Versuch einer vollständigen Conchylien-Kenntniss nach Linnés System. |
SCHREIBERS, Carl Franz Anton von. |
1231 |
1793 |
The English entomologist, exhibiting all the coleopterous insects found in England. [With a general table in MS.] L.P. |
Martyn, Thomas,
1735-1825. |
1230b |
1792 |
Insektologische Terminologie, oder Grundbegriffe der Insektenlehre durch Beispiele und Beobachtungen, nach dem System des Ritters von Linné erläutert ... Mit Kupfern. |
SCHMIEDLEIN, Gottfried Benedict. |
1229a |
1789 |
Genera insectorum Linnæi et Fabricii iconibus illustrata. |
Römer, J. J.
1763-1819. |
1229 |
1789 |
The figures, description, and history of exotic animals comprised under the classes Amphibia and Pisces of Linnæus. No. 1 and 2. |
Botanist. |
1228 |
1788 |
The Aurelian's vade mecum, containing an English alphabetical and Linnæan systematical catalogue of plants, affording nourishment to butterflies, hawkmoths, and moths, in the state of caterpillar. With the Linnæan and ... English names of the insects. |
MARTIN, Matthew,
Esq. |
1227 |
1785 |
Museum Carlsonianum, in quo novas et selectas aves, coloribus ad vivum brevique descriptione illustratas exhibet Andreas Sparrman. |
Sparrman, Anders,
1748-1820. |
1227b |
ex Typographia Regia |
1786-1789 |
Ensayo de una historia de los peces y otras producciones marinas de la costa de Galícia, arreglado al sistema del caballero Cárlos Linneo. Con un tratado de las diversas pescas, y de las redes y aparejos con que se practican. |
1227c |
1788 |
Caroli lib. bar. de Geer ... Genera et species insectorum ex ... Auctoris scriptis extraxit digessit, Latine quoad partem reddidit, et terminologiam insectorum, Linneanam addidit A. J. Retzius. |
GEER, Carl de,
Baron. |
1225c |
1783 |
Dr. S.s abgekürzte Geschichte der Insecten nach dem Liñaeischen system. |
SULZER, Johann Heinrich,
M.D. |
1225 |
1776 |
A catalogue of the birds, beasts, fishes, insects, plants, &c. contained in Edwards's Natural history ... with their Latin names by Sir C. Linnæus. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
1224 |
J. Robson |
1776 |
Cimelia Physica. Figures of rare and curious quadrupeds, birds, &c., together with several of the most elegant plants, engraved and coloured by J. F. Miller: with descriptions by G. Shaw. |
Shaw, George,
1751-1813. |
1224b |
1796 |
Various subjects of natural history, wherein are delineated birds, animals and many curious plants ... A series of 43 plates, with descriptive letter-press. |
Miller, J. F.
1759-1796. |
1224a |
1776-82 |
An exposition of English Insects, etc.-Une exposition des insectes Anglois, etc. Eng. & Fr. |
Harris, Moses,
1730-approximately 1788. |
1224* |
1776 |
Inledning til djur-riket /
efter Carl von Linnés lärogrunder. Af Anders Jahan Retzius. |
Retzius, Anders Jåhan,
1742-1821. |
1223 |
på Nya Informations-Inrättningens bekostnad, hos Carl Stolpe |
1772 |
Dissertazioni sopra diversi fatti meno ovvj della storia naturale. (Dissertazione prima sopra un fenomeno volgarmente detto Fata Morgana, etc. - Dissertazione seconda su de'timpanetti dell'udito scoverti nel granchio Pagura e sulla bizzarra di lui vita, etc.). |
Minasi, Antonio,
1736-1806. |
1223* |
1773-75 |
Dissertatio inauguralis medica de verme Tænia dicto. |
BEDDEUS, Samuel Sigefriedus. |
1222b |
1767 |
Ichthyologia, cum Amphibiis Regni Borussici. Methodo Linneana disposita. |
WULFF, Joannes Christophorus. |
1222a |
1765 |
Die Kennzeichen der Insekten nach Anleitung des ... Ritters ... K. Linnaeus
durch XXIV Kupfertafeln erläutert, und mit derselben natürlichen Geschichte begleitet von J. H. Sulzer ... mit einer Vorrede des Herrn ... Johannes Gessners. |
Sulzer, J. H.
1735-1813. |
1221 |
Heidegger & Comp |
1761 |
Jacob Theodor Klein, ... Verbesserte und vollständigere Historie der Vögel, herausgegeben von G. Reyger, ... |
Klein, Jacob Theodor,
1685-1759. |
1219 |
bey Johann Christian Schuster |
1760 |