N. J. de Necker ... Corollarium ad Philos. botanicam Linnæi spectans, etc. |
NECKER, Noel Joseph von. |
474 |
1790 |
Resp. Surinamensia Grilliana. |
SUNDIUS, Petrus. |
1489 |
Icones plantarum medicinalium. Centuria 1 (-6.) Abbildungen von Arzneygewächsen. [With descriptions by J. Zorn.] Zweyte Auflage. Lat. and Germ. |
ZORN, Johann. |
986 |
1784-90 |
Carl von Linnés betydelse såsom naturforskare och läkare. Skildringar utgifna ... i anledning af tvåhundraårsdagen af Linnés födelse. |
Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778. |
2923 |
1907 |
The entomologist's useful compendium; or, an introduction to the knowledge of British insects. |
Samouelle, George. |
160 |
1819 |
A general view of the writings of Linnæus. |
PULTENEY, Richard. |
1274 |
1781 |
C. Linnæi ... Oratio de telluris habitabilis incremento et C. A. Celsii ... Oratio de mutationibus generalioribus quæ in superficie corporum cœlestium contingunt. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
1377 |
1744 |
Fasciculus dissertationum medicarum quarum I. De tunica choroidea, auctore L. H. II. De febrium intermittentium causa, auctore C. Linnæo. III. De naturali fœtus in utero materno situ, auctore J. Onymos. IV. De caussa vices cordis alternas producente. |
HEISTER, Lorenz. |
1337 |
1745 |
Holland (1859). Några drag till en kulturbild. |
of Stockholm. |
2727a |
1860 |
Hortus Breiterianus: oder Verzeichniss aller derjenigen Gewächse, welche im Breiterschen botanischen Garten zu Leipzig gezogen ... werden, nebst einem Theil der in Deutschland einheimischen Pflanzen nach ihren systematischen Namen und Synonymen, einer Erklärung der Linnéischen Systems und geographischen und literarischen Nachweisungen, etc. |
BREITER, Christian August. |
807 |
1817 |
Memorials of Linnæus: a collection of portraits, manuscripts, specimens, and books exhibited to commemorate the bicentenary of his birth. |
RENDLE, Alfred Barton,
Keeper of the Department of Botany, British Museum. |
2876 |
1907 |
A short and easy introduction to scientific and philosophic Botany. Copious MS. notes. |
Saunders, Samuel
(Botanist) |
748 |
1792 |
An epitome of Lamarck's arrangement of Testacea: being a free translation of that part of his work, De l'histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertèbres. With illustrative observations, and comparative and synoptic tables of the systems of Linnæus and Lamarck. By C. Dubois. |
Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet de,
1744-1829. |
165 |
1824 |
C. Linnæi ... Philosophia botanica, in qua explicantur fundamenta botanica cum definitionibus partium, etc. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
443 |
1763 |
The figures, description, and history of exotic animals comprised under the classes Amphibia and Pisces of Linnæus. No. 1 and 2. |
Botanist. |
1228 |
1788 |
Materia vegetabilis, systemati plantarum, præsertim philosophiæ botanicæ, inserviens. |
PEREBOOM, Nicolaas Ewoud. |
721a |
1787, 88. |
Specimen academicum, sistens miracula insectorum. Praes. C. Linnaeus. |
Avelin, Gabriel Emanuel. |
1728 |
The universal herbal; or, botanical, medical, and agricultural dictionary containing an account of all the known plants in the world arranged according to the Linnæan system, etc. [With plates.] |
GREEN, Thomas,
Botanist. |
814 |
1820 |
D. Vandelli ... Viridarium Grisley Lusitanicum, Linnaeanis nominibus illustratum. |
GRISLEY, Gabriel. |
731a |
Eden, or a compleat body of gardening ... compiled and digested from the papers of the late Mr. Hale, by the authors of the Compleat Body of Husbandry [or rather by John Hill, with 60 coloured plates of plants], etc. |
HALE, Thomas,
Writer on Gardening. |
637d |
1757 |