Union Catalogue

All records for Stockholm University Library (Stockholms universitetsbibliotek) (2103 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Caroli a Linné ... Amoenitates academicae seu dissertationes variae physicae, medicae botanicae antehac seorsim editae nunc collectae et auctae cum tabulis aeneis. Volvmen primvm. Editio tertia curante D. Jo. Christiano Daniele Schrebero ... Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 1283 1787 Digital version available
Observationes in methodvm plantarvm sexvalem cel. Linnaei praemittit et collegivm dispvtatorivm pvblicvm indicit Christianvs Gottlieb Lvdwig .. Ludwig, Christian Gottlieb, 1709-1773 627 1739 Digital version available
Adriani van Royen ... Florae Leydensis prodromus, exhibens plantas quae in horto academico Lugduno-Batavo aluntur. Royen, Adrian van, 1704-1779 3611 1740 Digital version available
As edições do Systema naturae de Linneo existentes no Brasil / Maria Romano Schreiber Schreiber, Maria Romano 3915 1969 Digital version available
Linnés mikroskop Juel, Hans Oscar, 1863-1931 2983 1913 Digital version available
Linnés "Species plantarum", ett 200-årsminne Nannfeldt, John Axel, 1904-1985 4832 1953 Digital version available
C. Linnæi equ. Elementa botanica. =(Rubr.) S. impr.= Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 540 1756 Digital version available
Caroli Linnæi ... Flora Svecica exhibens plantas per regnum Sveciæ crescentes, systematice cum differentiis specierum synonymis autorum nominibus incolarum solo locorum usu pharmacopæorum Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 407 1745 Digital version available
Promotionsprogram / övers. och kommenterade av Ingrid Odelstierna. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 4169 1961 Digital version available
Correspondance inédite de Linné avec Claude Richard et Antoine Richard (1764-1774). Traduite. et annotée par A. Landrin Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 2482 1863 Digital version available
Caroli Linnæi ... Amoenitates academicæ; seu dissertationes variæ, physicæ, medicæ, botanicæ, antehac seorsim editæ, nunc collectæ & auctæ, cum tabulis ænæis. Volumen quintum. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 1301 1760 Digital version available
Leevensberigt van den grooten natuurkenner Carel Linnæus. Overgenomen uit de Hedendaagsche Vaderlandsche Letter-oefeningen. VIIde deel. Mengelw Gorter, David de, 1717-1783 4726 1778 Digital version available
Växternas krafter : (Vires plantarum) : akademisk avhandling under Linnés presidium Uppsala 1747 / övers. från latinet av Telemak Fredbärj och Albert Boerman. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 4187 1970 Digital version available
Caroli Linnæi ... Fundamenta botanica in qvibvs theoria botanices aphoristice traditvr. Accedvnt Iohannis Gesneri ... Dissertationes physicae in qvibvs celeb. Linnæi Elementa botanica dilvcide explicantvr Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 262 1747 Digital version available
Recension av: Gistel, Johannes Fr. X.: Carolus Linnaeus. Ein Lebensbild Rauwenhoff, N. W. 2749 Digital version available
Specimen academicum, quo euphorbia ejusque historia naturalis et medica exhibetur ... præside ... Carolo Linnæo ... publice ventilandum sistit Johannes Wiman, Fjerdhundrensis. In audit. Car. maj. ad diem VI. Maji, anni MDCCLII. H. A. M. S Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 1658 1752 Digital version available
The elements of botany: containing the history of the science: with accurate definitions of all the terms of art, exemplified in eleven copper-plates; the theory of vegetables; the scientific arrangement of plants, and names used in botany; rules concerning the general history, virtues, and uses of plants. Being a translation of the Philosophia botanica, and other treaties of the celebrated Linnæus. To which is added an appendix, wherein are described some plants lately found in Norfolk and Suffolk, illustrated with three additional copper-plates, all taken from the life. By Hugh Rose Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 470 1775 Digital version available
Linné och Artedi : (Föredrag vid Svenska Linné-sällskapets sammanträde i Stockholm den 16 nov. 1918) Lönnberg, Einar, 1865-1942 3015 1919 Digital version available
Linné och cecidologien 1-2 + suppl. av Otto Gertz. Gertz, Otto D., 1878-1948 1271d 1929 1929-1936 Digital version available
Species plantarum 2 / with an appendix by J. L. Heller and W. T. Stearn. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 4452 1959 Digital version available