Tabulæ botanicæ elementares quatuor priores, sive Icones partium quæ in fundamentis botanicis describuntur. [With plates.] |
Cirillo, Domenico. |
734 |
1790 |
A dictionary of the ornamental trees, shrubs, and plants, most commonly cultivated in the plantations, gardens, and stoves, of Great-Britain, etc. |
BRYANT, Charles
(Naturalist) |
733a |
Printed for the Author |
1790 |
Nomenclator Linnæanus floræ Pedemontanæ. [Edited by Johann Brugnonus.] |
BUNIVA, Michele Francesco. |
733b |
1790 |
Reliquiæ Rudbeckianæ, sive Camporum Elysiorum libri primi, olim ab Olao Rudbeckio, patre et filio, Upsaliæ anno 1702 editi, quæ supersunt, adjectis nominibus Linnæanis. Accedunt aliæ quædam icones hactenus ineditæ, cura J. E. Smith. |
the Elder and RUDBECK (Olof) the Younger. |
732 |
1789 |
Summa plantarum, quæ hactenus innotuerunt, methodo Linnæana per genera et species digesta, illustrata, descripta. |
VITMAN, Fulgenzio. |
732a |
1789-92 |
Flora Lipsiensis, sistens plantas in agris circuli Lipsici ... secundum systema sexuale, etc. |
BAUMGARTEN, Joannes Christianus Gottlob. |
732b |
1790 |
Les amours des plantes, poëme en quatre chants; suivi de notes et de dialogues sur la poésie: ouvrage traduit de l'anglais ... par J. P. F. Deleuze. [In prose.] |
Darwin, Erasmus,
1731-1802. |
731 |
1799/1800 |
A descriptive catalogue of upwards of 1100 species and varieties of herbaceous or perennial plants ... to which is added a list of hardy ferns ... and the most ornamental annuals. |
Graefer, John,
-1802. |
731c |
1789 |
D. Vandelli ... Viridarium Grisley Lusitanicum, Linnaeanis nominibus illustratum. |
GRISLEY, Gabriel. |
731a |
[The botanic garden. A poem, in two parts ... The first American edition. [By E. Darwin, the Elder. With plates.]] |
Darwin, Erasmus,
1731-1802 |
730 |
J. Johnson |
1799 |
[The botanic garden; a poem, etc. [By Erasmus Darwin, the Elder.] (Part I. The second edition.-Part II. The fourth edition.)] |
Darwin, Erasmus,
1731-1802 |
729 |
J. Johnson |
1795 |
The botanic garden; a poem, etc. [By Erasmus Darwin, the Elder.] (Part I. The second edition.-Part II. The third edition.). |
Darwin, Erasmus,
1731-1802 |
728 |
J. Johnson |
1791 |
The botanic garden; a poem, etc. [By Erasmus Darwin, the Elder.] |
Darwin, Erasmus, 1731-1802 Blake, William, 1757-1827... |
727 |
1791 |
The botanic garden; a poem, a in two parts. Part I. containing The economy of vegetation. Part II. The loves of the plants. With philosophical notes. [By Erasmus Darwin, the Elder. With plates.] |
Banks, Joseph, 1743-1820 Blake, William, 1757-1827... |
726 |
J. Johnson |
1791 |
Diccionario dos termos technicos de historia natural, extrahidos das obras de Linnéo, com a sua explicaçaõ ... e a memoria sobre a utilidade dos jardins botanicos, etc. |
Vandelli, Domenico,
1735-1816. |
725 |
1788 |
Flora Caroliniana, secundum systema vegetabilium ... Linnæi digesta ... cum emendationibus descriptionum antea evulgatarum, etc. |
WALTER, Thomas,
Agricola. |
725a |
1788 |
A companion to the Botanical Magazine; or, a familiar introduction to the study of botany, being the substance of a course of lectures, chiefly explanatory of the Linnæan system, read at the Botanic Garden, Lambeth-Marsh ... Now first published in the form of a dialogue betwixt a pupil and his preceptor, and illustrated by figures entirely new. |
CURTIS, William,
Botanist. |
724 |
Printed for the Author |
1788 |
Icones plantarum medicinalium secundum systema Linnaei digestarum :
cum enumeratione virium et usus medici, chirurgici atque diaetetici ... /
Josephi Jacobi Plenck. |
Plenck, Joseph Jacob,
Ritter von,
1738-1807. |
724a |
Apud Rudolphum Graeffer et Soc. |
1788-1791 |
Catalogue alphabétique des arbres et arbrisseaux, qui croissent naturellement dans les États-Unis de l'Amérique Septentrionale ... avec des descriptions ... Traduit de l'Anglois, avec des notes et observations sur la culture, par M. Lézermes. |
MARSHALL, Humphry,
Botanist. |
724* |
1788 |
Floræ Megapolitanæ prodromus, exhibens plantas Ducatus Megapolitano-Suerinensis spontaneas. |
TIMM, Joachim Christian. |
724b |
1788 |