Union Catalogue

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Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Elements of the Natural History of the Animal Kingdom : comprising the characters of the whole genera, and of the most remarkable species, particularly of all those that are natives of Britain; with the principal circumstances of their history and manners. Stewart, Charles, 1787-1817. 154 Printed for Bell & Bradfute ;Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, & Brown 1817 Digital version available
Caroli Linnæi Diæta naturalis 1733 : Linnés tankar om ett naturenligt levnadssätt / på uppdrag av Kungliga svenska vetenskapsakademien utgiven av Arvid Hj. Uggla. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 987a Almqvist & Wiksell (distr. A & W 1958 Digital version available
The life of Sir C. Linnæus; to which is added a ... list of his works, and a biographical sketch of the life of his son; by D. H. Stoever. Translated from the ... German, by J. Trapp. STOEVER, Dietrich Heinrich. 3142 B. and J. White 1794 Digital version available
A family herbal : or familiar account of the medical properties of British and foreign plants, also their uses in dying, and the various arts, arranged according to the Linnaean system, and illustrated by two hundred and fifty-eight engravings from plants drawn from nature by Henderson, and engraved by Bewick of Newcastle. Thornton, Robert John (1768?-1837). 793 R. and R. Crosby and Co. 1814 Digital version available
Botany displayed : being a complete and compendious elucidation of botany according to the system of Linnaeus /with plates serving as examples of the most beautiful, rare, and curious plants, indigenous and exotic, coloured from nature and designed purposely to elucidate and ornament this work / by John Thompson :by A. Nunes Thompson, John (fl. 1798) 767b John Thompson and A. Nunes 1798 Digital version available
A grammar of botany : containing an explanation of the system of Linnaeus, and the terms of botany, with botanical exercises. For the use of schools and students / By Robert John Thornton, M.D. Author of A new family herbal, &c. Thornton, Robert John (1768?-1837). 799 Printed for R. Phillips 1811 Digital version available
A grammar of botany : containing an explanation of the system of Linnaeus, and the terms of botany, with botanical exercises : for the use of schools and students : illustrated by forty-five engravings : multum in parvo / by Robert John Thornton, M.D., member of the University of Cambridgel and of the Royal London College of Physicians; lecturer on botany; and author of the new family herbal, &c. Thornton, Robert John, 1768?-1837 800 Printed for B. and R. Crosby and Co. 1814 Digital version available
Advertisement to the New illustration of the sexual system of Linnæus. THORNTON, Robert John. 762 1797 Digital version available
New illustration of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeus: comprehending an elucidation of the several parts of the fructification; a prize dissertation on the sexes of plants; a full explanation of the classes, and orders, of the sexual system; and the Temple of Flora, or Garden of nature, being picturesque, botanical, coloured plates, of select plants, illustrative of the same, with descriptions. By Robert John Thornton, M.D. ... Thornton, Robert John, 1768?-1837. 3154 printed, for the publisher, by T. Bensley, Bolt Court, Fleet Street [1799-] 1807. Digital version available
The philosophy of botany, being botanical, and philosophical extracts, including, A new illustration of the sexual system of Linnaeus ... Vol. 1. [Followed by vol. 2, “The genera of exotic and indigenous plants that are to be met with in Great Britain; arranged according to the reformed system.” With plates.] THORNTON, Robert John. 767c Printed for the Author 1799 [1806?] Digital version available
Flore des environs de Paris, : ou distribution méthodique des plantes qui y croissent naturellement, exécutée d'apre`s le systême de Linnæus .... / Par M. Thuillier. Thuillier, Jean Louis. 742b Chez la Veuve Desaint 1790 Digital version available
Flore des environs de Paris : ou distribution méthodique des plantes qui y croissent naturellement, faite d'après le systême de Linnée : avec le nom et la description de chacune en latin et en françois ; l'indication de leur lieu natal, de leur durée, du temps de leur floraison, de la couleur de leur fleurs, et la citation des Auteurs qui les ont le mieux décrites ou en ont donné les meilleures figures / par J. L. Thuillier, Botaniste. Thuillier, Jean Louis, 1757-1822 742c Chez l'Auteur, ... H.L. Perroneau An VII [1799?] Digital version available
Die Kennzeichen der Insekten nach Anleitung des Königl. Schwed. Ritters und Leibarzts Karl Linnaeus, durch XXIV. Kupfertafeln erläutert und mit derselben natürlichen Geschichte begleitet von J. H. Sulzer, Dokt. der Arzneigelehrtheit. Mit einer Vorrede des Herrn Johannes Geßners, Dokt. der Arzneigelehrtheit, der Physik und Math. ordentl. öffentlichen Lehrers und Chorherrn zum Gr. Münster in Zürich; [et]c. [et]c. Sulzer, Johann Heinrich 1735-1814 1221 Heidegger 1761 Digital version available
Helvetiens Flora worinn alle im Hallerischen Werke enthaltenen und seither neuentdeckten schweizer Pflanzen nach Linné's Methode aufgestellt sind = Flora helvetica exhibens plantas Helvetiae indigenas Hallerianas, et omnes quae nuper detectae sunt ordine Linnaeano / Johann Rudolf Suter. Suter, Johann Rudolf (1766-1827). 778a bey Orell, Fuessli und Comp. 1802 Digital version available
Linnaeus door J. Valckenier Suringar Valckenier Suringar, J. 2959 Martinus Nijhoff 1908 Digital version available
Gramina pascua, or, A collection of specimens of the common pasture grasses, arranged in the order of their flowering, and accompanied with their Linnæan and English names, as likewise with familiar decriptions and remarks Swayne, George, 1745 or 1746-1827 742a Printed for the author by S. Bonner and sold by W. Richardson, 1790 Digital version available
Linnæa : svenskt poetiskt album. Linné, Carl von 3759 C. H. Fahlstedts förlag 1875 Digital version available
Observations on the Batis maritima of Linnaeus / By John Torrey, F.L.S. [Accepted for publication, September, 1850]. Torrey, John (1796-1873). 509 Smithsonian Institution 1853 Digital version available
Caroli a Linne ... Amoenitates academicae seu dissertationes variae physicae, medicae, botanicae antehac seorsim editae nunc collectae et auctae Linné, Carl von 1707-1778 1437 sumtu Jo. Jacobi Palm 1785-1790 Digital version available
Resp. Dissertatio botanica de Anandria ... / Præs ... C. Linnæo, etc. Tursén, Erland Zacharias, 1720-1778.(isni)0000000367449788 1435 Digital version available