Caroli Linnæi ... Fundamenta botanica in qvibvs theoria botanices aphoristice traditvr. Accedvnt Iohannis Gesneri ... Dissertationes physicae in qvibvs celeb. Linnæi Elementa botanica dilvcide explicantvr. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
262 |
1747 |
Recension av: Gistel, Johannes Fr. X.: Carolus Linnaeus. Ein Lebensbild |
Rauwenhoff, N. W. |
2749 |
Specimen academicum, quo euphorbia ejusque historia naturalis et medica exhibetur ... præside ... Carolo Linnæo ... publice ventilandum sistit Johannes Wiman, Fjerdhundrensis. In audit. Car. maj. ad diem VI. Maji, anni MDCCLII. H. A. M. S. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
1658 |
1752 |
The elements of botany: containing the history of the science: with accurate definitions of all the terms of art, exemplified in eleven copper-plates; the theory of vegetables; the scientific arrangement of plants, and names used in botany; rules concerning the general history, virtues, and uses of plants. Being a translation of the Philosophia botanica, and other treaties of the celebrated Linnæus. To which is added an appendix, wherein are described some plants lately found in Norfolk and Suffolk, illustrated with three additional copper-plates, all taken from the life. By Hugh Rose |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
470 |
1775 |
Linné och Artedi :
(Föredrag vid Svenska Linné-sällskapets sammanträde i Stockholm den 16 nov. 1918) |
Lönnberg, Einar,
1865-1942 |
3015 |
1919 |
Linné och cecidologien.
1-2 + suppl. /
av Otto Gertz |
Gertz, Otto D.,
1878-1948 |
1271d |
1929-1936 |
Species plantarum
2 /
with an appendix by J. L. Heller and W. T. Stearn. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
4452 |
1959 |
Carl v. Linné, sein Leben und Wirken |
Drude, Oscar,
1852-1933 |
2879 |
1907 |
Register till Linnéporträtt /
[af Tycho Tullberg 1907 med Supplement af Ingegerd Tullberg Beskow 1967]. |
Beskow, Ingegerd Tullberg,
1887-1978 |
4611 |
1968 |
Linné legritkább nyomtatványa, vonatkozásban a "Seseli elatum" nomenklaturájával. |
Szabo, Z |
496a |
1910 |
Linné i våra bygder |
Porat, Carl Oscar von |
227 |
1915 |
Caroli Linnæi Bibliotheca botanica recensens libros plus mille de plantis huc usque editos, secundum systema auctorum naturale in classes, ordines, genera & species dispositos, additis editiones loco, tempore, forma, lingua & c. cum explicatione Fundamentorum botanicorum pars 1:ma |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
250 |
1736 |
Carl v. Linné und seine Bedeutung für die Bibliographie :
Festschrift |
Junk, Wilhelm,
1866-1942 |
3685 |
1907 |
Genera morborum in auditorum usum publicata. Editio iterata foras dedit et nomina Teutonica adjecit Joh. Christ. Kerstens .. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
2072 |
1773 |
Dissertatio inauguralis medica, de hæmorrhagiis ex plethora quam, consens. nob. atque experient. Fac. Med. Upsal. præside ... Carolo à Linné, ... in audit. Carol. maj. die XXIII. Maji a MDCCLXXII. ... publice ventilandam sistit auctor Ernest. J.M. ab Heidenstam |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
2415 |
1772 |
Linnés ställning till kristendomen :
några reflexioner med anledning av Linnés tvåhundraårsminne /
av K. A. Westling. |
Westling, K. A. ,
1864-1929 |
2943 |
1907 |
Herr archiaterns och riddarens d. Carl von Linné's Indelning i ört-riket, efter Systema naturæ, på swenska öfwersatt af Johan J. Haartman ... Och nu andra gången uplagd, ändrad och tilökt efter 13:de uplagan af systemet |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
56 |
1777 |
Notes on the Butterflies described by Linnaeus |
Kirby, W. F.
1844-1912 |
1246 |
1870 |
Specimen academicum, sistens Miracula insectorum, quod, consent. ampliss. Facult. Medica in Regia Academia Upsal., sub præsidio ... Dn. Doct. Caroli Linnæi ... publico examini submittit Gabriel Emanuel Avelin, Dalekarlus. In auditorio . Carol. Maj. die. XI Novemb. anni MDCCLII. H. A. M. S. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
1722 |
1752 |
Caroli a Linné Species plantarum exhibentes plantas rite cognitas ad genera relatas cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus synonymus selectis, locis natalibus secundum systema sexuale digestas. Editio quarta, post Reichardianam quinta, adjectis vegetabilibus hucusque cognitis curante Carolo Ludovico Willdenow
T. 2, p. 2. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
512 |
1799 |