Curso elemental de botánica, téorico y práctico. |
and PALAU Y VERDERA (Antonio) |
587 |
1785 |
On the bite of serpents. |
ACREL, Johan Gustaf. |
2173 |
Febris Upsaliensis, quam ... progradu doctoris proposuit A. Boström ... Upsaliæ, 1757. Praes. C. Linnaeus. 1760. |
BOSTRÖM, Andreas,
Phil. Mag. |
1949 |
1760 |
Miscellaneous tracts relating to natural history, husbandry and physick, translated from the Latin [of the “Amœnitates academicæ' of C. L.] with notes by B. Stillingfleet, etc. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
1319 |
1759 |
The little English flora: or a botanical and popular account of all our common field flowers, etc. |
FRANCIS, George William. |
847a |
1839 |
Historical and biographical sketches of the progress of botany in England, from its origin to the introduction of the Linnæan system. Copious MS. notes. |
PULTENEY, Richard. |
738 |
1790 |
Darwin-Settegast, trasformisti, Linneo-Sanson, non trasformisti, e le leggi dell'ereditarietà ... con nuove ipotesi fisio-embriologiche ... sulla determinazione paterna e materna del sesso ... nell'uomo e negli animali. |
Boschetti, Federico. |
1248d |
1890 |
Illustrationes Theophrasti in usum botanicorum præcipue peregrinantium. (Catalogus alphabeticus plantarum Theophrasti.-Tabula systematica Linnaeana plantarum Theophrasti.-Lexicon Theophrasti.). |
F.L.S. |
798a |
1811 |
N. J. von J.'s Anleitung zur Pflanzenkenntniss nach Linné's Methode. |
Jacquin, Nikolaus Joseph,
Freiherr von,
1727-1817. |
699 |
1840 |
Prolepsis plantarum. |
FERBER, Johann Jacob. |
1328/9 |
1769 |
Linnéminnena i Upsala och på Hammarby. Vägvisare av Rutger Sernander och Arvid Hj. Uggla. [With illustrations.] |
SERNANDER, Rutger. |
4398 |
1937 |
Teutschlands phanerogamische Pflanzengattungen in analytischen Bestimmungstabellen nach dem natürlichen und linneischen Systeme. |
SPENNER, Friedrich Carl Leopold. |
844f |
1836 |
Flora Anglicana: seu arborum, fruticum, plantarum, et fructuum, tam indigenorum quam exoticorum, qui in pepinariis, viridariis, et hypocaustis Anglicis ... coluntur catalogus, etc. (The English flora, etc. - Floræ Anglicanæ supplementum, etc.) Lat. and Eng. MS. notes. |
WESTON, Richard,
Secretary to the Leicester Agricultural Society. |
675* |
1775-80 |
Obstacles to the improvement of physic. |
BEYERSTEN, Johannes Georgius. |
1644 |
The calendar of Flora, etc. |
BERGER, Alexander Mal. |
1904 |
A catalogue of the works of Linnæus and publications more immediately relating thereto preserved in the libraries of the British Museum, Bloomsbury, and the British Museum, Natural History, South Kensington. [With a preface by E. Ray Lankester.] |
Sir, Lankester, E. Ray 1847-1929. Linné, Carl von,... |
3676 |
1907 |
N. J. von J.'s Anleitung zur Pflanzenkenntniss nach Linné's Methode. |
Jacquin, Nikolaus Joseph,
Freiherr von,
1727-1817. |
4293 |
1785 |
Frutetum Svecicum ... Præs. C. Linnæo, etc. |
Virgander, David Magnus. |
1998 |
1769 |
Sistème de Linnæus sur la génération des plantes et leur fructification ... Mis en François par Helie. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
635a |
1750 |
Linneo, Darwin, Agassiz nella vita intima. Con ritratti e illustrazioni. |
LIOY, Paolo. |
4387 |
1904 |