Union Catalogue

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Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Voyage De Mons. Olof Torée Aumonier de la Compagnie Suedoise des Indes Orientales, fait à Surate, á la Chine &c. depuis le prémier Avril 1750. jusqu'au 26. Juin 1752 publié par M. Linnaeus, & traduit du Suedois par M. Dominique de Blackford Torén, Olof 1718-1753 VerfasserIn 3602 Reycends 1771 Digital version available
Linnaeus Arvid Hj. Uggla ; [transl. from the Swedish by Alan Blair] Uggla, Arvid Hjalmar 1883-1964 4402 Swedish institute 1957 Digital version available
Vita Caroli Linnæi Carl von Linnés självbiografier på uppdrag av Uppsala Universitet utgivna av Elis Malmeström och Arvid HJ. Uggla Linné, Carl von 1707-1778 VerfasserIn 4384 Almqvist & Wiksell Almqvist & Wiksells boktryckeri aktiebolag 1957 Digital version available
Promotionsprogram. [Issued by C. Linnæus as promotor of the Faculty of Medicine at Upsala University.] O̊versatta och kommenterade av Ingrid Odelstierna. ODELSTIERNA, Ingrid. 4169 1961 Digital version available
Rektorsprogram. [Programmes issued by Carl Linnaeus as Rector of the University of Upsala.] Översatta och kommenterade av Ingrid Odelstierna. ODELSTIERNA, Ingrid. 4172 1963 Digital version available
Bibliographia Linnaeana : matériaux pour servir à une bibliographie Linnéenne. 1 Hulth, Johan Markus, 1865-1928 3680 A & W 1907 Digital version available
Openingsplechtigheid van de Tentoonstelling 10 Januari 1 uur 's namiddags, in de Bibliotheek van het Koninklijk Zoologisch Genootschap Natura Artis Magistra. 2767 Scheltema & Holkema 1878 Digital version available
Pinacographia : Illustrations of more than 1000 species of North-West-European Ichneumonidae sensu Linnaeano = Afbeeldingen van meer dan 1000 soorten van Noord-West-Europeesche sluipwespen (Ichneumones sensu Linnaeano) / door Hr. S. C. Snellen van Vollenhoven. Snellen van Vollenhoven, Samuel Constant 1248a Martinus Nijhoff 1880 Digital version available
Summa plantarum quae hactenus innotuerunt methodo linnaeana per genera et species digesta illustrata descripta a Fulgentio Vitman ... Vitman, Fulgenzio 1728-1806 732a Typis imper. monast. s. Ambrosii Majoris 1789-1792 Digital version available
Frutetum Svecicum ... / Præs. C. Linnæo, etc. Virgander, David Magnus 1996 publisher not identified 1760 Digital version available
Frutetum Svecicum ... Præs. C. Linnæo, etc. Virgander, David Magnus. 1998 1769 Digital version available
Amoenitates academicae : seu dissertationes variae physicae, medicae, botanicae antehac seorsim editae nunc collectae et auctae cum tabulis aeneis / Caroli a Linné. Linnaeus, Carl von (1707-1778) 2154 sumtu Jo. Jacobi Palm 1785-1790 Digital version available
The figures, description, and history of exotic animals, comprised under the classes Amphibia and Pisces of Linnæus / by John Walcott Walcott, John, fl. 1778-1822. 1228 Printed by W. Justins for the author 1788 Digital version available
The universal botanist and nurseryman : containing descriptions of the species and varieties of all the trees, shrubs, herbs, flowers and fruits, natives and exotics: at present cultivated in the European nurseries, greenhouses, and stoves, or described by modern botanists: arranged according to the Linnaean system, with their names in English. To which are added a copious botanical glossary, several useful catalogues and indexes. Illustrated with elegant engravings. In four volumes / By Richard Weston, Esq. Weston, Richard (1733-1806). 656 Printed for J. Bell [et al] 1770[-1777] Digital version available
The botanist's and gardener's new dictionary : containing the names, classes, orders, generic characters, and specific distinctions of the several plants cultivated in England, according to the system of Linnaeus; directing the culture of each plant, describing its singular virtues and uses, and explaining the terms peculiar to botany and gardening. In which is also comprised, a gardener's calendar, divided alphabetically, according to the names of the twelve months of the year, directing the whole practice of gardening in the flower-garden, the seminary, the fruit-garden, the kitchen garden, the green-house, and the stove. And to which is prefixed, an introduction to the Linnaean system of botany, explaining the theory of that system, and the names and characters of all its classes and orders / By James Wheeler, gardener and nursery-man in Glocester. Wheeler, James (fl.1763). 647 Printed for W. Strahan [et al.] 1763 Digital version available
Catalogus systematicus : arborum, fruticum et plantarum celeberrimi horti Eystettensis / editit Dr. Widnmann. Widnmann, Friedrich, 1765-1848. 785g In officina Felseckeriana 1805 Digital version available
Linnaea borealis L. species polymorpha et polychroma = Linnaea borealis L. en mångformig art / af Veit Brecher Wittrock. WITTROCK, Veit Brecher, 1839-1914. 292 Isaac Marcus' Boktr.-Aktiebolag 1907 Digital version available
Amoenitates academicae : seu dissertationes variae physicae, medicae, botanicae antehac seorsim editae nunc collectae et auctae cum tabulis aeneis / Caroli a Linné. Linnaeus, Carl von (1707-1778) 1841 sumtu Jo. Jacobi Palm 1785-1790 Digital version available
IV.Car. Linnæi Et Petr. Zetzell Consectaria Electrico-Medica Upsal 12 Octob. 1754. Linné, Carl von 1707-1778 Präses 1820 1757 Digital version available
Dissertationem medicam, De varietate ciborum, cons. nobiliss. et experient. Fac. Med. in Regia Academ. Ups. moderante viro nobilissimo atque generosissimo Carolo à Linné, ... publicæ censuræ submittit, Adolph. Fried. Wedenberg Holmensis, in audit. Carol. maj. die XIX. Decemb. MDCCLXVII. Horis ante merid. solitis Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 2376 1767 Digital version available