Union Catalogue

All records for Stockholm University Library (Stockholms universitetsbibliotek) (2104 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Carl von Linné. : Zum Andenken an die 200:ste Wiederkehr seines Geburtstages. Fries, Robert Elias, 1876-1966. 2886 1907 Digital version available
Fundamenta agrostographiæ, cons. exper. Fac. Med. Ups. præside ... D. Doct. Carolo à Linné, ... auctore defendente Henrico Gahn, Fahlunensi, ... In audit Carol. Maj. die 27 Jun., 1767. publice ventilanda Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 2357 1767 Digital version available
Karl von Linnés levnadssaga : samlade anteckningar / av Karl Blink. Stjernström, Louise, 1827-1907. 2875 1907 Digital version available
En samling Linnémedaljer : demonstrerade å Sv. Linné-sällskapets sammanträde den 8 dec. 1922 / av Astley Levin Levin, Astley 3396 1923 Digital version available
Ayenia, en sällsam blomma, beskrifven och ingifven af Carl Linnæus.[Rubr.] Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 541 1756 Digital version available
Gamos phyton sive nuptiæ arborum, de quibus dissertationem philologico-criticam consensu ampliss. facult. philos. praeside Georgio Wallin, fil. ... publico bonorum examini submittit s. r. m. alumnus Petrvs Vgla, Dalekarlvs. In audit. Gust. Maj. die 23. Decemb. Anno MDCCXXIX. Horis ante meridiem solitis. Wallin, Georg, d.y., 1686-1760 1736 1729 Digital version available
Nomenclator extemporaneus rerum naturalium: plantarum, insectorum, conchyliorum, secundum systema naturæ Linnæanum. Editus a Carol. Clerck ... Stockholmiæ, typis Laurentii Ludovici Grefingii, 1759. Clerck, Carl Alexander, 1709-1765 66 1759 Digital version available
Upsala academiæ rector Carl Linnæus hälsar denna academiens och stadsens samtelige fäder och inbyggare, så af högre som nedrigare stånd Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 1587 1750 Digital version available
Om handskrifterna till Linnés Flora Kofsöensis Hulth, Johan Markus 1865-1928 246a 1924 Digital version available
Dissertatio medica de varia febrium intermittentium curatione, quam, cons. exp. Fac. Med. Ups. praeside, ... Carolo à Linné ... pro gradu doctoris, in audit. Carol. maj. d. 11. Dec. 1771. Horis a. & p. m. solitis exhibet Petrus C. Tillaeus, Vestmannus, auctor Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 2411 1771 Digital version available
Culina mutata, quam suffrag. experient. Facult. Medic. in Regia academia Upsaliensi, præside, ... Carolo Linnæo, ... publicæ censuræ sistit Magnus G. Österman, Fierdhundrensis. In auditorio Carol. maj. d. XVI. Novemb. anni MDCCLVII. H. A. M. C Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 1983 1757 Digital version available
Jochim Friedrich Bolten, der Arzeneigelahrtheit Doktors, und Hamburgischen Physici, Nachricht von einer neuen Thierpflanze Bolten, Joachim Friedrich, 1718-1796 89 1770 Digital version available
Catalogue of the exhibits in the Society's library on the occasion of the 150th anniversary celebrations / by S. Savage ... Savage, Spencer 4591 1939 Digital version available
Lappländische Reise : mit Zeichnungen des Autors / aus dem Schwedischen übers. von H.C. Artmann, unter Mitwirkung von Helli Clervall Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 4311 1964 Digital version available
Minne af von Linné fader och son. Af Sv. Hedin.. [Del 1] Första afdelningen. Von Linné den äldre. Hedin, Sven Anders, 1750-1821 2647 1808 Digital version available
In memoriam bisecularem C. a Linnaei. [Scientia naturalis usque ad finem seculi XVIII.] Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 3686 1907 Digital version available
Vernatio arborum, sub præsidio d. d. Caroli Linnæi ... proposita ab Haraldo Barck, Smolando. Upsaliæ, 5 Maji, 1753. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 1744 1786 Digital version available
Caroli a Linné equitis systema vegetabilium secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus et differentiis. Editio decima quinta, præcedente longe correctior, curante Jo. Andrea Murray, ... Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 608 1798 Digital version available
Zoologische Beyträge zur XIII. Ausgabe des Linneischen Natursystems von Johann August Donndorff. Zweyter Band. Die Vögel. Erster Theil Raubvögel, Spechtartige Vögel, Schwimmvögel und Sumpfvögel. Donndorf, Johann August, 1754-1837 124 1794 Digital version available
On a manuscript list of the Linnean herbarium in the handwriting of Carl von Linné, presumably compiled in the year 1755. To which is appended a catalogue of the Genera in the herbarium, with the numbers of sheets of specimens. : Prepared for the anniversary meeting of the Linnean society of London, 24th May. 1907 ... Jackson, Benjamin Daydon, 1846-1927. 3491/2 1907 Digital version available