Ad memoriam primi sui præsidis ejusdemque e conditoribus suis unius Caroli Linnæi opus illud, quo primum Systema naturæ per tria regna dispositæ explicavit Regia Academia Scientiarum Svecica biseculari natali auctoris denuo edidit. |
Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778. |
3143 |
1907 |
New illustration of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeus:
comprehending an elucidation of the several parts of the fructification; a prize dissertation on the sexes of plants; a full explanation of the classes, and orders, of the sexual system; and the Temple of Flora, or Garden of nature, being picturesque, botanical, coloured plates, of select plants, illustrative of the same, with descriptions.
By Robert John Thornton, M.D. ... |
Thornton, Robert John,
1768?-1837. |
3145 |
printed, for the publisher, by T. Bensley, Bolt Court, Fleet Street |
[1799-] 1807. |
Les plantes, poème, etc. |
CASTEL, René Richard Louis. |
3149 |
1802 |
Les plantes :
poème /
par René-Richard Castel. |
Castel, René Richard Louis,
1758-1832 |
3150 |
de l'imprimerie de Crapelet, chez Deterville |
1811 |
Les plantes, poème, etc. |
CASTEL, René Richard Louis. |
3151 |
1839 |
Journal für die Botanik. |
Schrader, H. A. 1767-1836. |
3152 |
Bei Joh. Christ. Dietrich |
1799-1803 [i.e. 1804] |
Botanical extracts: or, Philosophy of botany. L.P. |
THORNTON, Robert John. |
3153 |
1810 |
New illustration of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeus:
comprehending an elucidation of the several parts of the fructification; a prize dissertation on the sexes of plants; a full explanation of the classes, and orders, of the sexual system; and the Temple of Flora, or Garden of nature, being picturesque, botanical, coloured plates, of select plants, illustrative of the same, with descriptions.
By Robert John Thornton, M.D. ... |
Thornton, Robert John,
1768?-1837. |
3154 |
printed, for the publisher, by T. Bensley, Bolt Court, Fleet Street |
[1799-] 1807. |
Linnéportrâtt. Vid Uppsala Universitets minnesfest på tvåhundraårsdagen af Carl von Linnés födelse ... Af T. Tullberg. |
BESKOW, Ingegerd Tullberg. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778. Tullberg, Tycho. |
3321 |
1907 |
Nova plantarum genera /
quæ ... præside ... Carolo Linnæo ... speciminis academici loco, publico bonorum examini submittit, Carolus Magnus Dassow. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
3432 |
typis Laurentii Salvii |
1747 |
Nova plantarum genera, etc. /
Praes. Carolus Linnaeus. |
Dassow, Carl Magnus,
1719-1751 |
3433 |
Nova plantarum genera, etc. /
Praes. Carolus Linnaeus. |
Dassow, Carl Magnus,
1719-1751 |
3434 |
publisher not identified |
1787 |
Utkast till beskrifning om Upsala. Första [-Andra] delen författad af Joh. B. Busser. |
Busser, Johan Benedict,
1729-1799. |
3435 |
på bokhandeel Joh. C. Holmbergs bekostnad utgifven
tryckt hos Joh. Edman |
1769-1773 |
Plantarum icones hactenus ineditæ, plerumque ad plantas in herbario Linnæano conservatas delineatæ. |
Smith, James Edward,
1759-1828. |
3437 |
Typis J. Davis, impensis B. White & fil |
1789-91 |
Carl Von Linne. |
Jahn, Ilse. |
3471 |
Teubner Verlagsgesellschaft |
1978 |
Studier öfver Salices i Linnés herbarium. [With two plates.] |
3502 |
1907 |
Exhibition of a selection from the Linnean collections, Fifth International Botanical Congress 1930. |
3532 |
1930 |
Förteckning öfver manuskript innehållande anteckningar efter Carl von Linnés föreläsningar i zoologi. Upprättad af G. Ekelöf. |
EKELÖF, Greta. |
3543 |
Caroli a Linné ... Prælectiones in ordines naturales plantarum: e proprio et J. C. Fabricii ... Msto. edidit P. D. Giseke, ... Accessit uberior Palmarum et Scitaminum expositio præter plurium novorum generum reductiones, etc. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
3546 |
impensis B.G. Hoffmanni |
1792 |
Linnés dietetik:
på grundvalen af dels hans eget originalutkast till föreläsningar: Lachesis naturalis quae tradit Diætam naturalem och dels lärjungeanteckningar efter dessa hans föreläsningar /
Collegium diæteticum; på uppdrag af Medicinska Fakulteten i Uppsala ordnad och utgifven af Axel Otto Lindfors. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
3549 |
Uppsala Universitet |
1907 |