Ur våra dagars Linnéforskning /
Otto Gertz |
Gertz, Otto D.,
1878-1948 |
3705 |
1924 |
När Linné reste till Dalarna |
Forsstrand, Carl,
1854-1928 |
4825 |
1907 |
Linné och lapparna /
av K. B. Wiklund. |
Wiklund, Karl Bernhard,
1868-1934. |
3075a |
1925 |
Letter from Linnaeus to Albrecht von Haller, Upsaliae, May 12, 1747. Exhibited to the Linnean Society of London by Robert Morton Middleton, April 21, 1904. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
2545 |
1904 |
In memoriam Caroli a Linné [15 foton som avbildar Linnés hem, porträtt, etc.] |
Schenson, Emma |
2733 |
1778 |
A general view of the writings of Linnæus, /
by Richard Pulteney. To which is annexed The diary of Linnæus, written by himself, and now translated into English, from the Swedish manuscript in the possession of the editor. |
Pulteney, Richard,
1730-1801 |
33b |
1805 |
Kaffedrycken :
(Potus coffeæ) : akademisk avhandling under Linnés presidium Uppsala 1761 /
övers. från latinet av Ejnar Haglund ; efterskrift och noter av Telemak Fredbärj. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
4180 |
1966 |
An unpublished letter from Linnaeus to James Lee, of the Vineyard, Hammersmith, Upsaliae, November 1776. With an English translation and notes by Richard Bowdler Sharpe |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
2548a |
1907 |
Caroli Linnæi systema naturæ. :
Regnum animale. Editio 10:ma, 1758, cura Societatis zoologicæ Germanicæ iterum edita. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
59 |
1894 |
The calendar of flora, Swedish and English. Made in the year 1755 |
Stillingfleet, Benjamin,
1702-1771 |
4458 |
1761 |
Joachimi Friderici Bolten medicinæ doctoris et physici Hambvrgensis ad illvstrem systematis natvræ avthorem Carolvm a Linné eqvitem avratvm Epistola de novo qvodam zoophytorvm genere. |
Bolten, Joachim Friedrich,
1718-1796 |
87 |
1770 |
Caroli Linnaei ... disqvisitio de qvaestione ab Academia Imperiali Scientiarvm Petropol. in annvm MDCCLIX. pro praemio proposita: sexum plantarum argumentis et experimentis nouis, praeter adhuc iam cognita, vel corroborare, vel impugnare, praemissa expositione historica et physica omnium plantae partium, quae aliquid ad foecundationem et perfectionem seminis et fructus conferre creduntur, ab eadem Academia die VI. Septembris MDCCLX. in conuentu publico praemio ornata. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
2115 |
1760 |
Om några herbarier i Uppsala från Linnés tid samt om botanices demonstratorn Eric Tuwén |
Juel, Hans Oscar,
1863-1931 |
913 |
1926 |
Linnaeus, Nuttall and Gray :
Dedication of marble busts erected in the Missouri botanical garden /
by Henry Shaw |
Shaw, Henry |
2798 |
1883 |
Letters on the elements of botany addressed to a lady /
by the celebrated J. J. Rousseau. Translated into English, with notes, and twenty-four additional letters, fully explaining the system of Linnaeus, by Thomas Martyn ... The third edition, with corrections and improvements. |
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques,
1712-1778 |
703 |
1791 |
A life of Linnaeus. By miss Brightwell, of Norwich. |
Brightwell, Cecilia Lucy,
1811-1875 |
2722 |
1858 |
Linnéo en España. :
Homenaje à Linneo en su segundo centenario 1707-1907. |
Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 Förberg, Elof, 1851-1923 |
2919 |
1907 |
C. Linnæi, Eqv. Delineatio plantæ, in usum auditorum |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
550 |
1758 |
Karl Linnéj - vydajuščijsja švedskij naturalist /
S. S. Stankov. |
Stankov, Sergej Sergeevič,
1892-1962 |
4952 |
1957 |
Museum Tessinianum, opera illustrissimi comitis, dom. Car. Gust. Tessin, regis regnique sviogothici senatoris ... collectum. Hans excellence, riks-rådets &c. herr gr. Carl Gust. Tessins naturalie-samling |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778 |
1081 |
1753 |