Carl von Linné :
hans personlighet och livsgärning /
av Elsa Ribbing ; med förord av Carl Forsstrand. |
Ribbing, Elsa,
1875-1935 |
2995 |
Lindblad |
1918 |
Codex botanicus linnaeanus :
with a biographical sketch by H. Walter Lack and a translation of the introductory text by Sten Hedberg.
Vol. 1 /
Edited by John Edmonson |
Richter, Hermann E. |
4126 |
A. R. G. Ganter |
2003 |
Stora svenska män
Carl von Linné |
Risberg, Emilie,
1815-1890 |
2730 |
Bonnier |
1863 |
Stora svenska män :
Tecknade för folket.
Karl von Linné. |
Risberg, Emilie,
1815-1890 |
2730a |
Bonnier |
1894 |
Dissertatio botanica de planta Sceptrum Carolinum dicta, quam ... præside Laurentio Robergio ... ventilandam sistit auctor Johannes Olavus Rudbeck ... In audit. Gust. maj. ad diem XIX. Jun. anni MDCCXXXI. Horis solitis. |
Roberg, Lars,
1664-1742 |
1334 |
1731 |
Lars Robergs ... Tal, holne för publique promotioner, vid Upsala academie, nu först efter auctors tid utgifne af C.L.(=Carl Linnæus). Stockholm, uplagde på Lars Salvii kostnad, 1747 |
Roberg, Lars,
1664-1742 |
3597 |
(Salvius |
1747 |
Laurentii Robergii ... Orationes, 1. De requisitis futuri medici, ex Hippocrate. 2. De ceremoniis, in rectoratus mutatione, solitis. 3. De medicinæ encomio. 4. De thesibus physiologicis quibusdam, similitudinibus explicatis; nec non :
5. Cogitationes, de empiricis & empiria. |
Roberg, Lars,
1664-1742 |
4466 |
1748 |
Éloge historique de Linné, prononcé, à la séance publique du 12 Février 1824. |
Roberge, [Michel] |
2663 |
1824 |
Nemesis Divina eller Guds sätt att redan här i tiden vedergälla menniskors onda gerningar :
uppsatser med anledning så väl af framlidne Arkiater Carl von Linnés Anteckningar härom, som ock af samtal med en af hans lärjungar, samt af egna och andras iakttagelser rörande detta ämne /
af C. G. Rollin. |
Rollin, Carl-Gustaf,
1797-1867 |
1064 |
P.A. Huldbergs bokhandel |
1857 |
Den Adolphsonska Linnégåvan |
Ros, Wilhelm,
1902-1998 |
4649 |
Smålands museum
Hegborns tr. |
1974 |
Drag ur Linnés botaniska forskning |
Rosander, H. A.,
1873- |
2895a |
1907 |
Verzeichnisz derjenigen Pflanzen, welche nach der Anzahl und Beschaffenheit ihrer Geschlechtstheile nicht in der gehörigen Klassen und Ordnungen des Linneischen Systems stehen, nebst einer Einleitung in dieses System. Von Albrecht Wilhelm Roth ... |
Roth, Albrecht Wilhelm,
1757-1834 |
684 |
1781 |
The Linnaeus apostles :
global science & adventure.
Volume 4
Europe, Middle East, North East & West AfricaGöran Rothman, Fredrik Hasselquist, Peter Forsskål, Andreas Berlin, Adam Afzelius /
editor-in-chief: Lars Hansen ; general editors: Eivor Cormack, Per Sörbom, Bertil Nordenstam. |
Rothman, Göran, 1739-1778. Hasselquist, Fredrik, 1722-1752.... |
4012 |
Ik Foundation |
2009 |
Letters on the elements of botany addressed to a lady /
by the celebrated J. J. Rousseau. Translated into English, with notes, and twenty-four additional letters, fully explaining the system of Linnaeus, by Thomas Martyn ... The third edition, with corrections and improvements. |
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques,
1712-1778 |
703 |
1791 |
Letters on the elements of botany, addresses to a lady, /
by the celebrated J. J. Rousseau. Translated into English, with notes, and twenty-four additional letters, fully explaining the system of Linnaeus, by Thomas Martyn ... . The seventh edition, with corrections and improvements. |
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques,
1712-1778 |
707 |
1807 |
Letters on the elements of botany. Addressed to a lady. By the celebrated J. J. Rousseau. Translated into English, with notes ... by Thomas Martyn ... The fourth edition, with corrections and improvements |
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques,
1712-1778 |
704 |
1794 |
Adriani van Royen ... Florae Leydensis prodromus, exhibens plantas quae in horto academico Lugduno-Batavo aluntur. |
Royen, Adrian van,
1704-1779 |
3611 |
1740 |
Démonstrations élémentaires de botanique, contenant les principes généraux de cette science, l'explications des termes, les fondemens des méthodes, & les élémens de la physique des végétaux. La description des plantes les plus communes, les plus curieuses, les plus utiles, rangées suivant la méthode de m. de Tournefort & celle du chevalier Linné. ... Troisieme édition, corrigée & considérablement augmentée. Tome premier. |
Rozier, Jean Baptiste François,
1734-1793 |
716 |
1787 |
Linnaeana /
comp. by G.A. Rudolph and Evan Williams. |
Rudolph, G. A. |
4473 |
1970 |
Scandinavians who have contributed to the knowledge of the flora of North America /
by Per Axel Rydberg. Report on a geological survey of the lands belonging to the New York and Texas Land Company, Ltd., in the upper Rio Grande embayment in Texas / by Johan August Udden |
Rydberg, Per Axel,
1860-1931. |
2918 |
1907 |