Clariss. Linnæi, M.D. methodus plantarum sexualis in sistemate naturæ descripta. [A plate.] |
Ehret, Georg Dionysius,
1708-1770. |
39 |
1736 |
On corals. |
FOUGT, Henricus. |
1323/12 |
Caroli à Linné ... et O. Schwarz Methodus muscorum illustrata. |
SCHWARZ, Olof. |
3834a |
Flora Britannica indigena: or plates of the indigenous plants of Great Britain. |
Botanist. |
145d |
1778 |
Flora Hibernica, comprising the flowering plants, ferns, characeæ, musci, lichenes and algæ of Ireland, arranged according to the natural system, with a synopsis of the genera according to the Linnæan system. |
MACKAY, James Townsend. |
844e |
1836 |
Botanicus universalis et hortulanus exhibens descriptiones specierum et varietatum arborum, fruticum, herbarum, florum, et fructuum, indigenorum et exoticorum, per totum orbem, seu cultivorum in hortis et viridariis Europæis, sive descriptorum botanicis hodiernis, secundum systema sexuale Linnæi digestoru, cum nominibus anglice redditis. (The Universal Botanist and Nurseryman, etc.). |
WESTON, Richard,
Secretary to the Leicester Agricultural Society. |
656 |
1770-77 |
The families of plants, with their natural characters according to the number, figure, situation, and proportion of all the parts of fructification. Translated [by Erasmus Darwin] from the last edition (as published by Dr Reichard) of the Genera plantarum and of the Mantissæ plantarum of the elder L., and from the Supplementum plantarum of the younger Linneus, with all the new families of plants from Thunberg and L'Heritier. By a Botanical Society at Lichfield. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
3838 |
1787 |
Flore des environs de Paris; ou, distribution méthodique des plantes qui y croissent naturellement, executée d'après le systême de Linnæus, etc. |
742b |
1790 |
Flora Anglica, etc. |
HUDSON, William,
F.R.S. |
643d |
1798 |
Botanical illustrations of the twenty four classes in the Linnæan System of vegetables, by select specimens of English plants. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
582 |
1813 |
J. J. Plenk ... Elementa terminologiae botanicae ac systematis sexualis plantarum. |
PLENCK, Joseph Jacob von. |
759 |
1796 |
Catalogue of the species contained in the genus Buprestis of Linneus, previous to its subdivision by Eschscholtz in 1829, referring each to its present genus. |
Saunders, Edward,
1848-1910. |
1246a |
1870 |
Flora Britannica indigena: or plates of the indigenous plants of Great Britain. |
Botanist. |
3130 |
1778 |
Poems on conchology and botany. With plates and notes. |
HOARE, Sarah. |
166c |
1831 |
Voyage de Mons. Olof Torée ... fait à Surate, à la Chine &c. depuis le premier avril 1750. jusqu'au 26. juin 1752., publié par M. Linnaeus, & traduit ... par M. Dominique de Blackford. |
Torén, Olof,
1718-1753. |
3602 |
1771 |
Præs. Decades binae thesium medicarum (contra C. Linnaeum), etc. |
Wallerius, Johan Gottschalk,
1709-1785. |
991 |
1792.] |
Dizionario Botanico Italiano, che comprende i nomi volgari italiani, specialmente toscani, e vernacoli delle piante, raccolti da diversi autori e dalla gente di campagna, col corrispondente Latino Linneano. |
Targioni Tozzetti, Ottaviano,
1755-1829. |
34j |
1825 |
Linnaeana, in Nederland aanwezig. Tentoongesteld op 10 Januari 1878 in het Koninklijk Zoölogisch Genootschap “Natura Artis Magistra,” etc. [A catalogue.] |
Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778. |
2765 |
1878 |
A grammar of botany containing an explanation of the system of Linnæus, and the terms of botany, with botanical exercises. |
THORNTON, Robert John. |
799 |
1811 |
Dubia ... ex C. Linnæi Fundamentis botanicis hausta tradere pergit ... T. E. V. H. |
HALLER, Gottlieb Emanuel von,
Baron. |
267 |
1751 |