Flora Gallica, seu Enumeratio plantarum in Gallia sponte nascentium. |
785l |
1806, 07. |
A synoptical compend of British botany ... arranged after the Linnean system, etc. |
A.L.S. |
785h |
1806 |
A synoptical compend of British botany ... Fourth edition, etc. |
A.L.S. |
785k |
S. Bagster |
1834 |
Flore du nord de la France, ... ouvrage ... dans lequel les plantes sont arrangées selon le système de Linné, ... on y a joint ... leurs propriétés reconnues dans la médecine, dans les alimens et dans les arts. |
782a |
1803 |
Dictionnaire des termes techniques de botanique. |
782 |
an XI [1803] |
Dispositio systematica plantarum, quæ in systemate sexuali Linnaeano eas classes et ordines non obtinent, in quibus secundum numerum et structuram genitalium reperiri debent. |
CRAMER, Joannes Christianus. |
781 |
1803 |
Abrégé de l'histoire des plantes usuelles ... Nouvelle édition. |
CHOMEL, Pierre Jean Baptiste. |
780 |
1803 |
Flora Helvetica, exhibens plantas Helvetiæ indigenas Hallerianas, et omnes quæ nuper detectæ sunt ordine Linnaeano. (Helvetiens Flora, etc.). |
SUTER, Johann Rudolf. |
778a |
1802 |
Elements of botany; or, an introduction to the sexual system of Linnæus. To which is annexed an English botanical dictionary. Illustrated by copper-plates. |
HALL, Richard,
M.D. |
775 |
1802 |
A poetical introduction to the study of botany. |
Rowden, Frances Arabella. |
774 |
1801 |
The British flora, or a Linnean arrangement of British plants. With their generic and specific character, select synonyms, English names, etc. |
HULL, John,
M.D. |
772*** |
1808 |
New illustration of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeus:
comprehending an elucidation of the several parts of the fructification; a prize dissertation on the sexes of plants; a full explanation of the classes, and orders, of the sexual system; and the Temple of Flora, or Garden of nature, being picturesque, botanical, coloured plates, of select plants, illustrative of the same, with descriptions.
By Robert John Thornton, M.D. ... |
Thornton, Robert John,
1768?-1837. |
772 |
printed, for the publisher, by T. Bensley, Bolt Court, Fleet Street |
[1799-] 1807. |
The British flora, or a Linnean arrangement of British plants. With their generic and specific character, select synonyms, English names, etc. |
HULL, John,
M.D. |
772* |
1799 |
Elements of botany, etc. |
HULL, John,
M.D. |
772a |
1800 |
Calendrier de flore des environs de Niort, ou, Tems approximatif de la floraison d'à peu près onze cent plantes, . |
Guillemeau, Jean Louis Marie. |
772b |
Imprimerie de P.A. Élies |
1801 |
Dissertatio gradualis sistens momenta nonnulla de genere in historia naturali /
quam ... sub præsidio ... And. J. Retzii eruditorum examini ... submittit auctor Magn. Eric. Forssander. |
Retzius, Anders Jåhan,
1742-1821 |
770 |
litteris Berlingianis |
1799 |
The philosophy of botany, being botanical, and philosophical extracts, including, A new illustration of the sexual system of Linnaeus ... Vol. 1. [Followed by vol. 2, “The genera of exotic and indigenous plants that are to be met with in Great Britain; arranged according to the reformed system.” With plates.] |
THORNTON, Robert John. |
767c |
Printed for the Author |
1799 [1806?] |
Synopsis plantarum Insulis Britannicis indigenarum; complectens characteres genericos et specificos secundum systema sexuale distributos. |
SYMONS, Jelinger,
A.B., F.L.S. |
767a |
1798 |
Botany displayed; being a complete and compendious elucidation of Botany, according to the system of Linnæus ... with plates ... by A. Nunes. |
Thompson, John
(Botanist) |
767b |
1798 |
Tableau des systêmes de botanique, généraux et particuliers: ... suivi de deux mémoires, dont le premier a pour objet une suite d'observations ... sur la dessication des plantes; ... le second renferme des observations sur les ... espèces de végétaux propres aux montagnes calcaires et granitiques des environs de Grenoble. |
766 |
1801 |