Caroli Linnaei ... Philosophia botanica in qua explicantur fvndamenta botanica cvm definitionibus partium, exemplis terminorun [sic], observationibus rariorum, adiectis figvris æneis |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
444 |
1770 |
Dates of publication of the separate parts of Gmelin's edition (13th) of the 'Systema naturae' of Linnæus. By John Hopkinson, F.L.S, F.Z.S., &c. |
Hopkinson, John |
120 |
1908 |
Zwei Musensöhne und ein Spassvogel oder Linneus, Artedi und Rudbeck :
Universitäts-Skizzen /
aus dem Schwedischen. |
Zeipel, Carl von,
1793-1849 |
2701 |
1844 |
Quæstio historico naturalis, Cui bono? quam breviter solutam, consensu experientiss. Facult. Medicæ in illustri Academia Upsaliensi, præside ... Dn. Doct. Carolo Linnæo, diem XXI. Octobr. anni MDCCLII, ... in auditorio Carolino minori. Publicæ ventilationi modeste offert Christophorus Gedner, Eliæ fil. Fierdhundrensis |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
1691 |
1752 |
Elements of natural history; being an introduction to the Systema naturae of Linnæus: comprising the characters of the whole genera, and most remarkable species; particularly of all those that are natives of Britain, with the principal circumstances of their history and manners. Likewise an alphabetical arrangement, with definitions, of technical terms: in two volumes; with twelve explanatory copper plates. Vol. I. |
Stewart, Charles,
fl. 1799-1817 |
153 |
1801 |
Methodi Linnæanæ botanicæ delineatio, exhibens characteres essentiales generum necnon specierum ... opus herbationibus accommodatum, curante J. E. Gilibert ... |
Gilibert, Jean Emmanuel,
1741-1814 |
735 |
1760 |
Caroli a Linné Systema naturae ex editione duodecima in epitomen redactum et praelectionibus academicis accomodatum a Iohanne Beckmanno ... Tomus I. Regnum animale |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
93 |
1772 |
Förteckning över i Uppsala förvarade herbarieexemplar med påskrifter av Linnés hand. |
Juel, Hans Oscar,
1863-1931 |
3535 |
1931 |
An introduction to botany. Containing an explanation of the theory of that science; extracted from the works of Dr. Linnæus; with 12 copper-plates, two explanatory tables, an appendix and glossary. The fifth edition, corrected, by James Lee ... |
Lee, James,
1715-1795 |
458 |
1794 |
Naturalist-explorers /
ill. by Fred Sweney |
Blassingame, Wyatt |
4358 |
1964 |
Linnés naturforskning /
af C. A. M. Lindman |
Lindman, Carl Axel Magnus,
1856-1928 |
2905 |
1907 |
On the Diurnal Lepidoptera described in Gmelin ́s Edition of the System Naturae |
Kirby, W. F.
1844-1912 |
142 |
1869 |
Thesaurus Zeylanicus, exhibens plantas in insula Zeylana nascentes, inter quas plurimae novae species, & genera inveniuntur. Omnia iconibus illustrata, ac descripta cura & studio Joannis Burmanni .. |
Burman, Johannes,
ca 1706-1779 |
3952 |
1737 |
Berusningsmedel :
(Inebriantia) : akademisk avhandling under Linnés presidium, Uppsala 1761 /
övers. från latinet av Albert Boerman och Telemak Fredbärj |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
4171 |
1963 |
Då archiatern herr doct. Carl Linnæus blev dubbad til riddare af Konglige Nordstjärne-orden, den 27 april 1753. /
Yttrade deröfver sin fägnad några natural wettenskapens idkare. |
2586 |
1753 |
Hinder för läkekonsten :
(Obstacula medicinæ) : akademisk avhandling under Linnés presidium Upsala 1752 /
översatt från latinet av Sven-Olof Thulin ; efterskrift och noter av Telemak Fredbärj. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
4136 |
1948 |
Enchiridion historiae naturali inserviens, quo termini et delineationes ad avium, piscium, insectorum et plantarum adumbrationes intelligendas et concinnandas, secundum methodum systematis Linnaeani contintentur, editore Io. Reinholdo Forster ... |
Forster, Johan Reinhold,
1729-1798 |
147 |
1788 |
Dissertatio academica, sistens nomenclatorem botanicum, quam ... sub præsidio ... Caroli Linnæi ... publico erudit. exam. subjicit Benedictus Berzelius, Ostro-gothus. In auditorio Gustaviano die [XXIV] Decemb., anni MDCCLIX. H. A. M. S. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
2095 |
1759 |
Linnaeus :
(afterwards Carl von Linné) /
by Benjamin Daydon Jackson. |
Jackson, Benjamin Daydon,
1846-1927 |
2846 |
1923 |
Ett besök vid Råshult /
af C. A. M. Lindman |
Lindman, Carl Axel Magnus,
1856-1928 |
3019 |
1920 |