Des Ritters C. von Linné ... vollständiges Natursystem des Mineralreichs, nach der zwölften lateinischen Ausgabe, in einer freyen und vermehrten Uebersetzung, von J. F. Gmelin ... Nebst ... Kupfertafeln. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
100 |
1777-79 |
Reliquiæ Rudbeckianæ, sive Camporum Elysiorum libri primi, olim ab Olao Rudbeckio, patre et filio, Upsaliæ anno 1702 editi, quæ supersunt, adjectis nominibus Linnæanis. Accedunt aliæ quædam icones hactenus ineditæ, cura J. E. Smith. |
the Elder and RUDBECK (Olof) the Younger. |
732 |
1789 |
Fundamenta botanica, prælectionibus publicis accommodata. |
Scopoli, Giovanni Antonio,
1723-1788. |
691b |
1783 |
The families of plants, with their natural characters according to the number, figure, situation, and proportion of all the parts of fructification. Translated [by Erasmus Darwin] from the last edition (as published by Dr Reichard) of the Genera plantarum and of the Mantissæ plantarum of the elder L., and from the Supplementum plantarum of the younger Linneus, with all the new families of plants from Thunberg and L'Heritier. By a Botanical Society at Lichfield. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
321 |
1787 |
Hortus suburbanus Londinensis: or a catalogue of plants cultivated in the neighbourhood of London; ... with the addition of the natural orders to which they belong, references to books where they are described, etc. |
Sweet, Robert. |
812a |
1818 |
Ad memoriam primi sui præsidis ejusdemque e conditoribus suis unius Caroli Linnæi opus illud, quo primum Systema naturæ per tria regna dispositæ explicavit Regia Academia Scientiarum Svecica biseculari natali auctoris denuo edidit. |
Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778. |
3143 |
1907 |
The genera of fishes ... with the accepted type of each. A contribution to the stability of scientific nomenclature. By D. S. Jordan, assisted by B. W. Evermann. |
Jordan, David Starr,
1851-1931. |
1263a |
1917-20 |
The flora of Switzerland ... Translated ... by L. W. Paitson from the fifth edition of the Excursionsflora für die Schweiz. |
GREMLI, August. |
863f |
1888 |
[De pane diætetico.] Om brödet som födoämne ... Akademisk avhandling under Linnés presidium ... Översatt ... av Arvid Hj. Uggla och Telemak Fredbärj. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
4175 |
1964 |
An introduction to botany, in a series of familiar letters, etc. |
WAKEFIELD, Priscilla. |
760c |
1807 |
Linnæus as a zoölogist. |
Dall, William Healey,
1845-1927. |
1250 |
The young botanist; or, a sketch of the life of Linnæus, etc. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
2674 |
1829 |
Dictionnaire des termes techniques de botanique. |
34g |
an XI [1803] |
Joachimi Friderici Bolten ... Ad ... Carolum a Linné ... epistola de novo quodam zoophytorum genere. |
BOLTEN, Joachim Friedrich. |
88 |
1771 |
C. Linnæi ... Philosophia botanica, in qua explicantur fundamenta botanica cum definitionibus partium, etc. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
450 |
1792 |
[Senium Salomoneum.] Ålderdomen enligt Salomo ... Akademisk avhandling undr Linnés præsidium ... Översatt ... av Hjalmar Hedfors. Noter och efterskrift av Telemak Fredbärj. |
PILGREN, Joannes. |
4158 |
1958 |
Petri Arduini ... Animadversionum botanicarum specimen (Specimen alterum). [With plates.] |
ARDUINO, Pietro. |
3886 |
1759 |
C. L. ... Methodus juxta quam physiologus ... concinnare potest historiam cujuscunque naturalis subjecti. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
40 |
1736 |
Florae Romanae prodromus, exhibens centurias XII. plantarum circa Romam et in Cisapenninis Pontificiae ditionis provinciis sponte nascentium, sexuali systemate digestas. |
Botanist, and MAURI (Ernestus) |
812b |
1818 |
Of the use of curiosity. |
GEDNER, Christopher Elias. |
1700 |