Elements of conchology, according to the Linnæan system, etc. |
BURROW, Edward John,
D.D., F.R.S. |
158a |
The Author |
1815 |
Elements of conchology, according to the Linnæan system, etc. |
BURROW, Edward John,
D.D., F.R.S. |
158b |
Ogles, Duncan & Cochran |
1818 |
Thesaurus Zeylanicus, exhibens plantas in insula Zeylana nascentes, etc. (Catalogi duo plantarum Africanarum, etc.) [With a portrait.] MS. notes. |
BURMANNUS, Joannes. |
3952 |
1737 |
Dissertatio medica, de Acetariis, etc. Praes. C. Linnaeus. |
BURG, Hieronymus von der. |
1927 |
1759 |
Dissertatio medica, de Acetariis, etc. Praes. C. Linnaeus. |
BURG, Hieronymus von der. |
1326/6 |
1766 |
[Dissertatio medica de Acetariis.] Om salladsväxter ... Akademisk avhandling under Linnés præsidium ... Översatt ... av Ejnar Haglund. Noter och efterskrift av Telemak Fredbärj. |
BURG, Hieronymus von der. |
4160 |
1958 |
Dissertatio medica, de Acetariis, etc. Praes. C. Linnaeus. |
BURG, Hieronymus von der. |
1929 |
1766 |
Epistola ad ... Godofredum Guilielmum Leibnitium ... qua characterem plantarum naturalem nec a radicibus, nec ab aliis plantarum partibus minus essentialibus ... peti posse ostendit, simulque in comparationem plantarum, quam partes earum genitales suppeditant paucis inquirit I. H. Burckhard ... Cum Laurentii Heisteri præfatione, qua de origine methodi placitarum hujusque inventoribus, de methodis ipsis earumque veris auctoribus agit, & deinde quod auctor huius epistolæ inventor sit methodi sexualis, etc. [With a portrait.] |
BURCKHARD, Johannes Henricus. |
635aa |
1750 |
Nomenclator Linnæanus floræ Pedemontanæ. [Edited by Johann Brugnonus.] |
BUNIVA, Michele Francesco. |
733b |
1790 |
Flora Parisiensis, ou Descriptions et figures des plantes qui croissent aux environs de Paris ... rangés suivant la méthode sexuelle de M. Linné; leurs ... propriétés, vertus et doses d'usage en médecine. |
BULLIARD, Pierre. |
675aa |
1776-83 |
A dictionary of the ornamental trees, shrubs, and plants, most commonly cultivated in the plantations, gardens, and stoves, of Great-Britain, etc. |
BRYANT, Charles
(Naturalist) |
733a |
Printed for the Author |
1790 |
Flora diætetica; or History of esculent plants, both domestic and foreign, etc. |
BRYANT, Charles
(Naturalist) |
690 |
B. White |
1783 |
A catalogue of plants, botanically arranged according to the system of Linnæus, most of which are cultivated and sold by John Brunton and Co., etc. |
676a |
Robert Martin |
1777 |
The civil and natural history of Jamaica. |
BROWNE, Patrick,
M.D. |
636 |
Printed for the Author |
1756 |
The civil and natural history of Jamaica :
... there are now added complete Linnaean indexes and a large and accurate map of the island. |
BROWNE, Patrick,
M.D. |
637 |
London |
1789 |
Examen epicriseos in systema plantarum sexuale Cl. Linnæi, anno 1737. Petropoli evulgatæ, auctore Jo. Georgio Siegesbeck. |
Bishop of Åbo. |
624 |
Apud Cornelium Haak |
1743 |
Discursus de introducenda in scholas et gymnasia præcipue vero in Gymnasium Arosiense historiæ naturalis lectione. |
Bishop of Åbo. |
4465 |
1737.] |
Enchiridion botanicum; complectens characteres genericos et specificos plantarum per insulas Britannicas sponte nascentium, ex Linnæo aliisque desumptos. |
BROUGHTON, Arthur. |
684a |
G. Robinson |
1782 |
An introduction to the study of conchology: including observations on the Linnæan genera, and on the arrangement of M. Lamarck, etc. |
BROOKES, Samuel,
F.L.S. |
158d |
J. & A. Arch |
1815 |
S. Brookes's ... Anleitung zu dem Studium der Conchylienlehre ... Bevorwortet und mit einer Tafel über die Anatomie der Flussmuschel vermehrt von Dr. C. Gust. Carus. |
BROOKES, Samuel,
F.L.S. |
158e |
1823 |