchyliorum, secundum Systema naturae Linnaeanum / editus a Carol. Clerck. Clerck, Carl Alexander, 1710-1765. 66 Typis Laurentii Ludovici Grefingii 1759 Digital version available
The flora of Oxfordshire and its contiguous counties, comprising the flowering plants only : arranged in easy and familiar language according to the Linnæan and natural systems : preceded by an introduction to Botany / by Richard Walker. Walker, Richard (1791-1870) 842f H. Slatter 1833 Digital version available
Medical botany : or, history of plants in the materia medica of the London, Edinburgh and Dublin pharmacopœias. Arranged according to the Linnæan system. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 3967 E. Cox and Son 1821 Digital version available
A Linnaean keepsake : issued to commemorate the opening of the Strandell Collection of Linnaeana at the Hunt Botanical Library, Carnegie-Mellon University. Daniels, Gilbert S. Gray, J.M 3902 Hunt Botanical Library of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie-Mellon University 1973 Digital version available
Systema naturae 250 : the Linnaean ark / edited by Andrew Polaszek. Polaszek, Andrew 4207 CRC Press c2010 Digital version available
Whitlaw's new medical discoveries : with a defence of the Linnaean doctrine, and a translation of his Vegetable Materia Medica, which now first appears in an English dress / by Charles Whitlaw. Whitlaw, Charles (1776-1829). 976 Published by the author, 14, Finsbury Place South 1829 Digital version available