Union Catalogue

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Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
An arrangement of British plants, according to the latest improvements of the Linnæan System : with a easy introduction to the study of botany. Illustrated by copper plates / By William Withering, M.D. F.R.S. Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Lisbon; Fellow of the Linnean Society; Honorary Member of the Royal Medical Society at Edinburgh, &c. Withering, William (1741-1799). 4889 Printed for Cadell and Davies [et al.] 1818 Digital version available
Caroli Ludovici Willdenow Societ. Natur. Curios. Halens. sodal. Florae Berolinensis Prodromus secundum Systema Linneanum Ab Illustr. Viro ac Eq. C. P. Thunbergio emendatum conscriptus. cum Tabulis VII. aeri incisis Willdenow, Karl Ludwig 1765-1812 4939 Viewegius 1787 Digital version available
The universal botanist and nurseryman : containing descriptions of the species and varieties of all the trees, shrubs, herbs, flowers and fruits, natives and exotics: at present cultivated in the European nurseries, greenhouses, and stoves, or described by modern botanists: arranged according to the Linnaean system, with their names in English. To which are added a copious botanical glossary, several useful catalogues and indexes. Illustrated with elegant engravings. In four volumes / By Richard Weston, Esq. Weston, Richard (1733-1806). 656 Printed for J. Bell [et al] 1770[-1777] Digital version available
The lord treasurer of botany Sir James Edward Smith and the Linnaean collections Tom Kennett Kennett, Tom 19..-... 4912 Linnaean Society of London 2016 Digital version available
The botanist's calendar and pocket flora : arranged according to the Linnean system. To which are added, references to the best figures of British plants. In two volumes. Croucher, George. 760dd B. and J. White 1797 Digital version available
Loudon's Hortus Britannicus : A catalogue of all the plants indigenous, cultivated in, or introduced to Britain. Part I: The Linnean arrangement, in which nearly 30,000 species are enumerated: with the systematic name and authority, accentuation, derivation of generic names, literal English of specific names, synonymes systematic and English of both genera and species, habit, habitation in the garden, indigenous habitation, popular character, height, time of flowering, colour of the flower, mode of propagation, soil, native country, year of introduction, and reference to figures: preceded by an introduction to the Linnean system. Part II. the Jussieuean arrangement, of nearly 4,000 genera, with an introduction to the natural system, and a general description and history of each order / Edited by J.C. Loudon, F.L., H., G., & Z.S. Loudon, John Claudius (1783-1843). 838c Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans (1839) Digital version available
Loudon's Hortus Britannicus : A catalogue of all the plants indigenous, cultivated in, or introduced to Britain. Part I: The Linnean arrangement, in which nearly 30,000 species are enumerated: with the systematic name and authority, accentuation, derivation of generic names, literal English of specific names, synonymes systematic and English of both genera and species, habit, habitation in the garden, indigenous habitation, popular character, height, time of flowering, colour of the flower, mode of propagation, soil, native country, year of introduction, and reference to figures: preceded by an introduction to the Linnean system. Part II. the Jussieuean arrangement, of nearly 4,000 genera, with an introduction to the natural system, and a general description and history of each order / edited by J.C. Loudon. Loudon, John Claudius (1783-1843). 838a Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green 1830 Digital version available
Loudon's Hortus Britannicus : A catalogue of all the plants indigenous, cultivated in, or introduced to Britain. Part I: The natural arrangement of nearly 4,000 genera, with an introduction to the natural system, and a general description and history of each order. Part II. The Linnean arrangement, in which nearly 30,000 species are enumerated: with the systematic name and authority, accentuation, derevation of generic names, literal English of specific names, synonymes systematic and English of both genera and species, habit, habitation in the garden, indigenous habitation, popular character, height, time of flowering, colour of the flower, mode of propagation, soil, native country, year of introduction, and reference to figures; preceded by an introduction to the Linnean system / by the late J.C. Loudon. Loudon, John Claudius (1783-1843). 838d Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans 1850 Digital version available
A memoir of Georg Dionysius Ehret : born at Heidelberg, 30 Jan. 1708, died in London, 9 Sept. 1770 / written by himself, and translated, with notes, by E.S. Barton. Ehret, Georg Dionysius, 1708-1770. 2831a Linnean Society of London 1895] Digital version available
Botany of the United States north of Virginia; comprising descriptions of the flowering and fern-like plants hitherto found in those states, arranged according to the natural system. With a synopsis of the genera according to the Linnean system, a sketch of the rudiments of botany, and a glossary of terms. By Lewis C. Beck. Beck, Lewis C. 1798-1853. 842e Harper 1848 Digital version available
A voyage to Abyssinia and travels to the interior of that country executed under the orders of the British governmentin the years 1809 and 1810 : in which are included an account of the Portuguese settlements on the east coast of Africa visited in the course of the voyage : a concise narrative of late events in Arabia Felix, and some particulars respecting the aboriginal African tribes, extending from Mozambique to the borders of Egypt, together with vocabularies of their respective languages : illustrated with a map of Abyssinia, numerous engravings, and charts / by Henry Salt. Salt, Henry 802i printed for F. C. and J. Rivington by W. Bulmer and Co. 1814 Digital version available
Flora Gallica, seu enumeratio lantarum in Gallia sponte nascentium, secundum Linnæanum systema digestarum, addita familiarum naturalium synopsi / auctore J. L. A. Loiseleur Deslonchamps. Loiseleur-Deslongchamps, Jean Louis Auguste. 785m apud J. B Bailli`ere 1828 Digital version available
A synoptical compend of British botany, arranged after the Linnean system ... Originally by John Galpine, A.L.S. Galpine, John Kingston, -1806. 785k S. Bagster 1834 Digital version available
Florae siculae synopsis, exhibens plantas vasculares in Sicilia insulisque adjacentibus huc usque detectas secundum systema Linneanum dispositas, auctore Joanne Gussone. Gussone, Giovanni, 1787-1866. 748i Ex Typis Tramater 1842-[1845] Digital version available
Exposition of English insects : including the several classes of Neuroptera, Hymenoptera, & Diptera, or bees, flies, & libelullæ exhibiting on 51 copper plates near 500 figures, accurately drawn, & highly finished in colours, from nature : the whole minutely described, arranged and named according to the Linnean-system with remarks : the figures of a great numer of moths not in the Aurelian Collection formlerly published by the same author and a plate with an explanation of colours are likewise given in the work / by Moses Harris = Exposition des insectes qui se trouvent en Angleterre : comprenant les différentes classes de neuroptera, hymenoptera, et diptera: ou des abeilles, monches, et libellulæ. Representés [sic] sur 51 planches qui contiennent prés de 500 figures. Correctement dessinées, et coloriées d'aprés la nature. Le tout conforme à l'explication, l'arrangement, et la nomenclature du systeme de linnée: avec des remarques. On trouve aussi, dans cet ouvrage, les desseins d'un grand Nombre de teignes, non compris dans la collection publiée dans l'aurélian, ainsi qu'une planche qui en explique le coloris ; par Moyse Harris. Harris, Moses 1224*** sold by Mr. White ... & Mr. Robson ... 1782 Digital version available
Flora diætetica, or, History of Esculent Plants, both Domestic and Foreign : in which they are accurately described, and reduced to their Linnean Generic and Specific Names : with their English Names annexed, and ranged under Eleven General Heads, viz : esculent 1. Roots. 2. Shoots. Stalks, &e. 3. Leaves. 4. Flowers. 5. Berries. 6. Stone-Fruit. 7. Apples. 8. Legumens. 9. Grain. 10. Nuts. 11. Funguses : and a particular Account of the Manner of using them, their native Places of Growth, their several Varieties, and Physical Properties: Together with whatever in otherwise curious, or very remarkable in each Species : the whole so methodized, as to form a short Introduction to the Science of Botany / by Charles Bryant. Bryant, Charles. 690 Printed for B. White 1783 Digital version available
Morbi artificum : a post-Ramazzinian academic dissertation on occupational diseases by a pupil of Carl von Linné = Morbi artificum : akademska disertacija o profesionalnim bolestima ucenika Carla von Linnéa u razdoblju nakon Ramazzinija. SKRAGGE, Nicolaus. 4929 Hrvatsko znanstveno dru�tvo za povijest zdravstvene kulture 2021 Digital version available
Carl Linnaeus, James Edward Smith, and the Linnean Society of London. CHARMANTIER, Isabelle. 4910 The Collector Ltd. 2019 Digital version available
Linnaeus at home. BURTON, Joe. 4902 The Linnean Society of London 2019 Digital version available
Paradoxum insectum" : Linnaeus on Diopsis (Insecta : Diptera) / James F. Shillito. LINNÉ, Carl von, 1707-1778. 4577 The Linnean Society of London 1974 Digital version available