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See also: linnæna, linnea, linnäa
Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
[Linnaea, in Botany, so called in honour of the great Swedish naturalist (see Linnaeus [by Sir James E. Smith]), appears by the journal of his Tour to Lapland to have been chosen by himself to commemorate his own name, when he gathered it at Lyksele, May 29, 1732.] Smith, James Edward, Sir, 1759-1828. 286a Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown ; 1812 Digital version available
Remarkable history of the sale of the Linnaean collections. From a letter (Nov. 21, 1791) of James Edward Smith ... Proprietor of the Linnaean Collections, to the author Stoever, Dietrich Heinrich, 1767-1822. 3441 B. and J. White 1794 Digital version available
Linnaea, s. [so named by Gronovius, in honour of the celebrated Linnaeus] Wilkes, John, 17- -1811. 287 s.n 1814 Digital version available
Om <Linnaea borealis> L. : en jemnförande biologisk, morfologisk och anatomisk undersökning / af V. B. Wittrock Wittrock, Veit Brecher, 1839-1914. 289b 1878 Digital version available
The universal botanist and nurseryman : containing descriptions of the species and varieties of all the trees, shrubs, herbs, flowers and fruits, natives and exotics: at present cultivated in the European nurseries, greenhouses, and stoves, or described by modern botanists: arranged according to the Linnaean system, with their names in English. To which are added a copious botanical glossary, several useful catalogues and indexes. Illustrated with elegant engravings. In four volumes / By Richard Weston, Esq. Weston, Richard (1733-1806). 656 Printed for J. Bell [et al] 1770[-1777] Digital version available
The Linnaean system : plates from Rees' Cyclopaedia,1802-1820 Rees, Abraham, 1743-1825 3905 Longman and Rees 1802-1818 Digital version available
Linnaeus and the Linnaeans : the spreading of their ideas in systematic botany, 1735-1789 / Frans A. Stafleu. Stafleu, Frans A. 1921-1997 3120zaf 1971 Digital version available
Specimen Animalium, Vegetabilium et Mineralium in Insula Minorica frequentiorum ad normam Linnæani Sistematis exaratum : accedunt nomina vernacula in quantum fieri potuit. Ramis y Ramis, Juan, 1746-1819. 157a Excudebat Petrus Antonius Serra 1814 Digital version available
Some Linnaean types of Asclepias. Rendle, A. B. 1865-1938 919j 1936 Digital version available
Linnaean species of Spermacoce, &c. Rendle, A. B. 1865-1938 919i 1934 Digital version available
Linnaean classification and phylogenetic classification of the Proboscidea / by Henry Fairfield Osborn Osborn, Henry Fairfield, 1857-1935. 181a s.n 1923 Digital version available
Caroli Linnaei Exercitatio Botanico-Physica De Nuptiis Et Sexu Plantarum Edidit Et Latine Vertit M. Johannes Arv. Afzelius Linné, Carl von 1707-1778 VerfasserIn 231 Excudebant Regiae Academiae Typographi 1828 Digital version available
A botanical dictionary : or elements of systematic and philosophical botany. : Containing descriptions of the parts of plants; an explanation of the scientific terms used by Morison, Ray, Tournefort, Linnaeus, and other eminent botanists; a brief analysis of the principal systems in botany; a critical enquiry into the merits and defects of the Linnaean method of arrangement, and distribution of the genera; descriptions of the various tribes, or natural families of plants, their habit and structure, virtues, sensible qualities, and oeconomical uses; an impartial examination of the doctrine of the sex of plants; with a discussion of several curious questions in the vegetable oeconomy, connected with gardening. The whole forming a complete system of botanical knowledge, calculated for the use of students in that science / by Colin Milne. Milne, Colin (1744?-1815). 32 William Griffin 1770 Digital version available
A Botanical dictionary, or, elements of systematic and philosophical botany : containing descriptions of the parts of plants;an explanation of the scientific terms used by Morison, Ray, Tournefort, Linnaeus, and other eminent botanists; a brief analysis of the principal systems in botany; a critical enquiry into the merits and defects of the Linnaean method of arrangement, and distribution of the genera ... The whole forming a complete system of botanical knowledge, calculated for the use of students in that science. Milne, Colin, 1743-1815. 33 Printed for H.D. Symonds 1805 Digital version available
The Elements of Natural History, for the use of Schools and young persons, founded on the Linnaean arrangement, with popular descriptions in the manner of Goldsmith and Buffon. Mavor, William Fordyce, 1758-1837. 154c Richard Phillips 1802 Digital version available
Antiquitates Linnæanæ. Programma quo ad solemnem inaugurationem Philosohiæ [sic] Doctorum crastina luce celebrandam Magnos Hospites, Literarum Patronos, Patres Civesque Academicos et Urbicos ... invitat ... / Promotor Carolus Adolphus Agardh Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 2521 Litteris Berlingianis 1826 Digital version available
The data of the Linnaean index in John Martyn's Historia plantarum rariorum / Ian MacPhail & William J. Hess. MacPhail, Ian. 919bza s.n 1979 Digital version available
Linnaean Symposium at the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation : [proceedings] / Birger Strandell ... [et al] Strandell, Birger 3911 Digital version available
An Introduction to Botany : extracted from the works of Linnæus ... to which is added an appendix; containing upwards of two thousand English names of Plants, referred to their proper titles in the Linnæau system. Lee, James, 1715-1795. 461 1811 Digital version available
General conchology : or, a description of shells, arranged according to the Linnaean system, and illustrated with plates, accurately drawn and coloured from nature / by William Wood Wood, W. 1774-1857. 3964 John Booth 1814? Digital version available