Union Catalogue

All records for Uppsala University Library (1972 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Caroli a Linné ... Amoenitates academicae seu dissertationes variae physicae, medicae botanicae antehac seorsim editae nunc collectae et auctae cum tabulis aeneis. Volvmen secvndvm. Editio tertia curante D. Io. Christiano Daniele Schrebero ... Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 1289 1787 Digital version available
Om Linnés betydelse i botanikens historia : med anledning av Linné-festen i Lund den 10 januari 1878 Agardh, Jacob Georg, 1813-1901 2763 1878 Digital version available
Dissertatio fundamenta valetudinis sistens, quam, consensu experientiss. Fac. Medicæ Upsaliensis, præside ... Carolo Linnæo ... In auditorio Carol. maj. die XVII. Junii, anni MDCCLVI. Ad publicum examen defert Petrus Engström, Dalekarlus. H. A. M. S Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 1917 1756 Digital version available
Des Ritter Carl von Linné auserlesene Abhandlungen aus der Naturgeschichte, Physik und Arzneywissenschaft. Mit Kupfern. III. Band Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 1329 1778 Digital version available
Des Ritters Carl von Linné ... vollständiges Natursystem des Mineralreichs nach der zwölften lateinischen Ausgabe in einer freyen und vermehrten Uebersetzung von Johann Friedrich Gmelin ... dritter Theil. Nebst zwölf Kupfertafeln. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 100 1778 Digital version available
Inledning till botaniken för skolor och gymnasier : Öfversättning från tyskan med en kort framställning af det naturliga systemet Termo, M B 847 1838 Digital version available
Dissertatio academica, migrationes avium sistens, quam, ex consens. experient. Facult. Med. in illustri Academia Upsaliensi, sub præsidio ... Dn. Doct. Caroli Linnæi ... publicæ ventilationi subjicit ... Carolus Dan. Ekmarck, Ostro-gothus. In aud. Carol. Maj. d. II. Mart. anno MDCCLVII. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 1936 1757 Digital version available
Om Karl von Linné, Linné d.y., Linnean Society of London, Linnéska institutet, Linnéska samfundet och Linnéska samlingarna / af Ewald Ährling Ährling, Ewald, 1837-1888 2801 1885 Digital version available
The families of plants, with their natural characters, according to the number, figure, situation, and proportion of all the parts of fructification. Translated from the last edition, (as published by Dr. Reichard) of the Genera plantarum, and of the Mantissæ plantarum of the younger Linneus, with all the new families of plants, from Thunberg and l'Heritier. To which is prefix'd an accented catalogue of the names of plants, with the adjectives apply ́d to them, and other botanic terms, for the purpose of teaching their right pronunciation. By a Botanical Society at Lichfield. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 321 1787 Digital version available
Elogio del celebre botanico Carlo Linneo pubblicato nell' occasione dei due dotti stabilimenti della libreria medica e dell' orto botanico nello spedale maggiore de Bergamo. Pasta, Giuseppe, 1742-1823 2636 1802 Digital version available
Nectaria florum Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 2210 1786 Digital version available
A system of vegetables, according to their classes, orders, genera, species with their characters and differences. In two volumes. Translated from the thirteenth edition (as published by dr. Murray) of the Systema vegetabilium of the late professor Linneus ; and from the Supplementum plantarum of the present professor Linneus. By a Botanical society, at Lichfield Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 580 1782 Digital version available
Spansk crasse / beskrifven af Carl Linnæus Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 537 1755.] Digital version available
Om brödet som födoämne : De pane diætetico : akademisk avhandling under Linnés presidium, Uppsala 1757 / övers. från latinet av Arvid Hj. Uggla och Telemak Fredbärj. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 4175 1964 Digital version available
Linnés lag för organismernas konstans. Almquist, Ernst, 1852-1946 896 1917 Digital version available
Système de la nature de Charles de Linné. Classe deuxième du règne animal, contenant les oiseaux. Traduction française, par Vanderstegen de Putte ... D'après la 13me. édition latine, mise au jour, augmentée et corrigée par J. F. Gmelin. Tome premier Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 128 1796 Digital version available
Pan Suecus, quem, praeside D.D. Carolo Linnaeo, publico examini submisit Nicolaus L. Hesselgren, Vermelandus. Upsaliae, 9 Decemb. 1749 Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 1571 1786 Digital version available
Tvenne sannolikt förlorade Linnéska manuskript ur Kilian Stobaei bibliotek Gertz, Otto D., 1878-1948 4 1925 Digital version available
Verhandeling over de chocolaad: (Getrokken uit de Amoenitates Academicae, Vol. VII. No. 138. p. 254.)/ door den Heer Hoffman Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 2307 1779 Digital version available
Dissertatio medica inauguralis, sistens calorem corporis hvmani effectvm hygravlicvm. Quam ... ex auctoritate magnifici rectoris, D. Joh. Jacobi Vitriarii ... nec non amplissimi senatus academici consensu, & nobilissimae facultatis medicae decreto, pro gradu doctoratus, summisque in medicina honoribus & privilegiis rite ac legitime consequendis, eruditorum examini submittit Ioannes Bartsch, Reg. Bor. ad diem 6. Augusti 1737. horâ locoque solitis Bartsch, Johannes, 1709-1738 2494 1737 Digital version available